Recent content by Zael

  1. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Was gonna say Ashlotte, but also a fine choice.
  2. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    There's a dimension out there in which the latest SC game is the perfect cocktail of 2's music and costume variety, 3's single-player content and newcomer quality, 4's... something, 5's stages, and 6's, you know, actually good gameplay/tight character balance.
  3. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Damn, Rothion. Maybe you'll actually start appearing in some of your wife's porn looking this handsome.
  4. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Jesus Christ her design is ace. Gorgeous outfit, and those fucking thighs. We need that art in full ASAP lads. :sc2cas2:
  5. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Kinda worried for the possibility of a SamSho crossover. It wouldn't at all carry the hype of drawing new blood from a popular mainstream franchise (as with literally every other guest in the series), and feels more like just shoving two underdog fighters together in the hope that players of one...
  6. Zael

    Soulcalibur VI DLC Discussion Thread

    Look at that precious face, so full of love and warmth. ... she's kinda cute too, I guess...
  7. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Man, that corset and the stockings are going to be everywhere. also hopefully available on lizards
  8. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Lovely art, she looks super cute. Is it in full anywhere yet? I think Kawano does better art with the more adult characters though, both Amy and Talim look a bit bland in the face next to the more, uh, "mature" women like Taki and Ivy. But no matter. Just please Christ, Okubo, don't pull a IV...
  9. Zael

    Soulcalibur VI DLC Discussion Thread

    I thought "star" could be Hwang for a moment, but that shape is only really relevant to the, uh, slightly more northern Korea...
  10. Zael

    YoRHa 2B Joins the Stage of History

    Is the full official art released yet? She looks gorgeous in the teaser there.
  11. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    So, how long until some madman makes a folder with all the character art sprites and expressions?
  12. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    this is the face of a man blissfully unaware of how much porn exists of his wife
  13. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    What killed it for me was how half-assed and arbitrary the skip seemed. They just didn't commit to it, a third of the cast stayed exactly the same with one flimsy excuse or another ("stopped ageing", huh, Ivy?) while others disappeared completely. And neither of these quibbles are as offensive...
  14. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I'm with you, Forsaken Sanctuary is killer. The part where it cuts to the victor turning around to face the PC syncs so well with the music.
  15. Zael

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    He might be an uninspired slot, but come on, that's cool as fuck.