Bearer of bad news :(

That was a long post, but I think you went off topic. Which was validating the apparent hate some people have for her. The only reason I brought up player skill was to emphasize that Ivy is a complicated character. She's not easy to learn and so her development has been slower than other characters. However, once her core moves and the style to implement those moves was figure out, Ivy has come to the forefront as a really terrifying character. This is really undeniable, she isn't straight forward like an Amy or sophie. But the vast amount of tools she has dominate a vast majority of the cast.

About SCUD
From what I have seen, and the recent WCG finals, the difference between Scud and Malek can't be simplified by saying it's skill. You really can't make a distinction between the two players, they play her almost identical. The only factor that stood out to me, was that Scud is more confident. Where normally an individual would be hesitant; he attacks. He has no fear, or he has bigger balls. So I would say that's a mental advantage.
The lot of you are scrubs. Yes Ivy has some thing, that should be nerfed a bit.

Also you non Ivy player are just jealous, LOL at all the sudden hate. Ivy is such a versatile and fun character. And it take dedication to be really be good with her.

But in the end, whether in France, US, or Canada, she alway going to dominate you SCRUBS!
sometimes I think using a character can make us blind to the unfair advantages they have, and rather than putting the blame for victory on a OP character, we would much rather think that we are just "that good". Examples are people who use algol and then completely deny that he's OP. Just because you use a character, doesn't mean your a fair judge.

>> points to IVY users
sometimes I think using a character can make us blind to the unfair advantages they have, and rather than putting the blame for victory on a OP character, we would much rather think that we are just "that good". Examples are people who use algol and then completely deny that he's OP. Just because you use a character, doesn't mean your a fair judge.

>> points to IVY users

Please realize that the other side of the coin is "I'm clearly the superior player, they only won because of their OP character" when really you got outplayed.

On an unrelated note, you yourself admitted that you jumped on a bandwagon.

I'd really like to play you sometime. Do you play on PSN or XBL? And what is your gamertag? I'm gonna be completely transparent about my motives and say that I'm looking to see if you're actually a good player and you've really done your homework on Ivy or if you're just like all the other online folk who complain about random stuff.
Please realize that the other side of the coin is "I'm clearly the superior player, they only won because of their OP character" when really you got outplayed.

On an unrelated note, you yourself admitted that you jumped on a bandwagon.

I'd really like to play you sometime. Do you play on PSN or XBL? And what is your gamertag? I'm gonna be completely transparent about my motives and say that I'm looking to see if you're actually a good player and you've really done your homework on Ivy or if you're just like all the other online folk who complain about random stuff.

I get what your saying. Unfortunately my ps3 took a crap so online play won't be an option for a long time (I'm poor). Since I've been playing since SC2 came out, I consider myself "good". I have never done a single tournament so If your looking for proof, sorry brother.

I realize that all of this sounds like convenient excuses, trust me that you will see me on PSN in the future. I'm hoping by the end of june, when my case settlement money finally comes. I'm waiting on 400 dollars so that should cover the new PS3. Wouldn't mind getting oblivion as well.
Hilde- no explanation needed.
Algol- bubbles.

sophitia- She is by far the easiest character to own with, fast, safe, high damaging, and simplicity of moves make her a candidate for cheesiest character in the game, with the exception of algol, (at least Hilde takes some skill). I swear all sophitia has to do is AA, BB or 236 B all day long. No need to be creative, interesting, or innovative, she has practically most of what she needs from those 3 moves. Also a candidate for hands-down most boring character to watch and play. Also a candidate for creating the most anger or frustration in the opponent. Sophitia's only purpose in life is to annoy other characters. Playing against her almost forces you to be as boring as she is, restricting your moves down to 7 or 8. Beating her is never fun, it's just tedious and feels like a chore.

Setsuka- Way too much rush forward on her moves. Long range makes no difference against her, she will just be right in your face after every attack she does. Every character has at least some element of "rushing in" moves, but with Setsuka, PRACTICALLY ALL OF HER MOVES RUSH IN. Her juggling, stun combos, and ground and pound seem above average. Her ring out game seems above average too. As a matter of fact the whole concept of a blade coming out of an umbrella is really lame. I think her moves look stupid, her style looks stupid, and her outfits look stupid. playing against her is painstaking no matter who I use.

Voldo- Lame ass fighting style, lame ass weird looking moves, unpredictable playing style (which can be a good thing, but not for him), has too many gimmicky/tricky moves. And on top of that he wears a cock-piece. Even the most flamboyant gay man would call Voldo a flaming faggot. He's the only character with a pelvic thrust move.

Ivy- Only complaint about her is the sheer fact that she's OP. I don't care what any of you have to say about it, She's OP, period the end. I must admit I do like her style and find it interesting and flashy, but decided not to use her because I like more "fair" characters.

Astaroth- As long as people are abusing the knee, he's annoying. That's my only complaint. Slow the knee down a few frames and he's fair.

Yoda- Because you cant grab him or hit him with high horizontals. Basically makes playing against him really boring.

I just realized that's more than 3. Sorry guys.

You MUST be talking about online.

Algol cheesier than hilde? Sophie with aa, bb, and 236 b only? Asta knee too fast? Yoda problems??
Only online lol.
to me the allure of sophie is her simplicity. she is a zero-gimmick character. in every match you go into it knowing exactly what 4 or 5 tools she will use to kill you, and then it still happens anyway. it is called getting out-played, son.
After reading this entire thread, I think I have the most constructive thing to say here...FUCK IVY! FUCK AMY! FUCK VOLDO! FUCK HILDE! FUCK ALGOL! Oh, and FUCK IVY!!!
You afraid that you wouldn't do well on upcoming DEV because of me?:p Think of it that way, maybe people would finally stop crying for nerfs and calling her OP. The game is almost dead anyway, it's not like revealing "secrets" would change a lot...
That was a long post, but I think you went off topic. Which was validating the apparent hate some people have for her. The only reason I brought up player skill was to emphasize that Ivy is a complicated character. She's not easy to learn and so her development has been slower than other characters. However, once her core moves and the style to implement those moves was figure out, Ivy has come to the forefront as a really terrifying character. This is really undeniable, she isn't straight forward like an Amy or sophie. But the vast amount of tools she has dominate a vast majority of the cast.

About SCUD
From what I have seen, and the recent WCG finals, the difference between Scud and Malek can't be simplified by saying it's skill. You really can't make a distinction between the two players, they play her almost identical. The only factor that stood out to me, was that Scud is more confident. Where normally an individual would be hesitant; he attacks. He has no fear, or he has bigger balls. So I would say that's a mental advantage.

How can you claim to know what's going on in their heads? How do you know that Scud isn't at all nervous? Maybe what you see as having "balls" or whatever is actually Scud reading his opponent and knowing when it is a good time to attack. Worst case scenario is that you're actually right and you only strengthen my argument that Scud is a superior player. The reality is that the person with more technical knowledge (IF you can even say that Malek has more than Scud) doesn't always win. There are other factors that go into what makes a strong tournament player. Confidence and being able to control your nerves is one of them. Strong mindgames are of course another. Yeah, I used the word "skill," but obviously learning to control nervousness and anxiety is another "skill" that a strong tournament player needs to master.

I'm just going by results and what I see on the screen. If malek consistently loses to Scud, then you can attribute it to whatever you want but the reality is that Scud is more skilled in some aspect of his play, the psychological aspect of it included.

Really you are just taking shots in the dark because you want to believe what you want to believe. You didn't even address anything else I said in my post, one of the main things being that the player base is too small to make big generalizations like you are doing (Ivy is overpowered in dedicated hands).
You afraid that you wouldn't do well on upcoming DEV because of me?:p Think of it that way, maybe people would finally stop crying for nerfs and calling her OP. The game is almost dead anyway, it's not like revealing "secrets" would change a lot...

True! I guess I should also take comfort in the fact that most people won't take the time to actually learn and apply anything you say anyway. :)

Maybe you should do a video like Belial did for Amy. I think people learn better when something is in video form and they can see it in action for themselves.
Out of the people who are crying about Ivy in this thread, how many of them go to tournaments? Relax and go play some games.

In my non tournament going defence I think I was pretty fair with my statements saying its mostly me not having taken the time to learn her. Besides I'm not going to a tournament unless you commentate my match.
I did a scan read on some of the soul arenas if there are any anti-character strats. Some characters do have anti-chars and some don't. I could be wrong as I've only read the first page of each character. I think this kind of thread deserves to be stickied in each character thread as I did in my Cervy thread.

In further regards to the anti-character thread there could be cases where info is lacking and/or there is some lack of commitment in this type of anti-character discussion.

Out of the people who are crying about Ivy in this thread, how many of them go to tournaments? Relax and go play some games.
I used to complain about Ivy's 7_8_9B and 214B when at that time I did everything I could to figure out how to deal with these two effectively in gatherings, and when I've searched for answers in the Anti-Character discussion thread. It's been long overdue so it's reasonable for me to complain. I also play in tournaments though everything I've experienced was in locals and if I played anyone from outside that would be in the T8 tournament back in SC3.

Also to claim complainers as ignorant without realizing what they have gone through and how much research they've done in this forum is in itself ignorant. I know that there are those dedicated players (for example OOFMATIC) who've spend way longer than others, but some players who are busy with priorities spend fairly long enough against a certain character trying to figure out things as best as they possibly could in a time they can afford and when they can't figure out something out for a long time then it becomes FRUSTRATING so it's apparently obvious they are gonna complain.

PS: Not all Ivy players are ignorant. At least I listen to some of their reasons which I think are fair.
Franman, if you have so much trouble vs Ivy then learn her yourself. It's the easiest way to know characters and their weaknesses, even if you know only the basics. Eli must have become a monster with Ivy over the last year. Are there any videos of you vs Eli coming up? If so, post them in Ivy SA and we will try to help (at least I will)

True! I guess I should also take comfort in the fact that most people won't take the time to actually learn and apply anything you say anyway. :)

Maybe you should do a video like Belial did for Amy. I think people learn better when something is in video form and they can see it in action for themselves.
lol I would be surprised if anyone actually read it. It would be nice to see that people finally know that you can GI SE A236A for example. Will we live long enough to see that?

Sadly, I don't have any good recording device. I might get one for SC5, though.
My post was more for Noface. If anyone says anything bad about Ivy, he goes wild as evident by his posts. But anyway, if there is anyone who is frustrated by something in particular, there's plenty of people whose brain you can pick like Ring for example. That man is a god.

In my non tournament going defence I think I was pretty fair with my statements saying its mostly me not having taken the time to learn her. Besides I'm not going to a tournament unless you commentate my match.

I don't commentate. I just drink and yell stuff. SRKFags don't like that, but if you do, then sure.
Homicidmus - Xian.. of wait he isn't a character! (just kidding mate)
Xianghua - My god man she is the best anti-nighty character (It's like marmite, I hate her, but still love fighting her because I find out new shit every single time :P)
Hilde - What a bitch
Talim - Tough fighting people who are good with her because it's such a rarity.

P.S. I hate Xianghua as a character, and her fighting style is annoying, but also fantastic to train against.
P.S.S. Did I mention I don't like Xianghua?
P.S.S.S. I don't even know anymore, maybe I love her?
P.S.S.S.S. .........