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  • Tom could you let Aris know we have like 12+ people showing up for the 10h?
    Hey there! I was looking to get introduced to the SOCAL SC5 community and I heard you're the guy, so here I am! So, ummm where do you host these events?
    So after reading the post below I figured out the Super Arcade is in Walnut, California (Which is about a good 40 minutes from Lawndale, CA) Not too bad, except I don't have a car :/ Anyways, is there any events hosted that are a bit closer to where I live?
    Im near torrence but I normally drive so i might be able to hit you up.
    That's awesome. My uncle lives in Torrance so I could probably get a ride to Torrance or to wherever you live. Hit me up if your willing to carpool :)
    Hey Tom. Alex said you wanted to talk to me...? what's up?
    Dude we need to have folks playing at super arcade tonight. We got a player from france comming through super arcade tonight and he tring to play folks in socal.
    Not likely for me to make it. Sorry Tom. But starting next month I'll be able to get out more. Where is super arcade at?
    Its in walnut. Like around 30-40 minutes drive in hard traffice. I drive it all the time. honestly not that bad of a trip. Google it up or ill send you the address. But its where Wednesday Night Fights and The RunBack occur at.
    hey, you thinking of going to DEV2011? me and signia are gonna be practicing, it would be nice if u and beefy played too. and since namco revived the SC team it might not be a complete waste of time...
    Hmm I might be going to Dev but they never said when it is. I think its gonna be in the winter. I've been playing T6 and everything else. Also the guy in charge is the man who balanced sc3 and sc4. So I dunno...
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