Good Games Thread

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No... 2KB isn't a lag tactic, Acefrost. Its i18, meaning its unseeable. If you're getting hit with it constantly online, you would have the same problem offline.

The problem arises with its mixups and JUKING. Online, twitch ducking for 2KB will get you hit with stupid mids, and attempting to JUKE it online will result in... well, nothing but a headache.

But its a good move, and Mitsurugi players cannot reasonably be asked to stop using it. Without it, out goes Mitsu's 50/50 game.

But this isn't the thread to be discussing this.

GGs to... uh... people I've played.
GGs to DeathInMyEyes and uhh... HRD, you guys are amazing online, like, JI every move I did
It's a case of being online instead of offline, as people have said offline it is still react-able where as online it just destroys everyone.
At the next tournament - if you can react to 2KB in front of me - I will give you my car. Deal? =P
Btw, date's been changed - it's on the 9th - 11th, that ok?
At the next tournament - if you can react to 2KB in front of me - I will give you my car. Deal? =P
Btw, date's been changed - it's on the 9th - 11th, that ok?

Deal, and yeah that should be fine I can most likely get the weekend off.
Back on topic, ggs to bboy yesterday, I am slowly getting better butttt I have a long way till I'm on your level :)
At the next tournament - if you can react to 2KB in front of me - I will give you my car. Deal? =P
Btw, date's been changed - it's on the 9th - 11th, that ok?

You gotta make it sweeter than that. What if he blocks the first 2kb and you lose your mazda miata. Then what.

No hes gotta block 5 in a row without fail, on reaction!!

good luck with that homes

GGs to NFK and Bubbles

2KB is only a lag tactic if you can reliably JUKE it like 90% of the time offline
JUKEing 2KB isn't even that great of an idea though. Offline, when the Mitsu player can confirm that you JUKE'd and doesn't buffer a followup, you put yourself right back into a standing mixup with like a million -frames. Against a player that takes advantage of JUKEs like this, I'd rather take the 15 or so damage.

Any west coast players still playing? If so, hit me up

PSN: Signia949
GGs to everyone I played at SJ this past weekend. Did great against a lot of people but still have some work ahead of me!

Online GGs to Slayer, MasSacRe, and Niz.

I have a new mindset with online play so I will be on a lot more these days. See ya around ;)
What's that new mind set?
I used to be overly competitive when playing online even though I hated taking it seriously (for obvious reasons). I kinda stopped playing for a while because I knew I would just get pissed off.

So I pretty much forced myself to stop caring about the results and just want to play the game with as many people as I can. One thing I noticed about myself in tournament play is that I often get caught off guard by things I am not familiar with and freeze up while looking for a solution. I figure playing a bunch of different people on a regular basis will help me fill in those gaps a little bit.

Now if only I could find more people to play on the EC, I swear I have not seen a 5 bar in ages ;/
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JUKEing 2KB isn't even that great of an idea though. Offline, when the Mitsu player can confirm that you JUKE'd and doesn't buffer a followup, you put yourself right back into a standing mixup with like a million -frames. Against a player that takes advantage of JUKEs like this, I'd rather take the 15 or so damage.
You want a +10 advantage and hardly any damage from one of the most unsafe moves in SCIV?! Are you mad?
Defensive options vs. Mitsu post JUKE as Sieg:
Step left ~ 3(B): Beats 2KB, 3B, 1B_11B, etc etc
3(B): Beats B6, throws
Low GI: Beats 2A, 1K, 2KB, 3B etc.

Not worth it. Not by a long shot.
You want a +10 advantage and hardly any damage from one of the most unsafe moves in SCIV?! Are you mad?
Defensive options vs. Mitsu post JUKE as Sieg:
Step left ~ 3(B): Beats 2KB, 3B, 1B_11B, etc etc
3(B): Beats B6, throws
Low GI: Beats 2A, 1K, 2KB, 3B etc.

Not worth it. Not by a long shot. don't get advantage at all from juking 2kb.

Also, Partisan, Woahhzz plays online all of the time.
Mitsu player is at about +10.
Honestly, I've had this discussion with Belial - I'm just relaying our thoughts on the matter tbh =/
1As aren't safe online O_o You can punish the shit out of them.

It obviously depends on the 1A. Mitsu's 1A is -15 for example, for the vast majority of the cast this not punishable by anything other than 2A. The sisters obviously get big damage, I guess Taki can get A6 (I don't know how that comes out from crouch though, now that I think of it might not work), maybe Sets I don't know her very well. Crouch grab characters get a free attempt only if you poorly space the 1A. Voldo's 1A is -16. In theory Voldo can punish himself with 66:B, but that's not an easy punish online with zero frames margin for error. So... you definitely can't "punish the shit" out of all (or even most) 1A's. (oh and e.g. Asta's 1A is completely safe).
You want a +10 advantage and hardly any damage from one of the most unsafe moves in SCIV?! Are you mad?
Defensive options vs. Mitsu post JUKE as Sieg:
Step left ~ 3(B): Beats 2KB, 3B, 1B_11B, etc etc
3(B): Beats B6, throws
Low GI: Beats 2A, 1K, 2KB, 3B etc.

Not worth it. Not by a long shot.
Hm. I have trouble stepping at -10. You certainly won't be able step G any step catchers, and stepping 3A in either direction seems doubtful. GIing is not the best idea at high disadvantage since there's a huge range of speeds the attacks could come in while the opponent remains uninterruptable.

However it is Mitsu, his attacks are pretty linear, and his likely actions are attacks that come at the same timing. Ok, I'm convinced.
I would go so far as to say that with Siegfried, post JUKE the mixup is in my favour comparing the damage and Oki we can comparitively rack up in that situation. In any case - I certainly feel like I have options wheras 2KB 11BA I eat more damage and have to deal with his wakeup - I know which I prefer. =P
What I worry about is when post JUKE the Mitsu goes for b:A - I eat that like a bitch XD
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