
I like your Tira. =)

Here's some new Avan'a outfits. I know, enough with this girl. But I luff her so much, I can't stop. =)

Also pictured is Diana, Goddess of the hunt.






Diana, color sucks on the pic. You can't see any of the details. =(



I like your Tira. =)

Here's some new Avan'a outfits. I know, enough with this girl. But I luff her so much, I can't stop. =)

Also pictured is Diana, Goddess of the hunt.




Diana, color sucks on the pic. You can't see any of the details. =(



Magnificient outfit, just luv the way her pants has 2 colors on the front and back.
Diana is pretty cool looking, reminds me of an ranger.
Thanks guys. Everyone here does such good work that its honestly a virtual honor to hear both the criticism and accolades. :sc5vio1:Viola thanks the both of you also. =P
Thanks guys. Everyone here does such good work that its honestly a virtual honor to hear both the criticism and accolades. :sc5vio1:Viola thanks the both of you also. =P
I find myself falling more and more in love with your Avan'a character. I was wondering if i could use her in the Manga that i plan on starting later. i'm already starting on concept sketches of each character for the story and would be honored if she's in.
Ah, Scarlett, you seem to never make any damn sense. This a disguise she uses when she prepares victims for her rituals.

A bit of a Zasalamel influence on this one. She will wear this when she has stealth work to be done or if she decides to scare the living hell out of someone.

Yet another outfit she wears when undercover looking for victims and resources for her cult.

This is a disguise she wears when she visits Rouen, France in her story where she plans to seduce Raphael and take Amy as her apprentice.

This outfit is another disguise for Scarlett. It is also based on one of VincentRayne's customs so Scarlett also wears this when she meets the Rayne family.
i don't know if you have this character anymore but i could still use this one in the manga i'm starting if that's okay with you. if you havE A sc5 version that would be great!
i don't know if you have this character anymore but i could still use this one in the manga i'm starting if that's okay with you. if you havE A sc5 version that would be great!
I'm currently working on a revamp of her SCV outfit but feel free to check out her current SCV look in my CaS thread. Sorry for my laziness.
Gorgon and Resolve look pretty cool and Resolve's color scheme reminds me of Deathstroke aww yeah.
How did you get the kanji on the inside of Righteous' wings? It just wouldn't work for me.

When you're editing the sticker on the 'neck and back' portion, there's an option for you to manually move the sticker [on 360 you have to hold 'X' and move it with the d-pad, it maybe the 'square' button on the PS3 and d-pad]. I just moved it until it appeared on the wings. Originally, I wanted to use the Butterfly Wings or the Angel Wings, but it displays best on the Crimson Wings. Hope that helps. ^_^

When you're editing the sticker on the 'neck and back' portion, there's an option for you to manually move the sticker [on 360 you have to hold 'X' and move it with the d-pad, it maybe the 'square' button on the PS3 and d-pad]. I just moved it until it appeared on the wings. Originally, I wanted to use the Butterfly Wings or the Angel Wings, but it displays best on the Crimson Wings. Hope that helps. ^_^
Thanks for the tip! gonna try it out later.
I find myself falling more and more in love with your Avan'a character. I was wondering if i could use her in the Manga that i plan on starting later. i'm already starting on concept sketches of each character for the story and would be honored if she's in.

Are you kidding me? It would be my absolute honor. She's really grown on me as a character also, so for her to live on in some shape or form would be pretty cool. And from the stuff I have seen you make I think it would be a wise career choice for her to make. ;)

Oh and I took the black cloth of her eyes on the above outfit.

I have one more outfit for her I started on last night. Hope to show it over the weekend if not Monday.
I've recently given a update on my character creation thread. Everyone's 1-5Ps are complete, although I might make a handful of adjustments later. I'm also going to post "Conceptual Ps" soon, which are costumes that show the very first appearance each character had. They're based on designs I gave them as early as 2006-2007 and most of them had different names at the time.
This is my original character and protagonist of my own version of Tales of Series^^
I still need a name for the full Name of the story, but his name is Kira. He uses an old katana to defend himself.
Kira once were a Soldier of the Kingdom Arcadia.(The mark on the back is a symbol of the kingdom he once fought
for. One day he got bored about their "called" justice and so he left them.
He will fing a girl which needs help, because she was kidnapped, by some thiefs and found herself in
a for her unknown town. There the two met and this is where the whole story begins...




The next one is the goddess of earth and lives Martel. Beside the kingdom there are mystical knights which are
feared by the humans , because of their Mystical magic. Their ultimate goal is too revive the Goddess, take over the
holy tree ygddrasil to destroy every human. They say that humans are the ones who destroy the planet, while
keep fighting themselves in senseless wars. Once The goddess is revived the holy tree will appear and let everything
bloom again.




Hope you enjoyed^^
I very much like Martel. Good work.

I also had an update to Avan'a, and a new outfit.

Mind you, I played a random Viola, wish I knew his name, but I loved the outfit so much I took it and changed a thing or 2. I let him know. Blue is mine, and I re-made his grey one so the original would be seen.





Also I added a design to the front of this outfit. Small detail but I think it makes a difference.


All except the first are semi-original. The first I have EVERYWHERE in every game that has the option to make your own character.
Vesende (Main character in my book and has been my OC for years)


Queen Lirida (Same race as Ves)


Lirida (Evil Version)

No Helmet

Queen Ashea


I'll have to get more ._.

These are the kind of women that would love to bring forth destruction and chaos, inspiring countless followers under their command to conquer in their own names. In short, these designs of yours are magnificent! ^.^

Nothing else needs to be said.... m(_ _)m
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