Astaroth Q&A/Discussion Thread

How do you guys feel about 3A and 3A+B? I them some up close to catch step, since they are just as fast as 4A (3A is one frame slower) but mid, and I've been having trouble with Pyrrah especially 236ing under my 4A attempts.

3A I feel is sightly better of the two. A little more ranged, and isn't as unsafe (it's still -12, so punishable to some). On hit it's neutral, but CH gets you a free 4B for 41 dmg guaranteed and leaves grounded, 49 if they tech and good +f. 1A_B+G ground throw is also free, though can miss off-axis sometimes. You also get 6K and 66K tech traps as well, which become useful at the wall. Crouch grab can tech trap too, but you have to slightly delay.

3A+B is shorter ranged, -17 on block (though with some pushback), pushback on hit, Stun on CH. Free 44B for 52 dmg or crouch throw attempt. You can tech trap with a slightly delayed PT for 118. 3A+B seems a little risky, but if you know they're probably going to tech into PT, might be worth it once.

I personally don't use 3A or 3A+B, because I tend to use 6B or 44A in their place. However, I think they can all be useful. A quick breakdown:
Move  Impact  Block  Step  Props
6B    20      -10    L/R   STN CH (crumple)
3A    20      -12    R     STN CH (side)
3A+B  19      -17    None  STN CH (crumple)

Putting the data together pretty much tells the story. As usual, the answer to the question of which move to use is: it's situational!

6B is relatively fast, totally safe, and crumple stuns on CH for very good followup damage. However, it's very easy to step in either direction.

3A is the same speed, relatively safe (can be punished with AA by a few characters), and catches step to the left. However, it results in a stun that doesn't allow for great followup damage.

3A+B is the fastest of the three, but at -17 it's also the riskiest; on block it can be easily punished by every character. However, it catches step in either direction and doing so results in a crumple stun, which gives very good followup damage.

So, if you think they won't step, use 6B. If you're unsure, and want to trade a left step catch for less followup damage, use 3A. If you're pretty darn sure they're going to step and you're willing to risk punishment, use 3A+B.

I haven't incorporated these into my game yet, but I think it would be valuable if I did.
Hey there! I hope you still playin' the sweet Golem, I saw some Maxi cheapness down in Cannes :)

Thanks for the answers.
For the wall combos: I totally forgot 3K, A, you're right, it's golden. I'll do some experiments.

I recently discovered that Asta's CE can be ducked with instant tech crouch moves even after the animation... this makes it totally useless.

Whatever, let's whore some BE.

The CE is still good against characters that can't TC under it, like Maxi. But yeah, that's a shame because I love it and some setups are really good. Hope for a patch.

And unfortunately at the moment I'm not sure Astaroth is going to end well in the next few months. ATM I can still wreck a LOT of people with him but that mostly due to people ignorance and inability to JG his zoning game.
Still his wall/edge pressure game coupled with guard break game is strong and he'll never be low tier.
I guess time will tell.
I fear too that in the long run Asta will not be good tournament material.
i.e. certain characters deal the same damage but aren't as unsafe as Asta, have better BE moves and are less exposed to Just guard.

Even the choice of the arena is crucial, endless stages (pure shit imho, this isn't Tekken) give Asta 50% of his potential.
I still can't figure out how to cancel the 44B unblockable into the horizontal move. I like to catch people when they are waking up and are at low health, because their first instinct at times is to hold on to G for dear life. Smarter opponents side step, so I'd like to add this to my arsenal. I can cancel it using guard but I can't figure out anything past that.

Also, I'm still looking for an Astaroth tutor. Add me on XBL if you're willing to help. My gt is : l Jayrad l . I know Astaroth's move list and I think I am fairly competent with him. I would just like some critiques on what I need to improve on. I'll definitely study that little guide Srayer posted though.

Lastly, I beat someone who was using Tira, and afterwards was sent a message saying, "Noob character. Requires no skill." Your thoughts?
Just went 1-2 with Asta at final round. Did a lot worse than I thought I would.

Played casuals and was winning most my matches. Waited around 4 hours to play my pools and had to play hates first round who used to be an Asta player. Anyways he was using cervy and I only managed to get one round.

Second match was against an Asta that didn't even use command throws so I won that pretty easily.

Third match was against jto who used Pyrrha and it went to the last round the first game and he won then he just sweeped me the second game.

I didn't really get just guarded to death like I thought I would. I think people mostly just broke most my throws and just tech crouched through my moves and sidestepped and punished at the right times. I thought Asta would be kind of uncommon and hard to fight but there was actually a lot of Asta players there and most people were ready for it.
I was also surprised to see so many named players in my bracket. I also had linkrc so I didn't expect to get out in winners, but to think that I would fight jto 2nd round in losers...
I think I got third in my pool at Final Round. Lost an Asta mirror (seriously, these things are goofy coin-flips), so I switched to Pyrrha against him in match 2 and barely lost. Fought BigBoi much later in losers brackets and kind of got bodied against his Nightmare. I had very little knowledge on that matchup.

On the plus side, I beat a few decent Natsus and Leixias in the brackets, which were the two matchups I really prepared myself for. Had a ton of casuals against Jaxel's Xiba this morning too. He constantly guessed wrong on my grabs and loved the new grab range. lol
Awww man I just found out that CaS Astaroths are too short to do a crouch grab after a CH 1BB :(
Anything else they can't do aside from the basic less reach?
44A and most other moves have much less range aswell, if you want to keep astas range then you have to edit a normal character and not an original creation.
I know about the less range I'm just wondering if there are other things that won't combo or work properly due to this.
What's his best option for hitting someone who rolls to the side after a knockdown?

Depends on the situation and what's your goal. For the last bit of health, as they said, 4B/2A are the best.

In different conditions you should seriously consider 22_88B (huge damage if hits, great guard break pressure) or even 1A/1AA. This one is very situational, but sometimes opponents make long range siderolls and you can hit them with 1AA combo, which is nice damage and great humiliation.
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