Missing character discussion

SC3 Xianghua and her move set= Like A Boss. And I totally agree with you jtdam09. Here's hoping the next game, we see her again...hopefully.
Project soul knows people have fan favourites and long time main characters people enjoy. Its disrepectful to just to scrap them like that and replace them with downgrades. The time it takes to master the rediculously long moveset and button sequences shows a fans dedication to the series and shows how much they value the characters they make up. I've never heard of s fighting game series that does this, most usually keep their rosters the same and "age" isnt even a rometly passanle excuse considering its a game. If we can except skimpy gladiators and adults stabbing children or throwing animals off the edge of cliffs we can accept ageless characters. I mean the sense of time can easily be shown with a character's outfit. Look at Mitsurugi. He started out as a youngblood samurai novice to a veteran to now a wondering drunk just from the change in outfit. If they want to show Taki changing without aging they xan just let her wear her hair down or improve her outfit... or hell, just say she used some naruto magic jutsu to keep her body from aging. They had the potential to deliver the most diverse roster in the series, and they utterly failed on that front. It's not about missing characters, it's about lamenting the cut content in game that is profoundly lacking it. A character's personal appeal matters as much as their fighting style. Tekken keeps its roster mainly the same throughout the *years* that go by and just adds on, same with SF and Mortal kombat keeps the classics people grew up with as mandatory entries. I've never heard of any other fighting game that does what SC is doing. What was their excuse for no Talim, Zas or Yunseung? What is 17 years to them trippled or something? Was Zasalamel modernizing canon? hope not.
SC3 Xianghua and her move set= Like A Boss. And I totally agree with you jtdam09. Here's hoping the next game, we see her again...hopefully.
I never said I wanted her back. I just wanted the moveset back. Would probably have people hate Leixia even more after that happens. lmfao.

But I can't say that Leixia really needs it. Beneficial, yes, but Leixia needs her own share of moves that define her as an individual.
I never said I wanted her back. I just wanted the moveset back. Would probably have people hate Leixia even more after that happens. lmfao.But I can't say that Leixia really needs it. Beneficial, yes, but Leixia needs her own share of moves that define her as an individual.
I dont like Lexia. SC5 added too much immaturity to the series as the new characters barely take themselves seriously anymore. Xianghua atleast was motivational and very confident but whiny on occasion for comedy. Her only flaw was her over obsession with Kilk. Lexia is just a parody of her.
I dont like Lexia. SC5 added too much immaturity to the series as the new characters barely take themselves seriously anymore. Xianghua at least was motivational and very confident but whiny on occasion for comedy. Her only flaw was her over obsession with Kilk. Lexia is just a parody of her.
Keep in mind of the age differences and the whole "living", too. Leixia was nothing but a grounded princess seeking desperately for freedom, while Xianghua's mother taught Xianghua until she died. From then on, Xianghua would progress into becoming an Imperial Guard at 16, so she is very aware about how the battlefield and outside could be and didn't have much authority so she could leave anytime she wanted to, unlike her daughter.

And another thing to note is the amount of progression and development Xianghua has gotten in a few games, compared to Leixia who has only had her debut. Xianghua went from age 16 to 20 from SC1 to SCIV. Leixia is only 15. She isn't going to be smart, and filled with wisdom overnight. We are pretty much judging Leixia by the cover. Will PS progress her character in future installments? Hopefully they do.

Since we judge Xiba and Natsu too by the cover, they are the exact same situation. Pyrrha and Patroklos, too, somewhat, but they have has had their time to progress a little bit. Now it is all about how they will be in future installments.

But of course, little hypocritical me does see a connection between Leixia's personality and the usual female lead that typical anime have, like Naruto's Sakura, Inuyasha's Kagome, Hero Tales' Laila. This is obviously shown with her interactions towards Xiba. Hopefully this does improve though, and she needs to tone that down a little bit too.
Keep in mind of the age differences and the whole "living", too. Leixia was nothing but a grounded princess seeking desperately for freedom, while Xianghua's mother taught Xianghua until she died. From then on, she would progress into becoming an Imperial Guard, so she is very aware about how the battlefield and outside could be, unlike her daughter.

And another thing to note is the amount of progression and development Xianghua has gotten in a few games, compared to Leixia's debut. We are pretty much judging Leixia by the cover. Will PS progress her character in future installments? Hopefully they do.

Xiba too.
Actually her story sounds more interesting then Patroklos's.
I'm currently playing through the soulcal games backwards because I missed out on them before. As for future games and characters....
-I never played as Talim but seeing how big of a fan-favourite she is even I thought it was kind of strange that she wasn't even mentioned in V. Even if her story would have been a generic "destroy the soul swords because they're jerks" like it was for a lot of characters in past games, just including her would add more variety to the current roster. I mean, four S&S and the two Pyrrhas on top of that.... not my thing.
-I never played Zas much either but at the least he could have been involved in some shenanigans regarding the soul swords [along with Algol, I wish he was elaborated on more in V]. Plus he's a badass black dude with a scythe.
-Kilik needs to go back to his own style! Xiba may be young but his two dimensional shonen protagonist always hungry hurr is really hard to get by. Three mimic characters in one roster seems like a lazy decision imo.
-Rock. Infinately cooler than Astaroth ever will be. And even if Rock doesn't come back there's always BANGOOOOO
1) I think its obvious that everyone would prefer Kilik to Xiba, but I don't think he's going anywhere considering its his first game. If he had more of Kilik's old moves and was significantly less annoying I probably wouldn't hate him as much. But i'd still totally hate him.
2) I play Lexia because of character loyalty but her personality can be very irritating at times. I don't think her dialogue is realistic considering the nature of the danger she's putting herself in by fighting. I would've preferred a more mature Xianghua, but since they've already introduced Lexia as Xianghua's successor that ship has sailed. I hope she matures in future games.
3) Talim's fighting style was so interesting. It added variety to the cast and I can't help but wonder how failed experiments like Zwei took precedent over her.
4) Apat is an overpowered unnecessary mess. There was no reason to replace Setsuka. And the fighting style loses everything that was interesting about it without the umbrella. Setsuka should replace Apat next game and Patroklos can continue to be a douche.
5) Zazalamel has more reason to be in this game than anyone else. He can't die, and he was a very interest character with an even more interest fighting style. I can't wait to see him make a return.
6) Astaroth isn't interesting or unique in any way. He's just there. But because he can be mass produced he has a reason to be in every game. Ugh. Rock is superior to him in every sense and I hope Bango represents his fighting style in the future.
7) Seong-Mina and Yun-seong got screwed too. I don't think their storyline could've been taken any further but they could've at least been given replacements.
8) Cassandra isn't dead but i'm not sure if I want her back or not. Pyrrha is likable and while I do prefer Cassandra infinitely to Patroklos he's probably staying. :( Three S & S styles would be silly and the only way to have just two be to allow Patroklos to keep Setsuka's moveset. And I want Setsuka back way more than I want Cassandra back. The ideal solution would be to go back in time and castrate Rothion before Patroklos is conceived.
9) I have hope for Natsu. She's almost likable, and her demon possession is interesting. She can always get more mature in future games. I do miss Taki's badass self but I think I can cope. I just don't understand why she's as happy as she is now. She grew up in a ninja clan that kills demons. Around people that probably hated her because she's possessed by a demon. I don't believe that after a lifetime getting treated like ass and demon hunting that a person could be that happy go lucky.
1) I think its obvious that everyone would prefer Kilik to Xiba, but I don't think he's going anywhere considering its his first game. If he had more of Kilik's old moves and was significantly less annoying I probably wouldn't hate him as much. But i'd still totally hate him.
2) I play Lexia because of character loyalty but her personality can be very irritating at times. I don't think her dialogue is realistic considering the nature of the danger she's putting herself in by fighting. I would've preferred a more mature Xianghua, but since they've already introduced Lexia as Xianghua's successor that ship has sailed. I hope she matures in future games.
3) Talim's fighting style was so interesting. It added variety to the cast and I can't help but wonder how failed experiments like Zwei took precedent over her.
4) Apat is an overpowered unnecessary mess. There was no reason to replace Setsuka. And the fighting style loses everything that was interesting about it without the umbrella. Setsuka should replace Apat next game and Patroklos can continue to be a douche.
5) Zazalamel has more reason to be in this game than anyone else. He can't die, and he was a very interest character with an even more interest fighting style. I can't wait to see him make a return.
6) Astaroth isn't interesting or unique in any way. He's just there. But because he can be mass produced he has a reason to be in every game. Ugh. Rock is superior to him in every sense and I hope Bango represents his fighting style in the future.
7) Seong-Mina and Yun-seong got screwed too. I don't think their storyline could've been taken any further but they could've at least been given replacements.
8) Cassandra isn't dead but i'm not sure if I want her back or not. Pyrrha is likable and while I do prefer Cassandra infinitely to Patroklos he's probably staying. :( Three S & S styles would be silly and the only way to have just two be to allow Patroklos to keep Setsuka's moveset. And I want Setsuka back way more than I want Cassandra back. The ideal solution would be to go back in time and castrate Rothion before Patroklos is conceived.
9) I have hope for Natsu. She's almost likable, and her demon possession is interesting. She can always get more mature in future games. I do miss Taki's badass self but I think I can cope. I just don't understand why she's as happy as she is now. She grew up in a ninja clan that kills demons. Around people that probably hated her because she's possessed by a demon. I don't believe that after a lifetime getting treated like ass and demon hunting that a person could be that happy go lucky.

You call Zwei a failed experiment, I call Zwei the most unique character in the game. Id much rather have him than a flipping phillipino girl. Although, i guess im a bit biased since i never used her. I guess its a mater of opinion.
1) I think its obvious that everyone would prefer Kilik to Xiba, but I don't think he's going anywhere considering its his first game. If he had more of Kilik's old moves and was significantly less annoying I probably wouldn't hate him as much. But i'd still totally hate him.
No they don't, or at least I don't. Kilik's personality was like watching paint dry. Annoying personality aside, Xiba is pretty refreshing in his fighting style. Plus this is only his debut, so he has enough time to develop.

2) I play Lexia because of character loyalty but her personality can be very irritating at times. I don't think her dialogue is realistic considering the nature of the danger she's putting herself in by fighting. I would've preferred a more mature Xianghua, but since they've already introduced Lexia as Xianghua's successor that ship has sailed. I hope she matures in future games. click here on my opinion about Leixia.

3) Talim's fighting style was so interesting. It added variety to the cast and I can't help but wonder how failed experiments like Zwei took precedent over her. Because he is a new character.

4) Apat is an overpowered unnecessary mess. There was no reason to replace Setsuka. And the fighting style loses everything that was interesting about it without the umbrella. Setsuka should replace Apat next game and Patroklos can continue to be a douche. *Thinks about saggy boobs, chances of having 1 S&S style, the fact that Setsuka never developed, and the fact that Setsuka was irrelevant to the swords since her debut* Whatever you say....

5) Zazalamel has more reason to be in this game than anyone else. He can't die, and he was a very interest character with an even more interest fighting style. I can't wait to see him make a return. Zasalamel does deserve to be there, but he does NOT deserve to be there "more" than any other character in the roster. Might I also mention that Zasalamel isn't "immortal", meaning he can die.

6) Astaroth isn't interesting or unique in any way. He's just there. But because he can be mass produced he has a reason to be in every game. Ugh. Rock is superior to him in every sense and I hope Bango represents his fighting style in the future. Astaroth is a pretty unique character from the most part. Bangoo should just have his own style.

7) Seong-Mina and Yun-seong got screwed too. I don't think their storyline could've been taken any further but they could've at least been given replacements. Yun-Seong, maybe, but I would much rather have him in instead.

8) Cassandra isn't dead but i'm not sure if I want her back or not. Pyrrha is likable and while I do prefer Cassandra infinitely to Patroklos he's probably staying. :( Three S & S styles would be silly and the only way to have just two be to allow Patroklos to keep Setsuka's moveset. And I want Setsuka back way more than I want Cassandra back. The ideal solution would be to go back in time and castrate Rothion before Patroklos is conceived. *rolls eyes* talk about an extreme sense of bitterness here.

9) I have hope for Natsu. She's almost likable, and her demon possession is interesting. She can always get more mature in future games. I do miss Taki's badass self but I think I can cope. I just don't understand why she's as happy as she is now. She grew up in a ninja clan that kills demons. Around people that probably hated her because she's possessed by a demon. I don't believe that after a lifetime getting treated like ass and demon hunting that a person could be that happy go lucky. So you want her to act all depressed and lonely all of the time?