E3 2009

They said at the conference that they will still be releasing games on UMD for "people that like to be able to buy their games in stores"

PSN on your computer is apparently just a luxury, and the PSP Go is apparently useless

They might change their minds later, but I think they pretty clearly said they weren't going to stop releasing new games on UMD. and that PSP go and 3000's could both make use of the PC playstation network
The PSP Go is not completely useless. At first I thought it was, but it's going to appeal to those who've yet to buy a PSP or to those who want a smaller PSP with better controls.

I think the PSP Go is going to be a stop gap to get developers back on board to the PSP as they lay down the foundation for digital distribution to combat the rapid piracy of the PSP. Then once the PSP starts to reach the end of its life cycle, Sony will bring out an all digital PSP2 because UMD is useless now and the PSP was easily hacked.
Well apparently the older PSP games can utilize the digital distribution as well

and I don't think when faced with a 249.99 price tag and 169.99 tag, newcomers to PSP are gonna go with the more expensive one with no UMD drive

and some people might not like removal of mem sticks too.

and to my knowledge PSP3000 has yet to be successfully hacked.

What was costing developers money for PSP I read was used games moreso than piracy anyways. It's not like going digital would stop piracy anyways.

Going digital was what I thought was an attempt to eliminate the used game market on PSP
jaxel said:
They aren't dropping SUPPORT for UMDs... but Sony will soon no longer be publishing games on the format. This is the reason for the PSPGo. They will be bypassing brick and mortar and be releasing games through their PSN Store download service. If they kept on releasing games through UMD, the PSPGo would be worthless.

There is alot of truth behind what Jaxel is saying here. Remember before the PS3 launched how Sony was talking about ways to make it illegal for you to sell games to gamestop? Its a bad kept secret that used games sales are hurting the industry (by industry I mean anyone that isn't Gamestop). If Sony and Microsoft could make it so that you could only buy games through their network they would do it in a heart beat. look at the success Valve has had with steam. its a matter of time before you can't buy a hard copy of a game. Hell can't you already buy full games through the playstation store?

10 bucks says that within 10 years you won't be able to buy a hard copy of the majority of major releases. The only thing holding us back is the fact that the majority of people of people in the USA don't have broadband connections.

can someone explain the title even though it doesn't say anything about a new zelda game in the body? is this a fuck up by the writer who MEANT to say "spirit tracks" for the DS? I have hopes up now..lol..which isn't good. And while 10' doesn't really feel like it is impossible by any means for a zelda game to come out... I just feel that if they had anything to show they would show it.... even if just some mild little trailer type thing.

anyone know if this is fact or fiction?
maybe they meant 10 as an age group? Miyo is defiantly hinting that they're working on a new zelda that isn't spirit tracks in it. Then again they have NEVER made an original zelda game that didn't get delayed, so no way in hell would it come out in 10.

can someone explain the title even though it doesn't say anything about a new zelda game in the body? is this a fuck up by the writer who MEANT to say "spirit tracks" for the DS? I have hopes up now..lol..which isn't good. And while 10' doesn't really feel like it is impossible by any means for a zelda game to come out... I just feel that if they had anything to show they would show it.... even if just some mild little trailer type thing.

anyone know if this is fact or fiction?

There was supposedly a single piece of concept art shown.

that makes a LOT more sense than what gamespot posted... ...lol. I just couldn't see a zelda game less than 2 years after them showing actual FOOTAGE...nonetheless not even having that footage yet..lol. I mean they had barely any actual gameplay back when TP was announced. That is also good because i would have to make a living as a pimp on the side to buy a wii and the game with new controllers and stuff just for one game..lol. Don't have a wii, but I'd find a way if/when a new zelda comes out. Is '12 too much to hope for ya think?? I mean.. I just KNOW it will come out around christmas time for quarter 4 cashin'. That being said.. it leans me towards another random thought:

A Zelda game for Nintendo, the Milo stuff for Microsoft, and ..umm..games?? lol.. for Sony. These don't seem like NOW things as opposed to "near future" things. With that thought in mind... when exactly will the new systems come out? The 360 is nearing 4 years old, the PS3 is nearing 3, as is the wii. Gamecube came out 2001 and the wii 2005..so thats 4 years in between systems. PS2 came out in 2000..so thats 5 years between systems. N64 came out 1996 (starting to make myself feel old and I'm only 20....lol) which means there was 5 years between those gen systems. And Playstation came out 1995...meaning 5 years in between systems.

So we get that its about 4-5 years between systems and we are hitting the 3-4 year mark for these gen of consoles. So does that mean in about 2011 we should ahve new systems? Or will the fact that this generation of system gets "updated" as opposed to "replaced" all the time gonna make a difference? Unlike past years where the difference between a xbox 360 and an xbox or a gamecube and a wii has been exponential... are we starting to get to the point where instead of having to buy new SYSTEMS we are going to be buying new "engines" for these systems?? kinda like buying a new engine for a car but keeping the chassis?

Is Milo Natal whatever... suppose to be a gimmick like the eyetoy or is it a serious thought that xbox is gonna make as a selling point of their next gen system as Nintendo did with the wii? And if so.. what does that mean for "hardcore" gamers? Will the next Zelda game come out for the wii or will it pull the same stuff that TP did and be made for the current system and then be held back and ported to the new system in order to sell the "newest" Nintendo console?

and what does all this mean for the PC which hasn't been bought up by the whole "look I wiggle my dick stick and the guy on the screen does it too!!"? Does it mean that all hardcore gaming will be moved over to the PC at some point? or will the PC start up the craze too?

and maybe the most important question of all.... ... will we have to put up with playing fighting games via body motion??? lol. Or maybe even MORE important. Will we EVER get another good non-mario platformer like Banjo-Kazooie and will it ever come out for a non-nintendo system?!?!?!

idea/vent over
gator, have you ever seen "the Island"? hahahahahaha....

tidus, they're looking at microsoft hardware, so chances of it becoming multiplat are very likely. sony will be lucky if they get this as a timed exclusive. but its coming to the pc as well
- Being able to pick up weapons dropped by enemies and use them on the fly
- Enemy torture finishers
- Multiple demon summon boss finishers
- Over the top, fast paced action
- Bullet time
- GoW level gore
- Hawt heroine who strips while you combo enemies
- Glasses

I was looking forward to the game when the first trailer was released. My hype pretty much increased with every new trailer that was released. Now that there is finally gameplay demo footage, I finally jizzed and pre-ordered my copy.