Official 8WR Match of the Year 2010 Winners!

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Well, the community has spoken. After very narrowly beating out Woahhzz(USA) vs Malek(FR) by just 2 votes;

The winners of the 8WR Match of the Year are Belial and Rufus of Russia!

Congratulations to both of you. Thank you guys for not only entertaining and teaching us, but for showing everybody what can be done in SC4 at its highest possible level, even with money on the line!

If you missed it, be sure and check out this awesome set! Also, you can watch the other finalist matches here.

Until next year, keep practicing everybody. Lets see how much we can improve once again and make 2011 a year full of amazing match-ups!

Match of the Year 2010

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It's that time again my 8WR family. lobo has taken over what I started in 2009 and narrowed it down to six finalists for 2010. Go to the full thread in the following link and do your part to decide the winner for this year!


The time has come! What do you choose for Best Match of 2010? Nominations were selected by the community and reflect the highest standard of Soul Calibur gameplay available anywhere in the world. Voting will be open for one month, closing Feb 15th.

Help thugish_pond get to Cannes

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Yo, it's Malice. If you don't know, Soul Calibur is huge in France. Last year, the community was able to pull together and help get a team to Cannes so that they could compete in the World Cup.

This year will be the first time that the event will be streamed live which will be big for Soul Calibur, however we do not have any Americans who are able to go, except for Woahhzz.

So far, the Europeans have already setup a donation drive to help get him there. I'm hoping that we can do the same. I'll be doing what I can locally to help get him there. If there's anyone that wants to help out, you can go so by going to and place your donation.

EDIT: Since Woahhzz is unable to attend, the help will go towards thugish_pond making it to Cannes to compete in the World Cup.

Turn Your Voice Into The New Game.

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I would like to start by saying Happy New Years! I hope that people are excited about the news and just want to move forward and put this gig into gears. I need to hear your thoughts on a concentrated level about the new game coming out. With that said, lets use this particular room for discussion of what you the fans / competitors / organizers / moderators / admins want in this new game.

Try your best to keep me informed as I will be working hard to really ensure that the voice of the community is heard. Everyone deserves a chance to speak their mind on things, my role here is to make sure that your message doesn't fall on dead ears.

Stay on topic : What would make the next SC game GREAT. details details details... Take care everyone.

FilthieRich ( ([COLOR=rgb(136, 136... Is Closing

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To all those who called CaliburForum home at one time or another, the site will be closing its doors for good in a month's time. You can click to read the announcement here, but on 1/28/2011, will shut its doors and redirect to

You can also go here for more information. It has been 2+ years since the split from occurred and created. With a new project in the works, we could not move forward with the rift that still existed. It was also not good for those new to Soul Calibur and looking for information, but become lost due to not being updated and other issues, and with the active community here on 8WayRun.

If there is information on that you need, grab it before it is gone for good. I'm glad that a middle ground was achieved. In the end, it...
  • Namco-Bandai
  • Soulcalibur V
Looking And Waiting For Something Special?
  • Jaxel
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Update: Dec 25 - Patience finally pays off?
SC is back! Get ready, fans!
Well I'm sure most of you were worried, as all the surprises we've seen so far have been Tekken related! But you were promised something spectacular, and now you finally get what you've been waiting for... Daishi Odashima, Lead designer for the Soulcalibur series has just opened up his own twitter!

Odashima-san used to be a tournament player in Japan back in the Soulcalibur 1 days! Since he's the new director of all things Soulcalibur at Namco, and by his own admission, has the final say on his team; you should follow him on twitter. Merry Christmas everyone?
I say again!! The day has finally come when I can tell you all about it. Soul Calibur is BACK !!

Update: Dec 23 -...
  • Namco-Bandai
Happy Holidays From Namco And Filthierich!
  • Jaxel
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FilthieRich just posted this on the official Soulcalibur Facebook page:
In the spirit of the holidays, all of us at Namco would love to share this amazing prize package with you!! Starting Dec. 17th-21st, we will be doing a random drawing for one lucky SoulCalibur-FAN!

To enter: Follow and tweet @FilthieRich with "Happy Calibur Holidays!" The contest will end at 11:59 PM Tuesday Dec 21st . Winners will be announced on Wednesday, Dec. 22. So be on the look out and dont get rung out!!!!
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