Cervantes Combo Discussion

On Asta and NM sure cuz they are huge. To truly test something like this you have to see if it works on the little people.
I'm not sure. I tested on Asta and I think Aeon or NM. It worked all directions there. Also, I used 669B instead of 663B. I'm just assuming it works for both.

I tested on Cervy with both 669 and 663, never catches right tech. But still even if it works against the big hitboxes its good to know. I usually always test stuff on Asta/Ivy and then the greek chicks to make sure i got all hitboxes covered.
33/99B is an odd one. I think I found it was dependent on which direction they teched and whether you input the command late or early.
if somebody has time it would also be cool to know exactly on which chars 44A into CE connects. Doesnt work for all but too lazy to test :)
doc: You know me. As soon as I get the spare console I'll do it for you. Unless I'm beaten of course.

Oreo: Interesting project indeed. I posted with my picks. :)
Hey guys, is it possible to do this combo: 3B, igdr, igdr, igdr ?

The CPU did that to me while I was playing in Quick Battle against FUG, the A2 Cervantes, but I never landed it in practice mode.

I don't think it is, unless maybe the 2nd iGDR was a little late and person tech causing a relaunch for the 3rd iGDR. I think it's when they tech left the relaunch happens (might be wrong)
I don't think it is, unless maybe the 2nd iGDR was a little late and person tech causing a relaunch for the 3rd iGDR. I think it's when they tech left the relaunch happens (might be wrong)

The CPU did: 3b, igdr, igdr (that relaunched me in the air), igdr.

I never hit the ground :/

I know it seems impossible but that's what he did.
hitbox thing maybe? I know the CPU did 3B iGDR iGDR (relaunch) against me when i was playing Lizardman. Never found the time to test it afterwards....