The Cepheus Store thread

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Fighting game Casuals are different to usual game casuals. The SC Hardcore see CaSists or whatever we're calling yourselves, as not-serious players, based purely on the fact that most CaSeers will spend days and nights perfecting their frilly dress bow, but have no idea what iGDR means.

Most CaSarisors may actually know these things, and simply not care. The rare few that do are either semi-skilled players with some decent CaS, or Pocky-Yoshi, who I'd call "Compasual Jesus" were I religious.

Not to say you can't be both. Most 'hardcore' players have messed around in CaS I bet. Even if it is just to recolour or reoutfit their Standard Character.

Ultimately though, it doesn't matter. The way I see it, there are 3 camps.

1: Those who enjoy the game, no matter what aspect they play.
2: Those who don't enjoy the game and don't play it.
3: Those who play the game but bitch endlessly about trivial things they can't control.

Fuck bows.
I thought it strange PS didnt make the voodoo BP unisex.
Since the gorgon BP is unisex and it has faux knockers on it.
Also Please "UNISEX PATCH UPDATE 1.0".
I think it's just the general model.
The Gorgon Brestplate is a full upper-body breatplate.
The Voodoo breastplate looks like an armored bra, essentially.

Also, I think fixing compatibility issues is a bit more important than making everything unisex.
Also, I think fixing compatibility issues is a bit more important than making everything unisex.


PLEASE! FUCKING PLEASE! It's one of the the main reasons I find SC4 better looking than 5. :(

Don't forget the inability the color some items red!

INB4 "BUTT NUDE EDITS!!11!1" (pun intended)

Yeah let's just add cross dressers to the list of retarded creations I will have to see, you people are creepy.

I wanted the patch more for hats and a few items I would consider neutral tbh.
But hey more power to who ever wants to cross dress.

Although they really need to let me make the undergarments red that is getting pretty annoying.

FYI the sea kings gabeson undergarment can be made red.

Also I posted this back in feb.
After a big disapointment from last DLC, this one looks promising... both of them....
I'm glad I saved some points from the last one I bought.
=\ was looking for nice concepts of 3P and after some time, wish had the not used custom of Sophitia and Cassandra and a bunch of others....
Why can't they simply make a seperate palette entirely of red shades? Like from bright red to pale red? Sure, probably can't get a maroon colour but at least it would be red.

I like though how you can make faux phalluses but not colour items red. (not that I make faux phalluses myself).
Then let's get on twitter and demand red faux phalluses from Daishi right now!!!
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