α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

Wow, if Alpha Pat is that good with only a limited amount of experience who knows what'll happen in a few months. I'm happy then I'm not at the same time lmao, cause I see Setsuka Moves but no Setsuka. Its all good though I have Tira & Hilde to play with.

CH 2A ~ CE means that Dawn Haze buffering is still in, my worries are relieved lmao it would be too hard to do 1B:B ~ 6K ~ 8A+B B ~ 214 3a:B by itself.

214 3a:B hits grounded? This is refreshing because I always wanted that since I picked up Setsuka in SCIII.

I think CH 44K could connect with 1B:B or 236B. Does Alpha Pat have 2B+K still? I got a kick out of using 214 3a:B as a follow-up for tech traps. The only reason I asked is because the KND effect of 44K looks like the KND of 236B
Human Typhoon, the move you see IS UMbrella, it has now the old 66B Animation, JF Version hits grounded. Mad Unsafe of course.

The other Move you mean, the shoulder attack is 2A BE! Also unsafe, only for Combos.

NoirEffekt...i dont think 44K connects after 1BB, but didnt test too much.

Soon more videos will be on my channel!


So here a two Vids, third one will be up in a few hours:

Wow, there's gonna be a lot of 2A spam when Alpha has 100% meter or more.

He looks awesome but shame on you for having trouble against Ivy =P
Doc: Have you checked if her 8A+B B consistently puts her facing the opponent, provided that it hits at a proper range, or are there some characters where she can still end up BT?
Wow, there's gonna be a lot of 2A spam when Alpha has 100% meter or more.

He looks awesome but shame on you for having trouble against Ivy =P

Hey 27:3 with Cervants against Ivy :P

Doc: Have you checked if her 8A+B B consistently puts her facing the opponent, provided that it hits at a proper range, or are there some characters where she can still end up BT?

I didnt specifically but it happened that i was BT once and also after some Move range was messed up, JF Umbrella did not connect....
No i dont think it will be patched...you think its broke? Its not the 2A, its the CE. IF ou make it slower all other Setups wont connect anymore, after ch 6K, 22AA etc etc...so you have to change 2A properties or just everything about this CE.

Damage is not tooo big, dont think its game breaking right now.
I don't know what to think of it right now. If anything, they could make CH 2A +7 :P

Oh well. He looks so fun to play, with tons of options and great damage. I envy your character :f Being stuck with shitty boring Ivy sucks.
Now we all see some good stuff, but now focus a little on what the vids REALLY show.
1) aP has very nice damage overall. And Doc didn't even do the real SC5 combos !

2) aP has very nice mix up. 1AAA and sick throw game / damaging mids. And "random time" CE use. Best mix up starter is perhaps 2A. 2A into antistep, 2A into 1AAA/236~throw, 2A into WS B/ 33B.

3) aP is a close range orientend character. This means a lot of things in SC5.
- He lost a lot of Setsu's ranged tools. 33B range was nerfed, and 66A range is just ....Well let's not talk about this move, I am too sad.
- Only 2 ranged tools we know of : 33B (although range was nerfed, it is still usefull, especially with wavedash), and bA (should be unsafe though). Perhaps 8A+B A will be usefull, we didn't see it in vids yet.
- Most of his antistep tools are close and close/mid-range oriented.

He WILL have trouble against zoning characters. Backdash is really important in SC5, Darkslayer played Ivy like SC4 and still Doc had trouble getting in. Zoning will be the key to fighting aP. And this will hurt him. Badly.
He can zone a little (from mid to close range), but most of his time, like Doc told me in PM, there is only one direction : forward.

4) i12 umbrella combo-ing into umbrella + 44B+K BE + 2143B:B BE + 2A CE + CE are very nice tools. This means aP is a punishing character.

So far what do we have? A character that is close-range oriented, with huge mix-up tools and very good punishing game (WAY better than Setsu's).
This is very interesting. Game's will be ugly though :)

PS : Oh Ring, you whined about Sieg, and he got nerfed. Stop whining about Alpha Patroklos ^^
Besides, this isn't as game-breaking as you makes it to be. And stop whining about SC4 Ivy, get over it !
Like aP is a whole new character. I think you can't really compare aP with Setsuka. We can see the big damage, but I think we will miss Setsu's long range zoning tools. And how she broke zoning with 33B/66A.
I think you can't compare SC4 Ivy with SC5 Ivy. Same name, same skin, different characters. She doesn't look as boring as you make it to be to me. But well, I guess we all can be used to SC4 brokeness :)

EDIT : Besides, you're not "stuck" with Ivy. Comes to Alpha Patroklos ! Comes to us ! We welcome you !! x)
I'm not whining about Alpha, I'm admiring! Also, don't worry, I had to pay so much money to Namco to bribe them for a Sieg nerf that I have nothing left for Patsuka :P

Ivy's the only reason I play SC. Sure, I can play another character but I will always main her. She may not look boring to you, but she really does feel that way ;_; I don't care if she's weaker, though. I just want to have fun when playing a character.
I can totally understand that :) Setsuka was my main reason I was playing SC too. At least you still have your character.... I am stuck with a blond teenager skin of mine :sc3set1:... Sigh...
Good stuff Doc. You'll have all Alpha's combos down in no time, it'll make him a scary character.

What Maxou says is true, Pat is limited at range, but 33B and bA are still good. Though it's risky, 2143aB has pretty good range too.

Setsuka players will of course be disappointed with the new skin, but at least you have most of your moves and strategies intact. Ivy really is a completely different character, very simple to use, which is good news for those of us who want to pick her up, but will be tough to deal with for those who took the time to master her in SCIV
She's easier to learn but she's harder to play. In SC4 you could win with her using only 5 moves despite having such enormous moveset at your disposal. This isn't happening this time. Competing with Ivy on high level will require a lot of skill and knowledge, just like in SC3. Which is a good thing I guess.

Maxou, you can always make Setsuka in CaS :P
One more Comment:

In sc5 there is no difference between the Frames on NH and CH. So 2A is always +8, which means CE is ALWAYS guaranteed after 2A.

Also the old A+KA now doesnt leave in BT anymore, which is good. I like it more than in SC4.

Also this vid will be up in 30 minutes:

Thanks man,DocVizzo doe's 4 k hit mid or still high? and the range good or bad?

I think its mid, range ok. But i think this is changed now, its not the old blockstun 4K.

But the new 44K seems cool, im sure it gives a nice Wallsplat inrto imba damage...can be done out of dashing to Wallsplat to her left...but i didnt test :(

1K, the new jumping turn kick is uper fast, but unsafe.

33K is a new TK Kick, seems a bit tracking etc, but nothing special, but good range. No KND or anything.