Your opinions on Soul Gauge

Should Soul Gauge be continued for the next game?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 96.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
i love it but i dont think its perfect yet... i think the system benefits the wron gpeople at (such as amy, soph etc.) rather than others who you expect to have a better sg game (such as asta)
I meant what people do you play as in players. It wasn't really meant as a question so much as how can you never get a soul crush yet everyone else can.

japanese people. lol. i don't see how where you come from has anything to do with it.

my question to you then is "how are you getting cf's and yet everyone i've played against (japanese, chinese, philipino, or otherwise), ever since the 1.03 patch, hasn't gotten shit on either end?" i literally haven't seen a cf in months. honestly, it's not like i play against bad competition; quite the contrary, really.
if i play 100 matches in a week, ill see about 10 CF's. Some people just plain ol dont have the "CF game" in mind when they play. Such as myself for example. I play maxi and his CF game isnt all that great imo, so i focus on other tactics to win. While other characters that have a good CF game such as yun, might be more CF focused. So it comes down to the individual player I think.
i'd say by the looks of that poll, soul gauge isn't coming back next game.
lol. its fine, the system is fine, imo.
japanese people. lol. i don't see how where you come from has anything to do with it.

my question to you then is "how are you getting cf's and yet everyone i've played against (japanese, chinese, philipino, or otherwise), ever since the 1.03 patch, hasn't gotten shit on either end?" i literally haven't seen a cf in months. honestly, it's not like i play against bad competition; quite the contrary, really.

Sorry my comment seems to kind of come of as an asshole. It just seems like you are the only person who has trouble getting CFs, but then again depending on whether you play online probably affects it. If you really want a CF you should play me I am the ultimate turtle.
i literally haven't seen a cf in months. honestly, it's not like i play against bad competition; quite the contrary, really.

Honestly, Sophie is a CF powerhouse. It's really easy for her to devastate the gauge, even after the patch. 4B, 22A, 4B+K, 22B, 66B, 4A, A+B Auto-GI... she has a ton of ways to lock down/Pressure/AND destroy the gauge. She can also do more esotoric stuff like 1A and 11A, the former is threatening because even though it's really easy to see, the enemy has to decied wheater to attempt to block the 2nd hit or not. And 11A is safe and + on hit, AND has a 2nd hit, so it's no big thing to her if it's blocked. I pretty frequently get CFs when I play as Sophie, and at worst, I will have the enemy flashing at some point. Sophie's big failing as a "top tier" is the lack of a super strong low like her old 1K in SC3 or 2K in SC2, which is why 66A+G exists. But I guess that's neither here or there.

I love the soul gauge, though not as much as soul charge since soul charge (SC2 speaking) benefited more of the cast then soul gauge does. Voldo (most obvious) and a few others either need to be REALLY unsafe on thier CF moves, or the CF damage needs to be less. It makes no sense for Voldo 3BB to be safe, high damage, AND high soul gauge damage, when Rock (in general!) is unsafe, low damage, AND no soul gauge damage. (JF PT excluded, since that's an i30000000000 move with no range.)

I really think Sophie is a good blueprint for characters that do lots of soul gauge damage- she lacks really strong mixups, but she does a ton of soul gauge damage. Fair trade off.
Sorry my comment seems to kind of come of as an asshole. It just seems like you are the only person who has trouble getting CFs, but then again depending on whether you play online probably affects it. If you really want a CF you should play me I am the ultimate turtle.

i may have trouble getting cf's, but apparently so does my competition.
I'm with tribaL on the whole Pre Patch Soul Gauge. Hopefully, if SC5 is in the thoughts of Namco, they would balance out the soul gauge.
Hobestly, Its not a bad idea. It keeps SC from being a block fest.

I would like to see the GI changed up a little though. Unless I'm wrong it seems that EVERYTHING is GI'able. The issue is where high's and mids are one notation and lows are another. I have yet to see anything were a player is compeletly GI'ing everything but its a possibility. (please correct me if I'm wrong)

But I would love to see another command for high GI's so that you would have to know whats coming at you for you to GI.
Sorry my comment seems to kind of come of as an asshole. It just seems like you are the only person who has trouble getting CFs, but then again depending on whether you play online probably affects it. If you really want a CF you should play me I am the ultimate turtle.

oh btw, and apology accepted.

if anything, what i'm trying to say is exactly what crow said in that most characters will never cf you, period. like i said before: i've played against a ton of sieg's, but i've never had one actually sc me. i'd think by now i would have seen one.
if anything, what i'm trying to say is exactly what crow said in that most characters will never cf you, period. like i said before: i've played against a ton of sieg's, but i've never had one actually sc me. i'd think by now i would have seen one.

I'd say that that's a character balance issue as opposed to a change to the system itself. The only thing the patch did AFAIK was just made a few select moves for certain characters require more hits.

I really like the Soul Gauge system, but it's another area where character balance could always be a little tighter. I agree with the balance basis of what crow is getting at, with characters being good in certain areas (damage, mixups, safety, RO, CF) but not so well in others.
Love the soul gauge, but I think it could be a little bit more balanced by considering the other strengths/weaknesses of a character; I.e. Voldo doesn't necessarily need such great soul damage since he excels at so many other things (damage, mix-up, safety, punish). On the other hand, someone like Tira who is very lacking (range, damage, ringout) should not have such a crummy soul game.

Quoted for being abso-fucking-lutely right.

Let's face it, you can't really balance every character perfectly. There are just too many variables and some characters are just going to end up with more going for them, and by contrast there are going to be characters who are lacking a bit.

The soul gauge system could be a beautiful way for the creators to balance out the characters who, after their move lists and frame data is all programmed in and set in stone, are a little ahead or behind the curve. Rock has less range and a worse ring-out/throw game than Astaroth? Give Rock better soul gauge damage, etc.

Seriously though, where do they get off giving a character like Voldo,who is more or less in arguably in the top five, hell, even the top three characters, the best soul gauge game ontop of everything else he has going for him?

It's a great start but I think they need to rework the whole balance thing a little for V, or maybe even wait a little bit and balance it out in a patch eventually when tiers are a little more clearly established.
It seems like a moot point though if Voldo can finish you off before ever even scratching that green bubble of yours.

The Soul Gauge system is good, but I don't know how much of a role it would do as a balancing tool. If you up a character's SG ability to the point that it becomes a significant threat, I have a feeling you'll be hearing a lot of "foul" from a lot of players.
oh btw, and apology accepted.

if anything, what i'm trying to say is exactly what crow said in that most characters will never cf you, period. like i said before: i've played against a ton of sieg's, but i've never had one actually sc me. i'd think by now i would have seen one.

I think it's been said but that's probably mostly due to playing online (harder to consistently block due to delay) and the current imbalance in the system character wise. It's a great system, just poorly balanced.

As an example, playing Voldo I'd say I average, generally, a critical finish every 10-15 rounds or so (without even specifically trying to get one). Not 10-15 matches, 10-15 rounds.

By that same token, I've only *been* critical finished twice and I think I've only been soul crushed 4 or 5 times.

Definite imbalance in what is, conceptually, a beautiful system.
The Soul Gauge system is good, but I don't know how much of a role it would do as a balancing tool. If you up a character's SG ability to the point that it becomes a significant threat, I have a feeling you'll be hearing a lot of "foul" from a lot of players.

If those players can be perfectly fine with Hilde ROing you with her first combo on a medium-sized stage, then those players can shut up, adapt, and deal with the possibility of a threatening CF character too.

CF still happen with blocked moves stretched across several rounds and you can always replenish your Soul Gauge a little by good GIing. I don't see how CFs would qualify as bullshit, but ROs, with air-control being such a non-factor in most SC4 juggles, are somehow fine and dandy.
E.C.: Hm, thats a really good point about Ring Outs and Hilde's specialty. It can definitely be considered the same thing as a Soul Crush character.

I suppose it just needs to be handled carefully if they are going to implement a Soul Crush character. Ring Outs involves the environment which can be altered while you can CF anywhere. I also get the impression that people generally don't like RO games as well, judging from the amount of times I get taken to the "chapel" and "Egypt" stage, as well as the shipyard usually being regarded as a neutral area.
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