Maxi Match-up chart

sometimes it does, sometimes the whole transition just takes to long and it gets blocked and punished. Either way, NH RO B is crap for damage so who cares.
well thats probably why you are complaining about getting punished so much, lol. Anything out of BL is gonna get 236B'd on block, and you're only mid option out of BL is going to most likely be out of range after a RO B. When playing a punishing character like Sophie, you have to take risks that pay-off. If you are risking taking 50 damage and only getting 20-30 damage when you're right, you are going to lose most of the time.
If Im playing another Maxi, I will contiually look for BL and then punish like a bad ass. Blocked BL anything is bad news for Maxi. The only decent option is to whore out BL KK. The second K knocks them out of alignment somewhat, but you still dont have great options after that.

Blocked BL gives Soph 100+ potential damage. RO B is bad news! Even the RC options afterwards are easily blocked or teched for massive punish damage. RO B=eat a fat punsih combo time!!

I just want to proof the things i said about Sophies 236B that it´s not just linear.

Here, 2.56. minute is what i am talking about.

And i know it´s SCIII, but something like that can still happen in SCIV.
I never played SC3 but that looks like BS to me... If this happened in SC4 I would think it's because of a couple factors like "range" and "frame of execution vs. frame of step" or just "hit boxes"...
Of course it´s because of the hitbox of 236B too. Like i said, it´s wierd and ´cause of that not! completly linear.

And yes it happened more often in SCIII, but still the the same can happen in SCIV. I just don´t have a recorded fight of SCIV in which that happened.
your gonna get punished regardless of what you do if RO B is blocked

I dont complain about getting punished but the fact maxi has to guess to avoid taking the damage puts him in a defensive position making 236B a pain in the ass

also BL sucks if used by itself but try using PSL 3 LOBK/BL KK mix ups the PSL 3 LO BK gives it a delay similar to BL KK post RO A situations
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