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  • try 3K with Nightmare..you're "reduced" to using chip-style kicks n pokes, until raph opens up and you can mix up freely.

    Hope you're fast with 66K and 11K too.
    yeah , aside from that i was using nightmare . and nightmare has really slow lows . and a variety of HORIZONTAL moves . i couldnt get any good verticals . if i tried a horizontal he would dodge with Preparation Stance (UP) or (DOWN) [i forgot what it was called] rawr .
    nooo , i played this raph once . it wasnt constant wall combo-ing but he backed me up into a wall and like kept attacking constantly . i couldnt find any counter hits or openings on him -.- then besides the egyptian temple (non ringout staged) i played him and he backed me up against the sides and used different moves like his grapple + another move like 2A+B and rung me out . ugh .
    are you one of those raphs who rape people at a wall ? i wanna learn to play like that . . .
    hmm I suggest you guys dont' take each other too seriously. When he apologized but you rebuffed him, he got visibly upset.
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