Tournament Ruleset

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  • There are varying accepted rules for Soulcalibur VI; depending on which community you are a participating in, you may have to adjust your playstyle. This article outlines the basic rulesets you will see within the Soulcalibur community. Also remember that many of these rules are subject to change and no community is forced to adhere strictly to these rules; each community is free to run their own individual ruleset.​

    Official Ruleset​

    • Console: Sony PLAYSTATION4 or Adequately powered PC
    A large portion of our community plays on a controller, and the Xbox controller is just not suited well for fighting games. However, players should be ready for either console. Events should tell you in advance in their announcement thread on which console it will take place.​

    • Brackets: Double Elimination
    Players are guaranteed two matches and are out after two losses. There are some events which will do "pools" before the elimination brackets. This is often due to the large number of players in the event, and it would be impossible to run a double elimination bracket of that size.​

    • Seeding: Location Based
    Most organizers will attempt to seed players in the bracket by location; this way, players who came as a group will have a lower chance of playing each other early. Some tournaments will also seed previous podium placers in order to prevent them from playing each other early in the event.​

    • Set Construction:
    - 2 out of 3 matches in preliminary sets​
    - 3 out of 5 matches in finals sets​

    • Match Construction:
    - 60 second time limit in all matches​
    - 100% health and soul gauge​

    • Character Select:
    - Create-a-Soul characters are banned​
    - Inferno is banned​
    Players may request double blind character selection for the first match of a set. In this case, both players tell their choice to the tournament organizer. Each player is then locked into using that character for the first match of a set; no matter what character the opponent has chosen.​

    • Winner Lock: Character and Stage
    During the first match of a set, players select their characters and the stage is selected at random. After a match, the winner is "locked" into their character; they are not permitted to switch their character until/unless they lose a subsequent match. All matches are loser's choice.​

    - Rematch with the current characters and stage​
    - Rematch with the current characters and a new random stage​
    - Return to character select to choose a new character and new random stage​

    • Interruptions: Loss of Current Round
    A player who interrupts a round, will automatically lose the current round. If the opponent choses to ignore the interruption, they are invalidating the penalty and thus can not press the issue at a later time in an attempt to get an unfair edge on the opponent.​

    • Button Binds: Sequence Mapping Banned
    A player may not program functions on a controller using methods outside the basic functions of the game. This includes: programmable and turbo controllers.​

    Disqualification Regulations​

    If you are at an event, and you have to leave the vicinity of the tournament for any reason, you should inform the tournament organizer and ask their permission first; even if you are simply heading to another room to compete in a different event. If you are "missing" and the tournament organizer can't find you, you are at risk at getting "DQed"; which means an automatic loss of the entire set.​

    Ideally, a tournament organizer should always try to run other available matches before they start DQing players for being "missing". However, if no other matches are available, a good organizer will start DQing players to keep the event moving forward. In order to help facilitate DQing and legitimizing what some people may consider "unfair", we are putting in specific rules for DQing.​

    The moment a tournament organizer has determined that its time to DQ a player, they should vocally and publicly announce the start of a 6 minute timer (on a stopwatch, computer, cell-phone or whatever). At 3 minutes into the countdown, the player immediately loses the first match of the set. If when 6 minutes comes to, if the player has still not arrived, they lose the remainder of the set.​

    Why have we implemented this system? Because of the many issues we've had with DQing in the past. Some complain that DQs are too quick, while others complain that they are too slow. Now there is not only a set rule, but there is a partial penalty. We've had times in the past, where a player shows up with 10 seconds left, and receive no penalty, even though they've pushed the event back 20 minutes.​


    All infinites, unless specifically identified are LEGAL until further notice. Most infinites are extremely situational. Ring outs are not "broken"; so if you put yourself in a situation where you could potentially get rung out, that's your fault and you've already done something wrong.​

    Most infinites are the same; if you put yourself in a situation where you could potentially get infinited, that's your fault and you've already done something wrong. The only real difference is the "ring out" from an infinite is not guaranteed, and the player can mess it up, giving you another chance.​

    • No known infinites at this time

    Should a player do a banned infinite, they will surrender the round to the opponent and continue the match. Should the infinite end the round, they will surrender the match to the opponent and continue the set. The reason for this is that it is extremely difficult to "return" to the previous situation with a penalty, so rather than delay the tournament, the offending player will simply receive a harsher penalty.​

    Miscellaneous Bans​

    • Create-a-Soul - banned since CAS characters are unique to each console.
    • Custom Outfits - soft-banned; only color edits are permitted in tournaments.
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