Your favourite super-white indie bands

Dude you know there ain't more than like 5 of them that aren't hideous like they just got out of a mad scientist's lab and could only find clothes in a strip club's dumpster. Sixty-five my ass.

Anyway, here's some Holy Fuck. These fine white boys be making the hot live electronic jams using mixing tables with a live drummer and bass. Pointless tinkering is whiteness at its very finest.
It's all about technique, not looks. Looks are for girlfriends. The idea is to have your girlfriend be like a porn star or dump her immediately if she fails the test.
I only have 65 listed in alphabetical order. I don't see what kind of assumptions people will possibly make.

Tack Zoe Voss somewhere near the end there for me.

Camera Obscura is oldschool, and Let's Get Out of This Country is their best album by far. My Maudlin Career tried to be the same thing, but failed. I still love them, though..

I really liked My Maudlin Career, but then again I couldn't hate anything about an album with such a witty name. Honey in the Sun was damned catchy though.

I know they might be old school but in this sort of "genre" you can miss something good even if it's been out a long time. Thought I'd pitch it to you just in case but you really seem to know your shit.

Know any new groups like Pleasure Forever? I've been looking for a surrogate for years with no luck.

King Cobra in The Guts of Valhalla
Draws an 8
Pleasure Forever remind me a little of Islands, and their predecessor The Unicorns. More Islands, though; the Unicorns comparison is just that the singers sound alike. And it's just a reminder, they're not the same, and neither of them have the same undertones, and they depend on violins more than pianos.

Other bands that are along slightly similar lines, at least in tone, might be Brasstronaut, and if you want to get out there, Malajube's last album morphed their dark pop with some prog-rock stuff. But they're French, and all their songs are French as well. If I think of any others, I'll let you know.

Vints, if you're going to be grading any porn on style you may as well be grading directors.
page you had me at "fine white boys". music sucked, though. nor were they actually fine.

does portishead count as indie white people music? what about mazzy star?
You don't go for the sweaty skinny white kids? Couldn't expect everyone to like the music. If you did, you'd probably love them. I know my sister swears she would suck off Isaac Brock, the lead singer of Modest Mouse, even though she admits he's fat and pasty. She just loves his music.

Mazzy Star and Portishead count well enough.

So, which pasty white indie rockers do you find attractive? Julian Casablancas? The guys in Tokyo Police Club (not even sure they're legal in this video, it was a while ago)? Maybe you like them large and full-bearded, like Sam Beam? Or perhaps you like them touchy-feely and Christian, like Sufjan Stevens, or the rugged good looks of Jason Collett?

Thom Yorke will always be the hottest dude for me.

There are a few rather famous (in their own way) local gay artists that are pretty awesome. Most well known is Owen Pallett, who used to call himself Final Fantasy. He's known for doing the string arrangements for half the indie bands in Canada and the US, as well as having a pretty sweet live show, where he accompanies himself with his violin. When he won the Polaris music prize a few years back he used the cash award to pay off his boyfriend's student loans. The other one I'm a fan of is The Hidden Cameras, and their lead singer describes their sound as "gay church music." They're only really good live, though.

There's also Tegan and Sara, who I am a die-hard fan of. They bitch all the time about only getting press for being lesbian twins, but I could listen to their music all day, every day. <3
Pleasure Forever remind me a little of Islands, and their predecessor The Unicorns. More Islands, though; the Unicorns comparison is just that the singers sound alike. And it's just a reminder, they're not the same, and neither of them have the same undertones, and they depend on violins more than pianos.

Other bands that are along slightly similar lines, at least in tone, might be Brasstronaut, and if you want to get out there, Malajube's last album morphed their dark pop with some prog-rock stuff. But they're French, and all their songs are French as well. If I think of any others, I'll let you know.

Vints, if you're going to be grading any porn on style you may as well be grading directors.

I know Islands and The Unicorns by heart and in my mind at least they have nothing in common with Pleasure forever. Could be their light hearted and quirky tone though. I like Malajube but they share musical sensibilities more in line with Blonde Redhead than Pleasure forever imo. (even though their singer is nothing alike, I mean in musicality. Could be because the brothers are French.) I know what you were thinking with the jazzy elements and the appearances of piano though. But they never get as acidic as PF did. I've never heard of Brasstronaut so I'll check them out. And thanks man.

After hearing old world lies I realise I've heard of them before. They're not quite what I'm looking for. Too sleepy.

Not that sleepy slow music is necessarily bad:
But they're not going to serve as a PF substitute.

page you had me at "fine white boys". music sucked, though. nor were they actually fine.

does portishead count as indie white people music? what about mazzy star?

They certainly do Lobo, they were the alternative of their era. But that's not why I'm posting.

Lobo, Lobo I think I have the band for you. Say hello to Hunx and his Punx:

You may or may not hate their music, I dunno. But their performance outfits immediately sprang to mind as something you'd like.
I've never heard Malajube compared to Blonde Redhead. That's interesting.

Tokyo Police Club's last album was actually good. Their first ep was amazing, their first lp was alright, but now they seem to have hit their groove. Bambi is one of the best things they've ever done.

On the opposite end of the scale, The Most Serene Republic put out one fantastic debut, Underwater Cinematographer, but every album after that has been progressively less interesting.

A while back I actually made a pair of mixtapes exploring Canadian music. They're far from complete, since I burnt the cds and had to keep them both to 80 minutes, but I think they do a decent job of showing of local talent from across the country. If anyone's interested, here's the one for Western Canada, here's the one for Eastern Canada. I made sure to get bands from every province.
Arcade Fire are good. They're mostly responsible for Canada's place in the music scene over the last decade, and for all the attention Montreal bands get.

If you liked The Suburbs, listen to Funeral. It's the album that started everything, and is way, way better. Made it onto just about every best of the 2000s list, and for good reason.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with the whiteness that is Ratatat.

But did you know that they occasionally mix their whiteness with some epic blackness?

Well, allow me to demonstrate.

And let's not forget the ladies. Neko Case is awesome, Jenny Lewis is wonderful, and who doesn't love Cat Power, Bat for Lashes, or Feist? (I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't at least mention Karen Ann, Florence and the Machine, Lykke Li, and Joanna Newsom, but that's more than enough for a single post.)

It's nice to see the Watson twins with her, I'd heard their "solo" work, the partnership makes a lot of sense. Didn't know she did an album sans Rilo Kiley but I'd always gotten the sense she was wrestling with the rest of the group to take things in a traditionally western direction. Maaan you reminded me of Neko Case. You know I used to listen to her quite a bit a long time ago but I just forgot she existed entirely. My personal favorite from her is probably Deep Red Bells. And Karen Ann, never heard of her. She's fantastic. Thanks. Who doesn't love Feist? Also, Bat for Lashes, nice. you have good taste. I really love the origin of bat for lashes, she was working in healthcare, she dreamed of a song and she couldn't forget it so she went out and got an eduction in music just to make that song a reality. That dedication is wonderful, a lot of people would have let it be and continued their average lives. Anytime I hyperlinked a band you already had, I've made a recommendation of my personal favorites from them. You made a lot of recommendations man, took me a while to listen to them all but it was enjoyable.

If I may make a sugesstion, or two how about the medieval slash western stylings of Fleet Foxes?
The smoky rock of the Duke Spirit?
Whistle along with the French electronica of Air?
Like the 80's? Try some Ladyhawke.
Or how about getting in before the impending break into the main stream of Anya Marina?

What do you think of Arcade Fire? Someone recommended them to me and their Suburbs album has some nice songs.
Arcade Fire's good. If you like them, check out Wolf Parade who are a lot like Arcade Fire with a David Bowie style warbler as front man.
Wolf Parade get compared to Modest Mouse more, I think. Especially for their first album, which was released when Modest Mouse was getting their first real radio play and Wolf Parade was just the next big thing coming out of Montreal.

They're really good. Apologies to the Queen Mary is one of the best albums of the 2000s, for sure, and an amazing debut.

I got burnt out on Fleet Foxes when they were popular. It was a good album, but it didn't stand out enough for me, felt overrated at the time. They're still good, though.

Deep Red Bells is a fantastic song. Blacklisted is a wonderful Neko Case album to start with. It also has I Wish I Was the Moon, which is a great pop song. Those were the 2 songs I'd use to get people into her, that or her fantastic stuff with the New Pornographers.

The Execution of All Things is an album that captures moods for me. I put it on whenever I want to go for a walk and feel good about life. Spectacular Views is my favourite on that album. Jenny Lewis is a wonderful lyricist who can tell stories with brevity and wit, but can also pander when she wants to write a pop song. Rilo Kiley are a very hit-or-miss band otherwise.

I'm also an unapologetic Tegan and Sara and fanboy. Can't explain it; I just love them, and each album from So Jealous has been better than the last.

As long as we're on the subject of female singers, I'm consistently boggled by Land of Talk's relative obscurity. They're so damn good. And they put out one of the best videos of 2010:

(Most of Land of Talk's Youtube videos are terrible quality. I know what I'm going to do tomorrow afternoon.)

Hadn't heard Anya Marina before. I'll keep a ear up for her stuff.
Wolf Parade get compared to Modest Mouse more, I think. Especially for their first album, which was released when Modest Mouse was getting their first real radio play and Wolf Parade was just the next big thing coming out of Montreal.

They're really good. Apologies to the Queen Mary is one of the best albums of the 2000s, for sure, and an amazing debut.

I got burnt out on Fleet Foxes when they were popular. It was a good album, but it didn't stand out enough for me, felt overrated at the time. They're still good, though.

Deep Red Bells is a fantastic song. Blacklisted is a wonderful Neko Case album to start with. It also has I Wish I Was the Moon, which is a great pop song. Those were the 2 songs I'd use to get people into her, that or her fantastic stuff with the New Pornographers.

The Execution of All Things is an album that captures moods for me. I put it on whenever I want to go for a walk and feel good about life. Spectacular Views is my favourite on that album. Jenny Lewis is a wonderful lyricist who can tell stories with brevity and wit, but can also pander when she wants to write a pop song. Rilo Kiley are a very hit-or-miss band otherwise.

I'm also an unapologetic Tegan and Sara and fanboy. Can't explain it; I just love them, and each album from So Jealous has been better than the last.

As long as we're on the subject of female singers, I'm consistently boggled by Land of Talk's relative obscurity. They're so damn good. And they put out one of the best videos of 2010:

(Most of Land of Talk's Youtube videos are terrible quality. I know what I'm going to do tomorrow afternoon.)

Hadn't heard Anya Marina before. I'll keep a look out for her stuff.

Haha, there's nothing wrong with that. Man you have no idea how much Teagan and Sara I listened to when So Jealous came out. If I had a favorite from that album it would definitely be You Wouldn't Like Me. That takes me back, I used to have them on my Original Xbox, playing DOA Beach volleyball with them on the daytime mix. I haven't paid them attention in recent years. It's not that I stopped liking them. I was just listening to new things, doing other things and seeing my musical aficionado friends less and less. What's more my friend Nick who gave them to me in the first place moved onto spooksurf and psychobilly. I'll have to check out the back log since then. Pick me out some selections my good man and I'll give them a listen/ pop them onto the zune from rhapsody.

As for Land of Talk. I heard them a long time ago too, maybe it was 2006 or 2007. I dismissed them as a Rilo Kiley clone. Though at that time I was more interested in edgier stuff like what The Kills, Yeah Yeah Yeahs or QOTSA were putting out so it probably effected my patience some. Sudder Creek was also kind of saturating the market with a similar sound too. However, people kept recommending them to me and I learned they were quite good in their own right but I'm still not too familiar with them. I even have an album of theirs somewhere around here, that I didn't listen to that much. There was a song on it that made me quite depressed. That's not a bad thing in it's own time though. The walkmen and Beachhouse often have that effect on me and I strangely like it. But it might have been the wrong time for that then. If you recommend me a cross section I'll give it a listen.

As for Wolf Parade I couldn't agree more and I'm glad you like them. I started listening to them pretty early on but it wasn't through my own doing really. A hipster dude on a gaming forum recommended them to my brother and he brought them to me. At that time they didn't even have a label, the band was selling their album through a record store in Montreal and we had to work out a deal with one of his Canadian forumers to get us copies. It's got some alternative versions of songs that would show up on Apologies to the Queen Mary and some songs they completely abandoned like "Wits or a dagger" (The image pictured was not the art for the CD, that art was something similar to queen mary's but using a different configuration of geometric shapes). But it's for the better, their sound got cleaner and better for the most part though their singer warbled more wildly in those days. It's a cool little musical relic all the same.

I shouldn't really visit this thread though. I wind up spending the whole day listening to music lol. Happy to give you Anya Marina man and thank you for Karen Ann. Putting her under my hat for now.
Thought I'd take a second to make a quick nod to Warpaint. I'd forgotten to mention them so far and they're all over youtube for the cochella pimpage.

Been enjoying Warpaint ever since Undertow. Fun stuff.

I have that a Wolf Parade ep somewhere. Got it while waiting for Queen Mary to drop. Pretty sure it's this one, but I'd have to dig through my old cds to find it.

For Tegan and Sara, I'd say get their last 2 albums, The Con and Sainthood. They're both good, but they're also very different from So Jealous. They've also been doing more stuff on the side, like covers, and they did vocals for a song on the last Tiesto album, and even doing backing vocals for a rap song.