Bearer of bad news :(

Um I'm not a fan of x just because I don't like her... not a fan of Amy or ivy either. And um talim's strings can be stopped offline...its part of her mix up game.
Soph's been my second for a while! LoL Dont be ashamed to use her on RankedRaidDay. She gets tons of hatemail!
it tracks online XD and gratz to even try to try to step that thing ONLINE...

LoL I play two very good sophs often... You can pretty much tell when the scrubbier ones are winding up for TAS B and you can step it... Sometimes the hit box is a little weird on it and it will catch you during step, but if you know how to step right and which way to step then it isnt that hard because you can tell when most of them are about to try it. Most online sophs cant bust out TAS B like Ramon and Dina.
I do everyone a favor and hate voldo to the core of the Universe, not the Earth but the motherfucking Universe.
SC4 voldo is probably the most stupidly designed piece of crap Namco spewed out this time around.

I like Hilde's doom combos better.
I like Algol bubble shield better.
I like Ivy's 9B better.
I like Amy's B+K better.

Voldo is just straight up BS.
Easy ass SG damage. Check.
Easy ass RingOut BS. Check.
Easy ass Stun damage leading to Easy ass combos. Check.
Easy ass noob friendly safe ass. Check.
Fucked up I teleport around logic BT throws. Check.
Fucked up shit goes right through me hit box. Check.
Fucked up my range is surprisingly better than that dude with a longer weapon. Check.
Fucked up that Auto-gi just sent you flying shit. Check.
Other things to emphasize fuckedupness. Check.
1. Because he's Voldo
2. Because he's ridiculously stupid
3. Because he's Voldo
4. Because of the reasons KingAce stated
5. Because of his dumb moveset
6. Because he's Voldo
7. Because of his crappy costumes
8. Because he's Voldo

These are all really good reasons to hate him, but my main reasons are 1., 3., 6., and 8.
Sophitia - Shes unpredictable and hard to fight because you never know if shes going high or low.
Sounds like you've had the online experience. :X

I see this a lot actually, people twitch ducking in TASB x 2 range. Lag abusers, who most of the time can't even do TAS B, win matches for me by conditioning people to expect 1A. Some people will duck themselves to death when I've never thrown out a low or a throw for the entire game.

For me, my list is:
Voldo: KingAce did an amazing job explaining Voldo. This is just about the only character I fear in TAS B tip range. I don't think Voldo would bother me as much if I never played Enkindu.
Algol: bubble shields, gosh. Annoying.

Actually, there's a certain "play style" of Sophitia that really irks me, which is just getting free 236Bs like magic mixed in with other stupid shit. Lag-unduckable 22(B)s. So fucking stupid. They don't even claim their free 236B right after it. They don't even TAS B, just 236B. It's also pretty common when this happens that 236B is unpunishable on block due to lag. Fuck, frustration city.

Also, Sig WS AA online. 2ND HIT UNBLOCKABLE.
Yea, if it were only that simple. People like Enkindu will eat you alive if you try to step most of his stuff.
I hate X, really bad. It's so stupid to fight her with Taki.
Stupid evasion.
Stupid tracking for her Bs.
Stupid ground game.
Stupid that after Taki's 11K on CH, A6 random whiffs stupidly on X.
Stupid FC 3B as throw/high punishment for ridiculous damage.
Faky animations.
Shitty SXSX B true Guard Break for super cheap RO.

Ivy sux too. Almost everything is maddeningly range safe. And you have to overcome like 4 attacks just to get close enough to get iCS thrown.
And CL 214B. It steps A:6 FFS!!! And when Taki is at advantage Ivy can Backstep, like, everything.

Sophi is cool though :D
As a Siegfried main, I find no opposing character worth complaining about. If I have a problem with a character, I just 1B until the character is no longer a problem.

1B on knockdown? Yes.
1B on wakeup? But of course.
1B after whiffing? Why not?
1B after Soul Crush? The manliest option.

1B all your problems away!
Hilde- no explanation needed.
Algol- bubbles.

sophitia- She is by far the easiest character to own with, fast, safe, high damaging, and simplicity of moves make her a candidate for cheesiest character in the game, with the exception of algol, (at least Hilde takes some skill). I swear all sophitia has to do is AA, BB or 236 B all day long. No need to be creative, interesting, or innovative, she has practically most of what she needs from those 3 moves. Also a candidate for hands-down most boring character to watch and play. Also a candidate for creating the most anger or frustration in the opponent. Sophitia's only purpose in life is to annoy other characters. Playing against her almost forces you to be as boring as she is, restricting your moves down to 7 or 8. Beating her is never fun, it's just tedious and feels like a chore.

Setsuka- Way too much rush forward on her moves. Long range makes no difference against her, she will just be right in your face after every attack she does. Every character has at least some element of "rushing in" moves, but with Setsuka, PRACTICALLY ALL OF HER MOVES RUSH IN. Her juggling, stun combos, and ground and pound seem above average. Her ring out game seems above average too. As a matter of fact the whole concept of a blade coming out of an umbrella is really lame. I think her moves look stupid, her style looks stupid, and her outfits look stupid. playing against her is painstaking no matter who I use.

Voldo- Lame ass fighting style, lame ass weird looking moves, unpredictable playing style (which can be a good thing, but not for him), has too many gimmicky/tricky moves. And on top of that he wears a cock-piece. Even the most flamboyant gay man would call Voldo a flaming faggot. He's the only character with a pelvic thrust move.

Ivy- Only complaint about her is the sheer fact that she's OP. I don't care what any of you have to say about it, She's OP, period the end. I must admit I do like her style and find it interesting and flashy, but decided not to use her because I like more "fair" characters.

Astaroth- As long as people are abusing the knee, he's annoying. That's my only complaint. Slow the knee down a few frames and he's fair.

Yoda- Because you cant grab him or hit him with high horizontals. Basically makes playing against him really boring.

I just realized that's more than 3. Sorry guys.
GI that.

Again you fail to provide any reasonable argument to back up your "theory".
In my opinion her SC game is a bit dumb. Stuff like Sword 3B and whip um crap I don't play her so i'm guessing 6B+K2_8 ? Her force blocks for sword 1_2_3B+K too. I don't think SHE is O.P. but those aspects seem that way. Personally I'd be ecstatic if the whip move could be GI'd on the 2nd hit and a few small nerfs to her sC game but I'm also w chronic turtle so she does really well against me generally due to my own short comings. No offence I actually like playong against her just that aspect is frustrating.
If you fall into a certain theory then yes Ivy is damn near untouchable. That theory being never getting close enough to do anything, and when you do, 9B, the hell sweep, her grabs, and that super evade await you. Also she does alot of SG damage. It doesn't hurt having moves that can keep you at a distance. Now I say theory, but that's what you see a lot when Malek or Scud play her, some players never really get close enough to matter.
Hilde- no explanation needed.
>.< she isnt that bad! just learn how to fight her properly! or even better check my sig!

TT-TT *sadface*

she's got so much more than doom combo, and even still its overrated IMO. just dont whiff. infact, just think of her as a super fast and safe version of nightmare.

if u pressure her well u can make her switch things up from doom combo to something else. there's alot more to her than just doom spam.

TT-TT *super sadface*