Good Games Thread

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Good games, Crazyfirefly, DeathInMyEyes, Gamegirl360, Kjack, Damenightmare, and the other guys that joined my room. Here is probably the coolest highlight of the night.

Technically I win.

Psh please it is just because the system felt sorry for who ever would have played me next if I had stayed at the top. :P
that aside.

Good games to Damenightmare, DeathInMyEyes, Enkindu, Gamegirl360 (Even though I think your Ivy is hellspawn), and Pocky-Yoshi (yeah you didn't play but you were so attentive during the stream and giving pointers so you might as well have been playing.)
GGs to BlackRoseVale - I think you talk yourself down, I thought you played well - your problem is you're too defensive, don't be afraid to take a risk for damage - you'd be amazed how often it works! =)
Nice job on grapple breaks as well! If I were you, I would throw more with Xianghua - maybe something you could experiment with?
Anyways, see you on PSN some other time =)

Also GGs to Acefrost, interesting Tira - though I should point out:
JS A ~ 6AB On block
JS B ~ 6AB On block
JS 66A ~ 66AA On block
JS 6A ~ 6AB On block
These are not frametraps, they are lag tactics =P
By the way, be a dear and slap me if I try to tech that 44B again - I got relaunched like 4 times a match XD
Also GGs to Acefrost, interesting Tira - though I should point out:
JS A ~ 6AB On block
JS B ~ 6AB On block
JS 66A ~ 66AA On block
JS 6A ~ 6AB On block
These are not frametraps, they are lag tactics =P
By the way, be a dear and slap me if I try to tech that 44B again - I got relaunched like 4 times a match XD

I see, I always thought they were fine seeing as they work quite well offline too. Also I didn't know mitsus 2kb was legit I always thought it was a lag tactic. anyway I'm sure we'll play together offline sooner or later :) ggs
edit - do I use any other lag tactics I'm not aware of? ( I only used 88k because I was annoyed with 2kb sry )
I can sometimes get 4 bars with the UK crowd, but 90% of the time its a 3 or worse.

And I played you before when we had 4 bars on another account of mine, but you had driftmaniac boot me for whatever reason.
I can sometimes get 4 bars with the UK crowd, but 90% of the time its a 3 or worse.

And I played you before when we had 4 bars on another account of mine, but you had driftmaniac boot me for whatever reason.

Damn. Booted with no remorse. It's okay, Pocky Yoshi will never boot ya.....or will he? Nanchatte!

But yes, UK crowds usually get a 3-4 bar match with me.
I can sometimes get 4 bars with the UK crowd, but 90% of the time its a 3 or worse.

And I played you before when we had 4 bars on another account of mine, but you had driftmaniac boot me for whatever reason.
Did I? Sorry about that then :P If it was on a different account then I didn't know it was you.
Hate online, but at least I managed to do some stuff. Regardless.....

GGs to ragnarok456 or however that's spelled, crazyfirefly, novastar, and Uber 7.

ragnarok's X is flat out annoying. I had to play more conservative just to get anywhere with her. But it felt good to land CH33A then a doorknock. Credit goes to loloroco's Yoshi who did it in an offline match. Aside from that, I got chewed up against this good X.

crazyfirefly. Good games. I liked that mi-na sparring we had and what not. There were times you almost had me, but you did beat my Yoshi once. Props.

Novastar. Nice to see you again. Ggs.

Uber7. I lol'ed at the fact you crouch guard expecting some low of mine to come at you. However, you friend requested me so I guess we'll play again sometime.

Also, I have hatemail I will post later. This one was practically self fail on this scrubs part lol. I was being nice. Guess kindness kills people.

Anyways, I had fun.....although my mom went and took over the game TV.....*pouts*
Hate online, but at least I managed to do some stuff. Regardless.....

crazyfirefly. Good games. I liked that mi-na sparring we had and what not. There were times you almost had me, but you did beat my Yoshi once. Props.


LOL I did too except for that MI-NA poke. It got me every time and your Yoshi is tough to beat for sure. That Novastar was a tough cookie for sure. I'm going to see if he'll help me with my online GIs he is AMAZING! Also I really really enjoyed playing you and you better believe next time I'll be even better. >.>
I'm mediocre for the most part lol. But yes, that Mi-na poke(aka FC1B) is good because it can reach. It's a must have. All you gotta do is bait then strike. I mean, Mi-na doesn't have much up close. In fact, she isn't a great character in general. But, I love her anyways aside from Yoshi.
I'm mediocre for the most part lol. But yes, that Mi-na poke(aka FC1B) is good because it can reach. It's a must have. All you gotta do is bait then strike. I mean, Mi-na doesn't have much up close. In fact, she isn't a great character in general. But, I love her anyways aside from Yoshi.
I love Mi-na too. :) I used to main her. :)
GGs to Static, JR, Rekki, Krayzie, Goofus, Nightblade, Justkill, Kikaleek, Bibulous, Malice, Lolo, Sporko, Hubbs, Eli, and Sephalump.

Did I forget anyone? I think I did.

I regret not playing more games, but I was out of it on Saturday. Not sure what took so much out of me. It was like I forgot how to TAS B on the PS3 pad. Then I took a nap, felt pretty good, played some games, got drunk, got destroyed by Lolo's Yun, then ???ed.

Was pretty hung over for a while, but when I finally felt better I got to play Krayzie. I lost, but I still felt pretty good about it. I could for some reason get TAS B out, but I realized just I need more offline games. I just don't have the practice I need to react to stuff that's thrown at me offline.
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