How did you come up with your username?

Why the numbers? Simply they are my three favorite numbers 7, 9, and 11 not only because they are all odd but they also add up to be 27 which is not only odd but prime so I really like it.

This is simultaneously way too involved and quite awesome. You're a thinker I see.

As for grave of the fireflies I've never seen it, everyone says "watch it! it's great," then adds " it's so depressing" and suddenly I'm scared off. I'm quite a spendthrift when it comes to my good moods.

Graves of Fireflies was one of the most tear jerking, emotional movies, I've ever seen. including live action movies or shows. it's also why it's one of my favorites. Miyazaki is the best.

We posted at the same time it seems, how fortunate then that I have to to point to and go "see?".
Graves of Fireflies was one of the most tear jerking, emotional movies, I've ever seen. including live action movies or shows. it's also why it's one of my favorites. Miyazaki is the best.
I agree. I think it is one of the best anti war films of all time. It gives "Schindler's List" a run for it's money. (Oh yes I said it. XD)
This is simultaneously way too involved and quite awesome. You're a thinker I see.

As for grave of the fireflies I've never seen it, everyone says "watch it! it's great," then adds " it's so depressing" and suddenly I'm scared off. I'm quite a spendthrift when it comes to my good moods.

Yes I am a thinker and especially particular about odd numbers. My T.V and Radio have to be on an odd number volume. When I go to CAS to create new characters I always create an odd number at a time. Also all my colors on CAS are odd as well... As for Grave of the Fireflies it is depressing but I'm the kind of person who enjoy's sad movies because it makes me thankful that my life isn't that bad. Also I enjoy crying it's quite cleansing. (Just make sure when you watch it no one of the opposite sex is around because crying unfortunately crying faces aren't very attractive.
I got vale from Latin, I think it means forever (most likely totally wrong but meh XD) and Black Rose was just because I like roses and black roses are pretty. Sounds gothic but ho hum :P

Vale takes a few meanings in latin. It's common usage is something closer to "goodbye," but literally it means "be strong/healthy." The more you know.

As for me, well, I'm gay and mashed my fingers on the keyboard a bit, then rearranged the letters. Mystery solved.
Yes I am a thinker and especially particular about odd numbers. My T.V and Radio have to be on an odd number volume. When I go to CAS to create new characters I always create an odd number at a time. Also all my colors on CAS are odd as well...
That's a little odd, (pun) but I don't mean that in a bad way. I quite like it. I find that sort of thing endearing. I'm reminded of a quote by Moss on The IT Crowd that my friend Nick is fond of: "I like being weird. Weird is all I've got. That and my sweet style..." Considering that's coming from a friend of mine it should tell you a thing or two about me. If you don't know the show you should check it out, though I regret to inform you there's currently an even number of seasons :D. Also couldn't help but think of this.

As for Grave of the Fireflies it is depressing but I'm the kind of person who enjoy's sad movies because it makes me thankful that my life isn't that bad. Also I enjoy crying it's quite cleansing. (Just make sure when you watch it no one of the opposite sex is around because crying unfortunately crying faces aren't very attractive.
I can agree that it's cleansing but disagree on it being attractive. You can always rest assured someone who cries has a heart. Especially when they're crying for others. Sorry, cheesy I know but it's true. Plus there's major points to be earned on cheer up.
Spike Rosered's english name from Megaman x5 (AxleTheRed). They were inspired by guns n roses (the whole mmx5 boss group was), and I used to really like them. spelling changed slightly at first to AxltheRed. Also love Firebrand (Red Arremer), so the "the" was removed from AxltheRed. I like the numbers 3 & 7. I simply became AxlRed37. people call me Axl online. To everyone else, it's John lol : D

And NO, I do NOT like Axl from the mmx series, I think he's a douchey character, and adds nothing to the games. I actually hate anything past x6, or anything that isn't original mm, or mmx. mmzero wasnt bad i guess, just too morbid, if you know the story that is. Gameplay wise its fine.. oh wow I derailed hard! LOL Well whats typed is typed I suppose! He looks cool, doesn't he? Plus he stated a really good point, about maverick hunters being the judge of who's a maverick and who isn't. Like, they're power abusers. Cool line in a series with not a large amount of dialogue. It stood out to me.


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That's a little odd, (pun) but I don't mean that in a bad way. I quite like it. I find that sort of thing endearing. I'm reminded of a quote by Moss on The IT Crowd that my friend Nick is fond of: "I like being weird. Weird is all I've got. That and my sweet style..." Considering that's coming from a friend of mine it should tell you a thing or two about me. If you don't know the show you should check it out, though I regret to inform you there's currently an even number of seasons :D. Also couldn't help but think of this.

I'm glad you think it is. Frankly it drives my friends bonkers. Though that show is definitely something I want to look into.
I can agree that it's cleansing but disagree on it being attractive. You can always rest assured someone who cries has a heart. Especially when they're crying for others. Sorry, cheesy I know but it's true. Plus there's major points to be earned on cheer up.

I'm assuming that you meant to disagree on it being UNattractive. lol yes from an emotional standpoint I agree with you however soft, blotchy, snot covered, puffy eyed faces that emit strange hiccuping sounds at random times isn't visually appealing I can assure you. :)
Though that show is definitely something I want to look into.
It's British and wacky but a lot of fun. It's available on Netflix.

I'm assuming that you meant to disagree on it being UNattractive.
Yes, lol that one.

lol yes from an emotional standpoint I agree with you however soft, blotchy, snot covered, puffy eyed faces that emit strange hiccuping sounds at random times isn't visually appealing I can assure you. :)
Well the emotional standpoint's important, but maybe I'm just a sucker for snot covered, puffy eyed faces. :)
Then that would make you even weirder than me....
Is that a bad thing? Hope not. I wanna say it was a joke. Though to be honest, putting more thought into it I personally believe some girls can manage to be attractive even when they're angry or sad. I suppose that was my way of saying "It's not as bad as you think, there's worse things". I guess I'll just have to accept the title belt for now then.
Is that a bad thing? Hope not. I wanna say it was a joke. Though to be honest, putting more thought into it I personally believe some girls can manage to be attractive even when they're angry or sad. I suppose that was my way of saying "It's not as bad as you think, there's worse things". I guess I'll just have to accept the title belt for now then.
it's a complement I like all things odd even if their odd in another way besides the numerical sense. :)
it's a complement I like all things odd even if their odd in another way besides the numerical sense. :)
Well thankyou kindly, the feeling is mutual. :) If I had a hat I'd tip it. I have a cap someplace but it sticks to my head and therefor tips poorly. Awww what the heck, a tip of my cap to you.
Just thought I'd make the game tag a lot more fun if I could possibly impregnante someone by a simple touch.
It would certainly be scarier not to be "it". Or would that make it be scarier to be "it."? I mean... think about all that child support...

And then again, seems it's just a bad trade. I mean yes maybe you've made tag more entertaining and yet you've made impregnating conversely less so.
Just thought I'd make the game tag a lot more fun if I could possibly impregnante someone by a simple touch.
I think it's a wonderful idea. and depending on how quickly you tag then and for how long it would influence what is born.

Less than a second: Twin Asians
A second: Twins of another ethnicity
2 seconds: A Girl
3 seconds: A Boy
4 seconds: A bald fat baby girl
5 seconds: A bald fat baby boy with jandus
Anything past five seconds: The creature from the "Alien movies."

Did I just waste my time thinking all this up?: Absolutely. :)
Bibulus is a Latin name (The proper name form is Bibulous, but I dropped the o form in EQ and stuck with it) that roughly translates to "One who has been drinking." I earned this one by being the drunk you know and love in my high school Latin class :)
I like the scaling "rewards" system. As a twin myself I'm especially fond of first and second prize. :) As for did you waste your time? I liked it so I'd say "no". Then again I don't know how long you spent on it, lol.

Bibulus is a Latin name (The proper name form is Bibulous, but I dropped the o form in EQ and stuck with it) that roughly translates to "One who has been drinking." I earned this one by being the drunk you know and love in my high school Latin class :)
EQ? You played ever quest?