Doom Combo = Infinite Category?

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um... seesaw is a bad example.. cuz half the cast can ring you out from pretty much anywhere... lol... oh i hate thee. That in and of its self is a reason not to play the tower u don't unlock that shit...
yeah, i wish every day i could un-unlock it. Lol...maybe next time i fight hilde i'll just be nightmare and pick only that level. Revenge bitch!

IN reality my stage ban rule would only ban 3-4 stages

Idea: If a player calls "Anti-Hilde Level Rule", the hilde is awarded choice on where random selection would be assigned. So 1st match would be an auto choice for Hilde IF the other player so chooses to call this. I find this incredibly balanced. Hilde takes a VERY minor loss, it gives others a chance to fight in environments that don't make the combo stupid OP, and the Hilde even gets something back by having 1st decision on level.
Ummm...if a player calls "anti-hilde"...the hilde has the ability to choose (not the other player) a stage without a wall game. Not every no wall stage would be banned. Just the tiniest ones. Evens some with wall have little to offer wall people and still have good RO.

Clock level (has "pillars"), the lizard one (has "pillars" and a very small wall), the biggest square level (has "pillars"). These would all be in. You also have all the stages that are half/wall half/RO (the one with dodos and the ice level).

Just remove ones like raft and seesaw (its a garbage level wont be missed). A few of the circle no wall stages have enough real estate to be allowed.
Even if everyone agreed to ban "the Doom Combo," which one are you going to ban? Hilde has like 20 different variations on it that will ring out from forever away. Just the C2BB, C3A, C2BB, C2AA part? What about that sequence used in another combo? By itself?
i don't honestly mind not having seesaw as a stage (and i'm not sure if ppl would even bother to unlock it for a tourney... to some extent) but other than that lvl select issues is going into smash brothers territory. This is a FIGHTER not a PARTY GAME. If its in the game leave it as it is. Hell... I feel characters have a BETTER game in a lvl like seesaw against hilde. All of a sudden characters like nightmare have a CHANCE against her. so i think its counterproductive if your issue is that you say the combo is broke.

personally I would rather play her in the labyrinth (great movie by the way) lvl over some of the slightly bigger ones because yoshi can match her ringout game a lot closer in a lvl like labyrinth than in the slightly bigger lvls. Very counter productive to your point I feel.
^GATOR ^ think we have our first valid argument against me lol (notes people, notes)

Well the rule offers a option to call it. So if you're playing an RO character that would benefit from those levels, you naturally wouldn't call upon the rule. But if you're playing a character that simply can't play the RO game and would be at disadvantage you may want to call it for balance.

If I had Nightmare on seesaw I wouldn't call it (game stays same...both characters have a fair game)...but my Ivy would probably want to call the rule since her RO game is much more limited.

[edit] It's not out, this is more of a proposal/idea thread. I'm trying to come up with ideas. If the community likes it I would certainly aim to have them implimented.
I find that ironic that you're backing it and have that in your sig.

Heh I changed the last word in that guy's quote to "truth" instead. So I'm kinda saying that since it keeps coming up every few weeks, it's because it's a real problem, doom combo is broken.

But I also agree that it might be better to just wait until ...whatever the next big tournament thing is coming.
I can only hope that it will get nerfed by Namco.
So you're saying that because your RO game is "limited" having a smaller stage with far more chances for YOU to RO is unfair to YOU when Hilde's advantage by YOUR reasoning is being able to RO from anywhere EVEN on the larger stages?

Granted your rule is relatively fair in comparison to some of the other stupid shit that gets suggested. Still don't think it'll be implemented simply because the Combo isn't broken (cheap, granted) even on the small stages.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hilde doom combo is LESS effective on a smaller map. Yes it means you can RO from pretty much anywhere but it also means that if it is countered, which in high level play is quite likely, you are that much more likely to be RO'd yourself. I would much prefer to have a stage where I know I can comfortably RO from middle of stage and not be RO'd myself if I get punished for trying.
Heh I changed the last word in that guy's quote to "truth" instead. So I'm kinda saying that since it keeps coming up every few weeks, it's because it's a real problem, doom combo is broken.

There's about as many complain threads about Sagat on SRK as there are on Hilde's doom. Yet no one says he's broken other than scrubs. The pros just say he is top tier. You know why? It's because he's not unstoppable. Hard to deal with, yes but not like you can't overcome him.

Doom is a launcher off of an i21 mid that can only be done once every 5 seconds.
Yoshi has an i9 interrupt that combo's into RO at least 70% as far. And do NOT bring up shit like "It's a just frame so it's harder to do". that shit does not matter at all in a tournament. The fact is that it can be done.

You know why people like you keep dropping the word "Broken" about doom combo?
You guessed it - You're a scrub. You even have incorrect usage of the word skill;
- the ability to do something well
- a particular ability.
No Doom Combo shouldn't be banned.
I agree with Runis. People just need to learn how to play or just GTFO. >_>

I wouldn't even say Hilde is the best in the game. I think her top tier piers Kilik, and Voldo are a little better than her.
Here's my Top Tier Ranking.
1. Kilik
2. Voldo
3. Hilde
4. Algol
5. Amy
why is this thread even here?....and why do peopel still complain about the combo T_T...zzzzz

the problem is not the combo.. is the person that doesnt know how to deal with it is the problem T_T...
why is this thread even here?....and why do peopel still complain about the combo t_t...zzzzz

the problem is not the combo.. Is the person that doesnt know how to deal with it is the problem t_t...

exactly! My hero! <3

why do people eat i22 launchers that are steppable?

Why do people eat 60+ frame unblockables that are step-able?
Why do people eat the same tech trap 40 times in a row?
Why do people fall for the same "low/low" mixup (1A/Throw)?

There's about as many complain threads about Sagat on SRK as there are on Hilde's doom. Yet no one says he's broken other than scrubs. The pros just say he is top tier. You know why? It's because he's not unstoppable. Hard to deal with, yes but not like you can't overcome him.

Whenever an Anti-Bitch(Anti-hilde) thread pops up, you flare up, become level 9000 and express your rage on 8wayrun.
You look at your notepad, randomly pick an old argument that has already be said several times, and then try to convince everyone that Hilde is balanced because she's not 100% unbeatable.

"She's not broken, she's merely completely unfair!"

Heh. I don't argue anymore, it's always the same bullshit being repeated each time. Always the same followers, and then those who are still in the age of peace and love "everything's cool yo no ban chill man".

But I think that whenever an anti-bitch thread pops up, you get a few days closer to a heart attack.
Whenever an Anti-Bitch(Anti-hilde) thread pops up, you flare up, become level 9000 and express your rage on 8wayrun.
You look at your notepad, randomly pick an old argument that has already be said several times, and then try to convince everyone that Hilde is balanced because she's not 100% unbeatable.

"She's not broken, she's merely completely unfair!"

Heh. I don't argue anymore, it's always the same bullshit being repeated each time. Always the same followers, and then those who are still in the age of peace and love "everything's cool yo no ban chill man".

But I think that whenever an anti-bitch thread pops up, you get a few days closer to a heart attack.

Hilde is not even close to unfair as Sagat is. Sagat has 0 bad matchups, and dominates most of them. on the tier boards he has at least 20 more victories than 2nd place. That's almost 1 extra victory per character.

Why do I keep saying old shit? Because retards keep bringing UP old shit.
Learn to deal or wait till AFTER evo. Why can't people understand this?
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