Doom Combo = Infinite Category?

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[11] Champion
Tons of "Ban Hilde threads" and while I agree there is a fuck ton of BS with this character, I don't believe that's the answer. I think the issue really just lies within the "doom combo(s)". I feel maybe discussing...ban the combo and treat it exactly like an infinite combo...because doesn't it achieve the EXACT same thing as an infinite? 1 mistake with little to no stage placement = instant win for other?

Now some people could argue it's hard to set up. Does that matter? If an infinite needed Cervy's UB to kick start, would that still be allowed? It's very hard to land...but every once in awhile it does...more than enough reason. And really, landing C3b is not hard. It's fast, has excellent range, tracks a bit, and is positive on block.

My argument is that no one should be punished for 1 mistake to that degree. RO's are fine, hell even the insane range on most of her moves is fine (fuckin amazing but fine). But the general rule of RO's is that you need to set up for them or get positioning down to attempt them. But the ability to carry a person nearly ALL the way to the other side with no JU or shake potential is absurd. You don't have to plan it at all pretty much. The odds of you not being in range is slim and sometimes non-existent on some stages.

Perhaps, find how much of the Doom Combo pieces are too much and what is legit. Obviously keep the last 2 parts. They're insanely good but they are legit and give Hilde a needed edge. This crap needs to stop, but in a fair manner for Hilde players.

IDEA: This may sound sickeningly SSBB...but maybe when a hilde is present a player can request a "anti-hilde stage" rule. This rule would ban a small list of stages that have no walls and are RO-able up to 70% the distance of one of the sides. So if it has a wall or pillar and is small, it's ok. Large circle stages with no walls would be ok as well. To balance this, the Hilde player is awarded level choice whenever RANDOM would decide a level. So the 1st match would always be Hilde choice. This ban provides a VERY small nerf to Hilde but allows an option to give people a fighting chance against the Doom Combo.

example: Seesaw and Raft would be banned
As overpowered as the doom combo is, it's not something that should be banned. In a game with 1 hit kills from ring outs, something has to be REALLY ridiculous too deserve a ban (Ivy's ws B infinite pre-patch). Hilde's combo just isn't ridiculous enough. There are many ways to deal with it and even give her a hard time.

Threads like these don't really accomplish much, they just cause more whining and arguing, and it brings out a bad vibe. We've been through threads like these plenty of times.. no need to repeat it.

Just relax and wait for SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny to hit console. Hopefully they'll fix it by then. In the mean time practice against it or even counter pick if you have to.
Well the point of banning an infinite lies in the fact that once it starts, no matter how hard the launch is, it's game. RO's base around the concept of 1 mistake = death. But they require a scenario in positioning. The Hilde Doom combo breaks this. it requires VERY little positioning. The opponent is always in risk, they can't move from the edge or face a different direction (common anti-ro tactic).

I say take 1 step out of the combo and reduce it's range from the absurd range that it is so there's a strategy that can be adopted to at least position one self so that you wont get RO'd from every where. Literally there are maps that have no safe area to stand on. C3B is literally a 1hit KO on hit in theory.

Isn't that the point of an RO? To make an advantage of a positioning scenario? If you play Ivy, you avoid RO by not standing when her backs at age for fear of A+G. You wait till shes at certain angles before running back in. What can you do about Hilde? Unless blessed with the hugest level and you can keep hilde at edge, or having a wall, you're SOL.

Maybe not a ban, but some rule to balance this out. Once again, I'm not for banning hilde, but i think the community agrees the Doom Combo has some major balance issues. Why not come up with a compromise to be fair to hilde players but alleviate this nonsense?

This may sound sickeningly SSBB...but maybe when a hilde is present a player can request a "anti-hilde stage" rule. Basically maps that provide no safe position be ineligible. This would mean maps with at least a wall, or enough range to have a reasonable safe zone (40%) be valid. This way hilde gets huge damage or gets RO if positioned for it, but never a guarantee. I think this idea is needed to end the debate, Hilde remains RO queen but still has to work for it.

I'm debating a push for this at evo.
First and foremost, Doom combo is not impossible to deal with. Yes one mistake can mean death, but then that's one of the aspects of this game. The reason people are so pissed off about doom is that the range is huge, but it's not like you can just land it easily in high level play. First of all, you can step C3B. Knowing which way to step means the only way it'll hit is if they punish you or if they get you with a mind game mixup. As for punishes. What did you do that got Doomed? Unsafe move? Well stop being predictable with them then.
Hilde has a very poor frame game outside of Charges. Abuse the shit out of that. After a blocked C3A you only need to do a few things really. If you expect C3B, 2A(or 6K if you're asta etc) You'll beat the C3B. If you expect 2A, 9K her. If you expect nothing THEN BLOODY THROW HER. And if she ducks - enter launcher combo of choice, only EVERY character has one guaranteed off a mid.
Ok now for the "IT RO"S FROM ANYWHERES!" comments.
news flash, it DOESN"T. Even on raft if there's a slight angle, you won't be RO'd (Granted a "Smart" Hilde will B+K and reverse RO in that case).
And in the "OMG Ban easy RO stages" comment.
You do realize that Hilde is LESS effective on small rings right? Her RO game covers the entire ring sure, but then your RO game just got that much better too. Raft/Labrynth with Hilde vs NM, NM actually is the More Efficient RO char. Simply because his RO strings are much easier to land.

Now as for the step doom. Step doom means she's either guessing and taking a huge risk, or she's reacting. If it's reacting, then it's simple. STOP USING BAD MOVES. "BUT MAH MOVE IS SO UBER PRO AND GIVES ME ONE BEE LEE ON DAMAGE!" - no your move is not uber pro, the moment it becomes something that can be reacted to and punished for death is the moment it becomes shit. If they can't react then it's no longer shit. Plain and simple.
Good example is Sieg's SBH A+B. It's a jump into low sweep. It's obvious and most people can block it on reaction, but it's still not that punishable right? Wrong! If I can see it a mile away, I can jump it. If I can jump a mildly punishable move, I can make it very punishable since I don't incur Blockstun. Same thing with Cass 4BB:A outside of combo's. You can duck and punish that shit. The best example however is Asta's 1[A]B. That move is C3B bait left right and centre. YOU CAN JUMP THE A, AND THEN ALSO JUMP THE B POINT BLANK. WHO GIVES A SHIT IF IT"S BLOCK STUN AND UBER SG DAMAGE IF I CAN JUMP IT AND PRETTY MUCH KILL YOU! If your opponent is reacting, then STOP USING THE SHIT MOVES!
One thing people ALWAYS neglect, is that Hilde takes FIVE seconds to charge up a C3B. Yes, count it, 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi, 5 fucking Mississippi. You have FIVE SECONDS AFTER A C3B BEFORE YOU CAN EXPECT ANOTHER. In this time, you can expect her to C3A of course, but if you know what's coming, YOU CAN STEP IT. Yes that's right, Stepping C3A. C3B tracks to the Right, C3A to the Left. People keep going on about how Hilde is step queen and can step punish almost everything. What they forget is that she is SERIOUSLY STEPPABLE AS WELL!.
FFS if you can't figure out how to punish OBVIOUS shit, which is what NINETY FIVE FUCKING PERCENT of the Hilde bandwagon nowadays is, THEN WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THIS GAME?!
WaIT omfg MOVES have answrs in this game?!? ZOMFG?!? U mean more than block?!? shit. The issue isn't that there's not's the fact that the end result is still too great of a reward for any potential risk. Fighting games play on the principle of minimizing mistakes...but they are to be expected. No fighting game aims to have perfection be needed to defeat an opponent (otherwise nightmare's blade would be cleaving limbs on hit). So games require a balance to allow recovery. The match doesn't end just because a hail mary nicked u on a moment of poor judgement. Hell Ivy's SW WR B infinite was how is it different? Oh because it's easier to do? Well what if iCS could chain to iCS...that'd be hard (well not for a good doom combo is for a good hilde) but still broke.

Now i think I'm being pretty fair about all this. I'm not screaming for bans...I'm screaming for compromise. I don't want to shoot hilde in the foot, I just want her to stop taking RO enhancing steroids. This answer isn't my "perfect solution" (, it's just discussing this at a better angle. So far it's been nothing but "zomg ban hilde" and "it's hard to land"...both sides failing to see the issue. She isn't broken...the combo is. And it is...

The debate is more what's fair and what can be done? Do you honestly think the Doom Combo is balanced? So why not turn the nerd rage down and offer insight for middle ground rather than make this a black/white debate?

(I'm aware more than likely this will remain a deal with it kind of things and pray for a patch...but I still feel there's more than enough issue with this topic to push for an answer and I feel the MANY threads on this have all failed to deal with it in the proper manner. I'm tryin to be passive on this and really have more of a "why don't we try/what if" attitude versus "ban everything!" attitude.)
Well the point of banning an infinite lies in the fact that once it starts, no matter how hard the launch is, it's game. RO's base around the concept of 1 mistake = death. But they require a scenario in positioning. The Hilde Doom combo breaks this. it requires VERY little positioning. The opponent is always in risk, they can't move from the edge or face a different direction (common anti-ro tactic).
Hilde isn't the only one that can put you in situations like that. Should we ban Kilik's FoTD command throw too? Kilik can RO you from almost anywhere with it on the small stages, especially the seesaw stage. The Apprentice also has a doom combo that can take you about as far as Hilde's, and once mastered it's even easier to land since it can be done off almost any launcher. The game is full of stuff that some might considered "cheap". You just have to deal with it and practice against it. Or just not play.

Since it is unlikely that the community will come to an agreement on the subject, instead of making a soft ban discussion thread, we should make a thread titled the "Doom Combo vent thread" where all the people who can't deal with it can post in it to whine about it and relieve their stress.

Or we could just turn this thread into it.. >_>

We need evo to allow this combo along with any and all shenanigans, because Namco knows about evo, so this will be our chance to show them what needs to be patched.

As much as I hate the doom combo I must defend it in the name of JUSTICE.
Yeah I'm just kind of torn. I'm a whore for balance. If i thought Namco read emails I'd be flooding them if i could (think im black listed from funcom for my input on Age of Conan last year...they probably should've read them).

I don't want to bitch about Hilde every time and I don't want to shoot her in the foot. And i can't find a valid solution without having supreme access to tweek her moves. I'm not here to rally support, I'm having this more as a "got any ideas?" thread.

People are gonna bitch about imbalance...why not have a thread devoted to pushing for a solution rather than just bitching? At least it'll contain it in 1 thread? You might be right though.

(and yeah i hate the seesaw level. I feel it is also a poorly designed stage since you can infact RO within the first second...i did it today by opening with Ivy CL 6AA+K...however it has 1 long direction so I can't bring myself to rule it has some balance to it's flaw)
just reprogram the game.

brawl did.

lol i wish... SC4 no Doom Combo, TF2 no Crits, SSBB no tripping, Halo 3 no life regen in 5 seconds, Counter Strike no AWP, Magic no combo decks (i used to play...leave me alone)...

I dream every day i could be in those meetings that decide to put these dumbass things in great games. Amazes me how many nearly perfect games i see and there's always 1 thing that fucks it all up. It's like games thrive on pissing people off but pointing out the 95% they got right, causing nerd rage across the globe.

Hate bein this bent out of shape on these things...but I like to improve things...not adjust to things. (The day my lazy ass finally finishes those flash games I'll be seeking to plant my damn foot in the industry and save us all)
lol i wish... SC4 no Doom Combo, TF2 no Crits, SSBB no tripping, Halo 3 no life regen in 5 seconds, Counter Strike no AWP, Magic no combo decks

only one I see in there and agree with is Brawl tripping. That shit was the gayiest thing that ever rolled into gay town, wearing a hoodie. of course, Brawl in general is the product of a man who didn't like the way his past game was being showcased in tournaments(being stripped of most of the casual stuff to try and create a "fair" set up.) and I firmly believe the man set out to destroy the competitive Smashers. And I really enjoyed Melee at the "competitive" level. All-Brawl was a mad fun tournament ruleset (SRK/EVO 08's ruleset involving items) too bad the idea never took off with Smash players....anyway...Doom Combo ban.

Nah, Doom Combo. Needs to stay. Right now, Evo looks to be THE SC4 FFA. I mean fuck, before now how many other tournaments actual have been allowing Yoda, hell most SW characters in general? and no Algol ban(which was stupid in the first place) either. No game is perfect, all of them have something stupid or cheesy. But if you enjoy the game enough, that should never stop you. You'll rise above and learn to deal the best you can.

I predict, EVO is going to showcase a boatload of surprizes for the SC community. And for the record. I personally don't think a Hilde will take 1st place. I cannot wait for the DVD to sell, it'll be the first one I'll actually buy.
Well right now I am waiting for all this stuff to be tested on the highest level...before complaining.
Nothing has been resolved, and the only reason things aren't heated now is because these types of discussions are banned...till nations is over.
It sucks that Evo and Nationals are so far away.
hmmm perhaps my fear of doom combo ruining evo will ultimately be the cure to it. That or perhaps we'll get out own Evo moment of someone pwning it in finals.

(I pray to god a nightmare lands a 44K on an airborne Hilde in the finals a perfect world)

I do feel if a patch ever comes...doom combo dies there. I think I'm just really pissy i have to wait in the dark on it...for how long?
I have to agree with Oof; it doesn't really seem that broke. Nightmare can also ring out from a stupid distance with 66B, 33B6, GS KK. That said if they got rid of the relaunch from C2B I'd be a lot happier about fighting Hilde.

Then again, this is Namco; they hate their fans.

AWP is fucking broke though, heh.
NM's ROs can't compare with Hilde's doom combo.
I bet if NM's agA RO's 5 times it's current distance, people would be bitching AND it still would be weaker than Hilde's Doom Combo.
Personally, I do think Hilde's Doom Combo is BS but hey, if the tournament says it's allowed, you gotta deal with it.
well be careful what you wish for because it might happen.

The community banned away Algol and then they unbanned him. Even with Algol unbanned, the basic characters like Voldo, Kilik, Amy, etc. are the ones dominating tournaments.

This game hasn't really been subjected to the highest level of play where the West and East Coast meet. I'd at least wait until that happens before screaming the "B" word.

On a side note, Oof's Yoda owns Hilde. T_T is a worthy mentioned if you can't get a hold of Oof.

if all else fails, go with the force, you must.
But the general rule of RO's is that you need to set up for them or get positioning down to attempt them. But the ability to carry a person nearly ALL the way to the other side with no JU or shake potential is absurd. You don't have to plan it at all pretty much. The odds of you not being in range is slim and sometimes non-existent on some stages.

And punishing a whiff is not the same thing as setting up how?
its only an infinite if enough people whine about it.........

oh wait

why are people constantly whining

if you get hit by a steppable i22 launcher its your own damn fault
I hate that everyone is so quick to call someone whinning or complaining when they disagree with something that others may not disagree with. It's seems to me like this is a debate - but to others it's whinning ps: (cut that shit out)

Ive never been a victim to this combo, nor have I seen this combo before - can someone direct me to the combo video.
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