After SCV is released, will anyone still play SCIV?

Damnit, I was really trying to "be nice" to people on 8wr..... ah well.

PS: I hate the concept of "super" moves. It's brainless, universal input, and may be quite broken when connected at the end of a combo. Call me crazy, but weren't most characters already capable of high damage combos??

You do realize that CE isn't new, right? I'm sure it wasn't added to make it "more like BlazBlue/SF/Melty Blood/nonsense" and more to make it into a fast and competitive game that Calibur was prior to IV. If you look at all the other changes, it's really sort of the opposite of the mainstream SSFIV mechanics regarding meter and such.

Soul Calibur was always an arcade game until SCIV. The reason I say that is because SC was always a fast and furious fighter where mistakes were highly punished and you lost your quarter. SCIV was..... well, it was sort of like watching children bang symbols together sometimes.....

I didn't even particularly like the SG concept from sc4, mostly because some characters had WAY more SG damage than others, *cough Sieg Ivy Voldo :). Given that, the chances of me liking even more "fluff" in the new game is slim to none.

You're upset because they added a new management to try increase the depth of the game? The whole purpose in SG was to try to shift the play away from the underwater-tennis boredom and turn it into a fierce competition.

.... of course, it turned into the masses online just using Yun Seung to 6B,B to trolololo a critical finish, but whatever. It got people moving.

There's a difference between being disappointed in *how* it was implemented and outright saying the mechanic is garbagey fluff.

Making SC more like other FG was a mistake in my eyes. The last thing I want are all those SF and MK chumps playing my game! Let them keep their retarded FG's.

I realize that last bit may offend some people, but I am really quite past caring at this point. That's right, I said it, SF and MK are retarded. U mad??

You're bad at SF and MK, aren't you? :(

When we get fuzzy guard, fireballs and cross-ups in Soul Calibur you can complains.
Nah, I will still play the original Soul Calibur though. My Dreamcast is always plugged in for some reason.

I do have a bad habit of playing older revisions along with the newest ones though, but that's usually in the 2d fighter world.
Friend, if you think that the changes to SCV are so "horrific" that it would make the game garbage; If you want to ASSUME that your gut reaction to this game's changes are true, even though it's been gettin' so much positive feedback from almost everyone that has fightin' game knowledge, even though almost every SC fan that touched this game so far pretty much quit SCIV in anticipation for it [me included]; if you think that your "gut feeling" about the game's changes are SOOO right that you have to continually post your thoughts on various threads just to let people know that you said it first if this game, by some miraculous twist of fate, indeed turns out to be bad; then why not save yourself the time and money by not buyin' the game, while stickin' to its past iterations. I mean, it's just that simple...Why do you continue to go through all this trouble tryin' to persuade people who likes the game by postin' up these bullshit negative rants of yours?

A gut reaction is just that, an assumption. Since that's all I have at this point, I'm trusting it.

I'm going on all these forums because I'm afraid for SC, frankly. I'm trying to get people to think about the possible negative side effects to these changes.

Since I hardly ever see eye to eye with these "tournament" players, why would I take their review at face value?

To be quite honest, and I know this is a bold theory, I think some of these people have been paid off to put a positive spin on the game. Heck, I probably would have done it if the price was right.

All the new changes, taken together, it just "feels" wrong on so many levels. Much the same way Skyrim sounded like trash after I heard about the changes from Oblivion. After playing the game for 8 hours, it was actually much WORSE than I predicted.

But you know, I gotta give you credit. You convinced me that it's pointless to keep this going. Why did I listen? Because unlike most people, including admins, you actually were polite and rational about it. Your absolutely right, I've made my point, again and again. I'm not gonna beat that dead horse any longer. I'm sorry for being over-zealous.
To make a simple point, it's pretty obvious d-i-s on here to be a hipster of video games. Beware, those who don't heed my unintelligent and regurgitated dribblings, for ye will be scorned by the fires of anything new! You'll only get so far being "that guy" that can't appreciate a new iteration of a product simply because you want to hold your nose in the air.

Real fans of something.... Those guys are the ones that go and get the arcade equipment or work on an emulator. They build a stereo out of vacuum tubes since digital is "so bad." Maybe they press vinyl records for indie bands since CDs are "garbage."

People that whine on forums about new products that haven't even been released yet (specifically quoting that they haven't been released yet - anti-hype-o-critical, I guess?) are only trying to serve their own self-righteous interests and make excuses as to why they're bad at the next iteration.

Namco where the fuck my Paycheck at!!!!!!!


Arc System Works owes me one, too.
Folks who have played SC5, myself included, are understandably trending toward the positive because it's new, interesting, and doesn't have any immediately obvious crippling flaws. We'll revisit those opinions upon release, of course, and repeatedly thereafter as our gameplay continues to evolve and possible flaws are exposed. Ours isn't a blind optimism, but it is optimism. Thus far, however conditional, that optimism is being rewarded.

The fears I see coming from a lot of people have primarily to do with what they see as radical departures from familiar elements in the series. There's a level at which I understand those concerns, but I really feel it's necessary to point out that Soul Calibur has always evolved a lot from game to game (let's not forget that even the GI system, a favorite target, has undergone drastic metamorphoses in each installment). Far more so than Tekken, etcetera. In that sense, SC5 is actually staying true to the tradition and spirit of the series in ways that a mere dressed-up retread of SC4 would be incapable of doing. The best thing we can do is to minimize specific expectations and really try to evaluate SC5, whether as a competitive vehicle or simply an aesthetic experience, on its own terms. Yearning for a specific game-feel that we've already had, be it the experience of SC1, 2, 3, or 4 rather than something entirely new, is a fast track to disappointment.

Returning to the original point of this thread, there will probably be SC4 events in the future as part of a nostalgia kick--we've seen throwback side tourneys for SC2 and 3, so why not? For the competitive scene, however, 4's being relegated to the dustbin of history. That's simply how these things operate. If you and your friends prefer the SC4 experience, however, nobody's stopping you from playing. In fact, I think 8wr gives people who particularly like SC4 a great mechanism for setting up online battles, etcetera, so yer lucky.

PS--My check bounced. Rich is shady.
It took me like 10 years to start getting the NamCheck
I'm just saying I have been accused of being on their bank roll since I have a positive take on ALL the changes to SC. I'm just trying to figure out whats going on lol.
This is why I listen to hates. Truth in every word.

It's quite impossible, at least for me, to evaluate sc5 WITHOUT comparing it to prior iterations. How can anyone NOT compare sequels to the original? GI has changed in every game, that much is true, but on the other hand it's always involved the G button, not A+B+K. Even you, hates, can't argue the fact that THIS time around it's being changed much more drastically than any time in SC history.

On it's own merit, if this was a brand new game (not a SC game), I would probably think it's awesome. The problem for me is that I have had many sequels to games I loved so dearly fall so incredibly short of prior games, that I guess I'm just trying to prepare for the worst so to speak. For me, history is appearing like it's repeating itself.

Maybe this is my way of bracing myself just in-case it's trash. Self defense mechanism? No doubt. Nothing is worse than high expectations followed by high disappointment.

Am I going overboard? Probably. But sadly, that's who I am, I tend to over-do things.

If I end up being wrong, If I love the game and all it's changes after I fully test it out, I will humbly eat my words and tell everyone how much of an idiot I am.

Maybe I just need a little more faith sometimes :) I'm far too sceptical for my own good.
This is why I listen to hates. Truth in every word.

Yes sir!

And comparing the new SC to what came before makes sense. I'm just urging you not to mistake difference for deficiency. As for bracing yourself, preparing for the worst, etcetera, those responses are as understandable. Indulging in that behavior, however, does invite the risk of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy; it's entirely possible to scan so intently for faults that you miss those elements which are good. Ultimately, you're the only person who knows whether that's a legitimate risk you're running, but from my perspective as someone invested in our community, I certainly hope no one preempts his or her own opportunity to like the game.

Besides, if it does turn out to be trash, we'll figure that out as a group. If that comes to pass, you'll want to have brand new, never-before-uttered complaints so you can participate effectively in the ensuing forum shitstorm.
Wow. That was actually one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, if you bother to take the liberty to craft it into a weird S&M scene. Let me see if I can draft out exactly what happened for the less imaginative.

Our submissive fellow d-i-s enters the room of what he perceives as other hopeful submissives. He flaunts himself like a peacock to show some sort of supremacy in the confidence he has that he'll reach pay-off. Thoroughly, and most annoyingly, he proceeds to flaunt his naked body (figuratively, his bizarre infatuation with anti-hype) while perpetuating that only one person can ever satiate what he perceives as his perfect body.

Almost on script, Hates appears, at which point our peacock shrinks to the level of an obedient terrier while secretly stroking himself on every letter typed by his target of affection. Hates proceeds to scold him gently while he quietly masturbates to completion. Displaying to the rest of the room (or forum) that he has indeed reached the penultimate ecstasy by slinking down at his master's feet with his tail between his ejaculate covered thighs.

Or simply recognize it as the hipster-emo-hero-worship crap that it was.

I thought you only saw this type of crap on Apple fanboy forums.
Wow. That was actually one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, if you bother to take the liberty to craft it into a weird S&M scene. Let me see if I can draft out exactly what happened for the less imaginative.

Our submissive fellow d-i-s enters the room of what he perceives as other hopeful submissives. He flaunts himself like a peacock to show some sort of supremacy in the confidence he has that he'll reach pay-off. Thoroughly, and most annoyingly, he proceeds to flaunt his naked body (figuratively, his bizarre infatuation with anti-hype) while perpetuating that only one person can ever satiate what he perceives as his perfect body.

Almost on script, Hates appears, at which point our peacock shrinks to the level of an obedient terrier while secretly stroking himself on every letter typed by his target of affection. Hates proceeds to scold him gently while he quietly masturbates to completion. Displaying to the rest of the room (or forum) that he has indeed reached the penultimate ecstasy by slinking down at his master's feet with his tail between his ejaculate covered thighs.

Or simply recognize it as the hipster-emo-hero-worship crap that it was.

I thought you only saw this type of crap on Apple fanboy forums.
If this was shorter, I'd sig it.
I think I'll have to copy paste it to Microsoft word now for my own copy instead. XD
I still don't understand why people harp out SC3 so much. It wasn't the best but it could have been much worst. Of course... This may be because I'm not a Tourney player of SC though... : x