Your favourite super-white indie bands

They're also amazing for being indie one-hit wonders. Which seems like it should be impossible, but it happens all the time.
Time for a little update. Here is the whiteness that I've been getting during the last few months.

First up, the latest Patrick Wolf album, Lupercalia, which is fabulous. And I mean that in every sense of the word. He's managed to tone down the ridiculous bombast, and he's writing happy songs, like House and The City

There was also a new Malajube album, and it's great. Not as dark or as rock as their last, maybe not quite as poppy as the one before, but it's distinctly theirs.

And some stuff that I had to upload myself, from the new Warped 45s album. I'm still not 100% sold on their sound, but I do like a lot of their songs. Here are a couple of the songs I uploaded: Widow's Well, and Hurdle River Crossing (probably my favourite on the album).

In the same vein, I uploaded a song from Lindi Ortega's latest album, Little Red Boots. Bluebird.

I also uploaded some songs from the new Battles album, but Warp Records and Youtube hit me with a double-team of dumb shit and removed them. The album is wonderful, though, so I'll post this video of white boys getting their esoteric groove on (yes, they're doing fine without their singer and frontman):

And there's also a new band called Austra that has been making waves. Their debut is quite nice:

I'm also mostly enjoying IceAge's album. It's got some good stuff, but I usually have to be in the right mood for punk (or post-punk, whatever) or it doesn't work well. Even punk bands from Denmark. My top 3 songs from the album right now are Total Drench, Collapse, and You're Blessed:

Anything else? New Arctic Monkeys is alright, new Fleet Foxes is alright.
With all the talk I've been hearing about Iceage lately (Hard to believe they're NOT British lol) I thought I ought to mention Women. There's something about their arrangement that reminds me of them.

And page ty for your update man.
Time to post about some of the whitest ladies out there who still manage to rock out when they get the chance. None of this singer/songwriter crap, either. Real rock bands.

First up will be the acknowledged queens of white women rock, Sleater-Kinney. Their last album, The Woods, was one of the best rock albums of the last decade.

While they are fairly well known for songs like Jumpers:

The managed to put in a sweet little 11 minute epic:

And neat little tunes like this:

Since I'm not at the videos-per-post limit, I'll add this one:

And this:

<3 Sleater-Kinney. Wish I could have seen them live.