Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

Here is the new chick for DOA.

Hell has Frozen!!!..a flat chested girl in DoA...jokes/sarcasm aside.
I like her Design(even if some fanboys/haters gonna say that she is a Lili ripoff)
keep it up TN!
PS:hmm..sega is supporting sure we gonna get some Miku DLC for her.
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Is she coming to console for free to owners of the game and paid for core? Or paid for both?

Running a Systema moveset... Might be interesting if they can a make a better animated Lili.

I wonder how expansive her move list is? Momiji and Rachel have pretty slim lists, and in Momiji's case, not very useful/gimmicky.
I bet Tengu is pretty pissed that he lost out to a Gothic Lolita girl. Wonder if she will become DLC or get patched in...Know if anyone will record/stream her gameplay later on down the road?
I want her + Tengu in the game!! T__T;; I miss my Tengu and all the times playing as him and nobody bothered unlocking him so like nobody knew how to fight him very well! xD he was so cool with his half damage flying grab throw! "Yo hohoho.. HO!!"
Huh, based on that move list there's a couple things we know...

Team ninja still thinks guard breaks should be negative.

Marie Rose has very few lows, little tracking, and it seems a rather poor string mix up...

Positives, lots of offensive holds, a sidestep stance (ala Rachel, Christie, Bayman) and several basic damage throws. Her strongest throw is 62 damage

She also has advanced holds, but they all appear to do less damage than the basic holds, so we'll see a good visual look before we can make a fair judgement about. Looks like she might be as complex as Bayman and Leon, maybe a bit more movement oriented.
this freaking loli is 18 years old, wtf man? is it so hard for them to just be honest and admit what they were doing?

Hahaha I was saying like for all the anime fetishes they have them all covered besides the "Rachel loli lovers", which now they have.. =P

Femdom character / sadistic women --- Christie.
Outgoing loud girl --- Hitomi.
Shy, reserved girl --- Kokoro.
Strong willed, serious girl --- Ayane.
Chinese martial arts girl --- Lei Fang.
Dominant playful women --- Tina.
Reserved girl with a conscience --- Kasumi.
Old pervy man.... --- Bass and Wang!

They pretty much have everything covered other than just having Yoko Litner as a guest character!! xDD
Hahaha I was saying like for all the anime fetishes they have them all covered besides the "Rachel loli lovers", which now they have.. =P

Femdom character / sadistic women --- Christie.
Outgoing loud girl --- Hitomi.
Shy, reserved girl --- Kokoro.
Strong willed, serious girl --- Ayane.
Chinese martial arts girl --- Lei Fang.
Dominant playful women --- Tina.
Reserved girl with a conscience --- Kasumi.
Old pervy man.... --- Bass and Wang!

They pretty much have everything covered other than just having Yoko Litner as a guest character!! xDD
but Kokoro isn't shy or reserved at all. she was a traditional Geisha even. which requires you to perform in front crowds. she is calm and all about etiquette. and i'd put the "chinese martial arts girl" with Pai Chan. and put Lei Fang as a person that is looking for challenges for herself so she can get better. Tina is a woman who has done damn near everything. and Ayane is just a "Tsundere" plain and simple. and Bass is pervy? nah, i don't think so. not even close. brad yes. but not bass.
Heh, sorry but no, Cardboard has more personality than most of the DoA roster. As for Kokoro. She's a ditz, let's not pretend she's anything more than that.
Heh, sorry but no, Cardboard has more personality than most of the DoA roster. As for Kokoro. She's a ditz, let's not pretend she's anything more than that.
Ditz? please do explain yourself, dear sir?

also, am i the only one hoping for DOA5U Arcade to release for next gen consoles. got me my PS4 today and would love to play the DOA5UA on it like how Injustice is getting their game put on the next gen consoles as well.