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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Well, I usually turn on at night, but I think it´s morning in your country lol
    On weekend is easir for me to play more. Probably we will meet at PSN on weekends.
    See you later
    Yes, I didn´t know that! lol I erase one of the missing guys of my list and invited you.
    Maxi and Sieg are pretty good in this game. Maxi has (had) big damage and Siegfried too. And Sieg are too safe using his stances (no A.A stops him anymore).
    Brazillian internet is bad and expensive too. Sometimes I get better connections playing with japanese than south americans lol
    yes I think maxi in SC V is one of the best maxi in SC history

    Sieg is good. it's just his tracking is bad for some reason. but I think he's okay now

    the thing I miss about maxi and sieg is their move set
    I lost so many favourite move lol

    hmmm what time do u usually play ?
    we live in different time
    I usually play at night.
    I guess it's already morning in brazil lol
    We expect new players come to the community with SC5. There are so many casual and lazy players that don´t even try to learn more and play with us. And Brazil is too big, so it´s difficult to everybody play together ina a tournament.
    looks like our problem pretty much the same
    Indonesia is a big archipelago lol

    I don't like the changes in SC V at first lol
    after playing for a while I think it's a decent game
    but totally different with SC IV.
    sometimes I miss maxi, siegfried and mitsu in SC 4
    anyway I can't add your PSN yesterday
    your fried list was full
    add me if you have deleted one
    my psn is

    looks like to have a good online play
    we must have a good host
    sometimes I asked my friend in japan to be a host lol

    Indonesian internet connection is terrible and expensive
    how about brazil ? :)
    Hey Cupui,
    Well, the players that still playing tournaments on SC4 (in the end) are playing SC too. Most of us didn´t like the new things, specially the guard impact/just guard change. I´m trying to learn these new things and I´m using them. But the start was terrible.
    I didn´t like the Mitsu/Ivy changes and the fact that Zasalamel isn´t in the game. But I still playing with them.
    Hey Cupui, How´ve you been? Do you play on PS3 or 360?
    Since SC5 has a good online mode, probably we can play with each other. My PSN is ViniMF.
    Hugs from Brazil
    hey man ! wassup :D and yes I play on PS3
    not sure will be as good as playing offline
    but I've played with my fried in japan and US
    at least it still playable. I'll add you soon
    Probably tommorow :D
    so how's brazil SC community ?
    Are there many SC players ?

    some Indonesian players rage quit because their hero is gone
    ( like amy , mina ) some of them disappointed because their character lost their stance ( like mitsu relic )

    but we got some fresh new player here so we still exist.....
    for a while lol
    Gue dah bikin tretnya tuh di Indotekken, di bagian game discussion.. ada 2 tret, yg 1 ngebahas general yg 1 ngebahas game mechanic. Nah, tolong ajak temen2 SC lo yg lo tau buat nimbrung di tret itu yah, supaya makin rame dan dibikinin 1 sub forum buat SC. Dengan begini bisa jadi langkah awal buat lebih gampang buat majuin lagi komunitas SC di indo! :D
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    Reactions: Cupui
    beres deh :D
    kalau aku lupa u tinggal copy paste dari grup aja. gw juga update di VGI ama kaskus juga soalnya

    di kaskus ama VGI mungkin ada yang post ntar kalo gamenya keluar

    tapi jarang yang diskusi masalah gameplay yang serius kaya jurus2, frame, trap dsb2

    biasanya yang dibicarakan character creationnya zzzzz...
    kalo gw ga ngurus dan ga peduli ama character creation
    SC emang lebih appeal ke casual gamers sih daripada competitive gamers. Makanya ga ada arcadenya dan fitur single playernya banyak. Ga bisa disalahin sih, emang gamenya gitu, haha..
    hahaha moga2 aja gamenya bener2 bagus dan competitif
    sehingga nanti dibikin arcade edition seperti yang dikatakan
    Tago di interview paris games week ;)

    Btw new character revealed...
    asem give me back my kilik
    tolong kilik jadi monyet
    aaaa.... DX
    =D welcome back Cupui!
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    Reactions: Cupui
    hey dude. thx for the warm welcome
    hope we can work together to give a good contribution for sieg forum. Please take care of us ;D

    sorry I don't remember u tho. have we meet before somewhere in forum lol ?
    heh we might have, but u probably dont remember me. i was a real scrubby sieg back then, and didnt come on 8wayrun often. i look forward to workin with ya =D
    Halo cupui apa kabar,Ini Vivoco88
    Eh si RAijin main online ga dia,koneksi internetnya bagus?
    aku juga maen setsuka
    I was watching your seig videos and i must say it was impressive to see what you can do with him, but my question is about how to record your videos.

    I dont want to use a video cam becuase of the bad quality but i ehard you use your laptop/computer to handle the recording? if so what program do you use and what do i need to get to be able to record on my laptop?
    Hah, thanks for the birthday wishes man. Sorry about the late reply, I don't look at my profile all that much...
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