Favorite Critical Edge

Yeah, that vid just re-affirms my opinion that Tira has the best, heh. Good find though.

The ones from Nightmare and Leixia are great as well.
When Mitsu's CE was premiered for the first time in that one trailer, it seemed pretty cool, just because the way it combo'd off the ground, but I think the fact that it's so short combined with how the french players would use that combo whenever they have a full meter, lessened the impact of the animation greatly.
Funny how Raph's CE is not very well received in the Raph Soul Arena but most people here seem to like it. I would have prefered it if Raph poked some vital points or tendons swiftly and let them fall to the ground SCIV 44B style, but at a dramatic angle.
Hmmm, doesn't take much to please most people, I see. Not sure what's so special about Tira's CE. SC4 Tira Rising B attack throw looks alot cooler than SC5 Tira CE. Even Ivy's new Brave Edge Bow attack throw is better than most characters.
But I'll play along. Top 3 CEs are
As now imho

Justice Bieber's, is flashy, full combo even after launchers and may cause decent far RO even with low walls

Nightmare's, it seriously have auto-GI at begin? if yes is some serious awesome shit

Ezio's,seem easy to put(comboable too?),take good damage and put enemy at a range where you can chose both to keep distance and throw arrows (low arrow possible punishment?) or assault the waking up opponent, seem very nice for come-back imho

As now the one i like less is probably Mitsu's
I get that 2K BE BE CE is uber (but so much uber?) damage starting with a quick low, but as meter management it cost the entire fucking 200% (50+50+100),to add a CE ender that maybe get even damage scaled too.
Plus it take time build a 200% meter and you must avoid use BE for it.
Personally i think at the same price i prefer do two times 2K BE BE, that lil 3 hit combo is not so different damage,cost half, need half time to build it, and maybe you can even add some damage with a not-CE combo ender (i don't know)
To me it seem a lot like SF4 Ryu's Super -> Ultra, great damage but too much meter cost(also in Ryu's case the price is ALL).
It make sense maybe if you're in a 0-2 loss rounds streak and you get meter bonus,but in this scenario you're yet in deep shit
Personally.. i like hilde.. Stab Stab Stab... Though pyrha does the same, i disliked this char alot when playing this game at firstlook (annoying voice.. shes just annoying overall :P)
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