Full Speed Aerial Kicks: SC4 Iron Man Tournament

Just got confirmed that I'll be making it out there from that Friday to that Monday! Just had to do things myself instead of waiting on my friends to take care of it for me! Either way, going to see, since my bros carpool plans fell through, if I can fly at least one of them out for the tourney!
I just put in for time off. All I need now is to make sure my money is right and I am there to beat somebody's ass.

Plus we partying up there. And Kit is coming too. Awww shit, OLetsDoIt!!!!!!!!!
i hope i get to see Justkill vs OOFMATIC, vader vs vader

oops this isnt the MM hype thread but fuck it
Have run into a little road bump. Should still be good, but I'll have to await another 'yes' sometime this week. Other than that, going to also buy my little bro's ticket this weekend.
Yooo im Always down to party.. and remember... my room is opne for drinking.. So far, i know myself, I have 3 bottles of rum. Neooutlaw, plans to drive with me and he has his own stash of stuff he is bring. Overall, we have about a full coolers worth of drinks to party with.

Remember this as well, All are welcome, but when i wake up all of you should be gone...LOL
im gonna try to get a growler of strong stuff for you guys to drink. 9.6% alc belgian strong ale sound good Kit and Neo?
belgian brews usually have that 'trippel' taste...cause they tend to age it in white oak. it is bitter and nasty.
SC4 LowTier

I'm IN.


Well unfortunately Me , Thuggish, and Hawk eye ride had a fragile proposal due to his health on getting to this tourney. We'll find a way to get there, but we no longer have money for hotel too. Except for thuggish, If anyone can lend a hand it would be much appreciated.