Europe Only SCV PSN Online Tournament (Dec2013) In Progress

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Hey Mage, wait for me, on my way to PSN!!

Edit: Mage I just signed in for some hours, it says you last signed in 31 hours ago...I've just signed out now, so maybe same time?
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I feel it necessary to apologize to all of you, especially Bushindu. The reason why he and Drax didn't start their matches is because I failed to inform him of tournament's start and the threads. I consulted with him on how to organize the whole thing, and somehow when I asked him about joining, it never occurred to me to send him the link, as I did to all of you. >_< And so, that was one big FAIL on the part of this tournament host. :'(

Yet another fail came in my match vs Kojiro today. xD He won with a focused game 3-1. I was a mess (though they were GGs). I'll upload the replays later today.

I'll put this here so as to avoid penalties for double posting.
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You sure like your games to be as close as can be. ;)

Loool I should be more focused on the first games, my luck will end soon xD

Yet another fail came in my match vs Kojiro today. xD He won with a focused game 3-1. I was a mess (though they were GGs). I'll upload the replays later today.

I'll put this here so as to avoid penalties for double posting.

Nice to see your Astaroth being used in tournament!
But Kojiro is super trained in that MU, he did really really well....great Raph as always.

Good games!
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No word from dry gone whether he/she has our matches.
Somehow doubt he still has them seeing as I've been playing him loads today, so I'd imagine that our games would have replaced his battle log, or whatever it's called.

Edit: just checked out the bracket. Would love to see Happy vs Kalas, one of you should definitely save the replays!
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Ne_Takin and I have played. It went 3-1 to me. I'll upload them later this night.

Edit: Here they are!
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What the...? Naked Natsu!? That's in violation of the rules! >:O Not that it matters, you won, Person. But had you lost, you would have the grounds to DQ him. =)
*couldn't ;)
I see he used a 2P Natsu vs Asodimazze... Maybe he just forgot? Anywho, you won.
Yeah Ggs Draxus, I was just pretty pissed of that day, someone had taken my car door off earlier. Apologies for any saltiness, wasnt necessarily directed at you, (despite I hated not reacting to the lows) was to the prick earlier ^^
Let's say... Thursday night. But since Kalas and drygone (Happy?) know they have been paired an entire week ago, it would be cool if they finished as soon as possible, within 2 days is ok. Funke and Drax, you recently got paired up, so.... Please try to finish your fight within 2 days. :)

Bushindu, I informed JonesTMC about your match yesterday, I hope he contacts you soon. If not, you give him a little nudge.
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