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  • say man long time no talk. Well I was contacting you to tell Dios my PS3 fucking died this morning =( You need to train him up on Viola big time man. couple of good Viola's that are going to be in the online tournament. Anyways tell him to take care and to keep my psn id
    wow, haven't been on here that long, and yeah he and I both encountered a few of them, neither of us lost to the viola character specifically. I ended up getting 35th (not top 32) because the last week and a half nobody played me or accepted challenges. I hate ladders for that, was 30th but after that I kept gettin pushed back lol. But I'll let him know bout the PS3 thing man.
    hey, just shoot me a msg on psn. I have til 3:30 also since I gotta go after that. anyway, I'm on now
    Ay vegita i'll be on tomorrow in the morning and @ 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 CST (6:00,8:00, and 10:00 EST).
    K we can try later today, rigt now I got a massive head-ache and been playing like crap. I'll try to hit up up around 7:00 EST to play 4 tourney, hopefully i'll be ready by then. Until then, i'm taking a long break for today.
    fuck. i just got back from va beach. chillin here at the friends tonight, and then bouncing back home tomorrow. wish i coulda hit ya up earlier. no worries.
    hi. i'm here in chesapeake visiting till wednesday. feel like getting some game in? hit me back up.
    Hey, Im your next opponent in the online tournement. Im in vegas, so pacific time, we should have some awesome lag if youre in VA. I'll add you on PSN, let me know when you want to play.
    Yeah sorry, guess time zone would help huh... heh. Im central time. Ill be all night tonight, got nothing planned. Hit me up on psn when you can. My psn is the same as my name
    Im usually on during the week anytime after 10pm or so. I work mon - fri till 9pm thats why I play late night hours.
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