SCV - gotta luv playing online

Looks like my button output during lag matches.
@Harm IKR sometimes it gets very frustrating.
@Video LMFAO so that's how it looks like when a spammer spams...
I love how he's mashing even during the grab animation, as if mashing actually increases the damage or some MVC3 type scrub mechanic
thats what it looks like when i input 3B and iagA >.>
Whats wrong with that? Thats how I play! LOL

Whats messed up, is you lost!
I once had an Ezio that did nothing but 6B and grapples before RQing since he couldn't hit someone crouching. *Snort*
That moment when the scrub spammers hits that jackpot
How do you even play like that? I don't think I could hit that many buttons if I tried.
I would have just spammed 66B and bombs, if people are getting that predictable their defense is always ass.
Idk how, but he makes a lot of good decisions.
It's amazing how hard these people are to beat with a short ranged character.
It's amazing how hard these people are to beat with a short ranged character.


Sep 20, 2012 at 11:26 PM
Posted by Dleek146
I suspected this might be a button masher when I stayed on the ground in round 2. The replay shows it all :)
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