Hate Speech: Character Selection

  • Moderator
Our recent discussion of tiers sparked some interesting side discussion about why people select their main characters. Think back, for a moment to how you came to play your main character(s). What motivated your decision? Was it strategic, or did it just happen?

As with all new iterations of the game, SC5 will probably herald another large-scale shift in mains—I’ve mained a different character in every version of Calibur, myself—and we’ll also have an influx of players new to competitive Soul Calibur who are also looking for characters.

That being the case, I thought I’d devote this week to the ins and outs of character selection.

Radical Instrumentalism—It’s Not Just For Yngwie Malmsteen Anymore


The general principle I recommend in choosing a character is one of radical instrumentalism—that of seeing your particular character as ultimately a tool for you to use in order to achieve victory. It’s self-evident, right? Perhaps, but not as much as one might think. Indeed, the operative word in my definition above isn’t “tool,” but “you.” If selecting a character was simply a matter of choosing whichever gives the general player the best shot at winning, the process would be no more complex than consulting a tier list, but while such lists are excellent points of departure for the search, they’re not gospel. Your primary concern when approaching character selection should always be finding the character that gives you, as an individual player, the best shot at victory.

If only manliness was the best shot at victory in Soul Calibur, this guy would win everything forever.

Before we can do that, however, we need to engage in a little self-analysis. Think about your own play across a variety of games. Go back and watch videos if you have that luxury. The goal here is to create an inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Do you prefer fast characters, slower characters, or a mixture of the two? Would you rather be proactive about pushing mix-ups, or would you rather rely on defense and punishment? Are you good at highly technical or demanding execution? Do you fight better up close or from a distance? Ask yourself these and similar questions, taking care to answer them for yourself as honestly as possible. From this you can get a sense of what type of player you are, which in turn will give you some clues as to which characters might best suit you.

Interestingly, this character appeals to people who want to win, and people who have other... tastes. Rarely do they meet.

Selection Models

1. Complementary: The complementary model involves choosing the character that most dramatically rewards the things at which you are already skilled, be they 50/50 mix-ups, making difficult punishes, zoning, etc. You simply identify those things at which you are most skilled and then find the character that gives you the best payoff.

2. Supplementary: The inverse of the complementary model, the supplementary approach involves finding a character with strengths that offset your own weaknesses. If you aren’t the best at complicated punishes, for example, a character with easy, brain-dead punishers might raise the overall level of your game.

3. Tier-Only: Some players are well-rounded enough to select a character based exclusively on that character’s strength relative to the rest of the cast. In that case, it truly is just a matter of finding the most powerful member of the cast and hitting the lab.

4. Ease-of-Use: For players with a generally high fighting game IQ who don’t necessarily have game-specific skills. If you’re just learning the game, or if you’re a smart player who doesn’t want to be encumbered by lots of technical marginalia, this is something to consider.

5. The Novelty Act: Knowing that most players tend to clump around self-evidently powerful or aesthetically interesting characters, this model involves purposefully seeking out a less-used character in order to gain additional advantages over opponents who may likely be ignorant of what yours can do at a high level.

There’s obviously some overlap within these models, so consider them more as general guidelines for consideration rather than exclusive categories.

A note on aesthetics: To this point, I haven’t made much of what a character looks like, how “cool” a character is, and so on, but don’t think that this consideration has no place in character selection. In fact, I’m firmly convinced that the more we like our characters, the more we identify with them on some level, the more engaged we become and thus the better we play. Playing a character you find to be boring or stupid looking will put you on the fast track to under-performance. You’re often better off choosing the mid-tier character you like over the top-tier character you can’t stand.

Example Time

My own process follows the outline above fairly well. First, I rule out all female characters, Kilik, Maxi, and Yun because I refuse to play chicks.

Apparently, I'm going to need one of these around here.

I then start looking at bigger, slower characters, preferably as evil as possible. By initially filtering based on my aesthetic concerns, I’m left with a pool of characters that at least appear interesting to me. I then turn to my self-assessment. I’m good at being patient, fighting from a distance, landing slow, awkward moves on people, and parsing complex mix-up scenarios. I’m not very good at utilizing very fast moves. Going with the complementary model, I try to find characters that have range, reward patience, hit hard, and generally aren’t AA/BB/2A dependent, which narrows the field significantly.

Of the remaining characters, I just play around with them and find the one that feels the most natural. The process is still governed by “feel” and other difficult variables to quantify, but starting from a more logical, objective strategy I vastly decrease the odds that I end up wasting time on characters I ultimately won’t like or can’t play to their potential.

Tell me how you came to choose your own character(s). Will you be switching for SC5? For those of you who’ve already said you’ll be maining Viola, ZWEI, or another new character, what guided that decision?

*Editors Note: We will add the slider image as soon as we get it. There was a 50/50 mixup and we guessed wrong. Will tech that shit into the slider later.
Lol, I actually recognise the name 'Yngwie malmsteen' from like a year ago. XD

Aspects I want in my SCV main:
Good mid range space control, Powerful throws, high output dmg/low -frames punish ratio, good anti-step and CH game.

Things that will mean I will definately not main them:
Focused rushdown type, linearity, low damage female - NOT my thing.
I played sophitia in sc1 because I Was really young when that game first came out, and my mom happened to like her back when she actually played video games with me, and so I used her too. Obviously not seriously, MOF I spammed 4AAA all the time constantly lmfao.

in SC2 I was a bit older when I got this game, I chose Talim because I generally like faster female characters, and I thought she looked the nicest.

In SC3, my experience is limited, but I chose lynette because she represented my country of origin, the Ukraine, and I grew to like the evasive style after playing sc2 talim, I also dabbled in Tira, but hated Talim in 3.

in 4 Lynette was gone, ;-;, So I re picked up Tira and Talim, Tira because her concept is amazing, I love her personality and system, I find it extremely unique, and Talim because, although she still isn't good, I can't really find other characters that flow too well with me. When I am tired of losing I through Amy out there....
I picked up Astaroth in SC2, because I liked the slow, long-range, evil characters too. Slow helps with my style because I didn't like to remember a lot of moves.

I jumped ship to Nightmare in SC3 because he seemed really fast yet long-ranged and powerful, and I've mostly stuck with him since. It's really a bonus that he looks like he's brutally destroying his opponent.

I prolly won't be switching in SC5, but I made it a goal for myself to try out and learn every character. Not really to see the potential of every character as a main, but more so to learn matchups. Even now with SC4, there are some matchups that I don't know. Maxis get all sorts of free setups that they shouldn't be getting against me.
I feel like I'm reading something off of Cracked.

Hmmm, I just guess I used the more aesthetically pleasing character and found one that I enjoyed playing the most. I'm not that much of a competitive player YET, but I hope to learn when I get SCV. I guess it's kind of the Novelty Act you said.
I remember choosing Taki when I first played SC2 solely for an aesthetic purpose (I'm a huge Resident Evil fan and somehow, Taki reminds me Claire Redfield a lot). I only started to get good at the game when I swtiched to Ivy whose versatile style really appealed to me.
Wow. Thanks, Hates -- this topic really made me think back to times I haven't thought of in awhile. And while I was thinking, I ended up typing too. Beware the upcoming Calibur autobiography. :)

As far as picking characters, I know in my earlier SC1 years, I loved exclusively picking chicks. I say then as I would say now, if I had a choice at looking at a fictional character in the training room for hours-on-end-until-my-eyes-bleed-or-something, then I'd naturally pick a good looking female. Seems logical to me. Funny enough, I disliked Sophie from day one (eventually turning into HATE). She's looks good, but, here was just something about that chick....that's just.......eeeew.

But I've always prided myself on picking fast characters. That's just the type of style I've always gravitated to. So naturally I picked Taki first, and stuck with her for awhile. But her style just didn't click with me for some reason...I never figured out why, though I would use her more later on, when she became my secondary in future games. I think it was because I would use moves like her Wind Roll, and couldn't figure out how to make them useful.

I ended up trying out Xianghua, because I ran out of options. This chick looked like a child, had a flat-chest and a high-pitched voice, and rocked a style that seemed too slow for my tastes. I figured I'd play her for an hour. But once I picked her, I couldn't stop picking her. Trying out her Tai Chi-style moves, they seemed like they were built for tricking and outsmarting your opponent. I loved that -- the only thing I love more in fighting games than a fast female, is a female with moves that can make people look like complete idiots through superior yomi skills. I became enamored with her, obsessing over her by trying to figure out how these moves of hers were to be used to make my opponents pay dearly for their mistakes.

Well that was, what, 10 years ago? That was 8 before I was introduced into any sort of competitive community. I had the right mindset, but I didn't have to tools or the environment necessary to achieve that goal. But I love fighting games, and Calibur, so I kept playing them, and I loved Xianghua, so I stuck with the character ever since then. People might have character loyalty between games, but I had a reason for mine: I wasn't going to stop playing Xianghua as my main character until I achieved my goal of becoming an expert with her. And even then, I'd still play her, because I've grown so fond of her style and character.

As far as SC4 was concerned, I discovered 8wayrun.com in '09-'10, was amazed at the player skill level, loved being apart of the bi-weekly online tournaments, and loved being in a group of like-minded people for once in my life. :D I went to the Xianghua soul forums to check out videos of the world's top Xianghua players to see what they were doing that made them so smart. I then got really pissed off. I remember watching videos of Kayane, I think Mick, and a couple of other players and thought 'these are the best Xianghua players??'. I spent a long time trying to learn Xianghua's playstyle, and I see these guys using a very very minimalistic,simplistic (read:boring) style, with only a small fraction of her movelist. It's funny but I was quite literally insulted. I would later realize, that there was (at least) a reason why their playstyles were the way they were, and would come to respect it (and, in ways, try to emulate/recreate it in my own style). But at the time, I made it my goal in SC4 to show these players 'how to really play Xianghua'. :D That was my inspiration behind going to SC tournaments.

The only Xianghua/Calibur-in-general player that inspired me was Serge. He really explored her character depths in SC4 when nobody bothered to. Most other Xianghua players I've seen back then played an annoying style that's content with just using AA, 44B, 2K, etc. When everybody, including top players called her SXS stance 'useless', he was the one to discover the potential behind the moves, particularly the very-much-used-now SXS(Blue) Waterfall/B guard crush. I don't know how his relationship with other players, but like I told him at FSAK, I'll always have the utmost respect for him, as he was the model which, unbeknownst to him, I'd shape my own playstyle from.

Sorry. :P Procrastination does things like this.
if yun seong isnt in sc5 then ill pick patroclus but idk really ill just give them all a go and see which one suits my playstyle, i like to dodge verticals cuz there so easy to predict, yun seong suits my play style cuz of his mixups and auto vertical dodge crane stance move, i like to zone(in and out) and do mixups i dont like to be all in my oponents face and button mash
I pick Yoshi because my main goal is to be the hardcore silly yet devious fighter. So I like mind games, being patient with my prey, being able to adapt while having fun, and seppuku when things are going out of favor(but I only do this when an opportunity presents itself).

Hilde and Natsu because I get boners from them. But on the hardcore side, I want to try new things by playing people I like. Should they somehow turn me off, I'll play someone that will fit my needs:

Fun factor, solid feel, and looks. All the hardcore stuff falls in later once I get use to whatever main I choose. If they're low tier, I'll find someone solid I like and play that someone that has the looks, solid feel, and fun factor.

End of ramble.
Back to when I fisr played Soul Calibur, I just picked Rokc, because he looked cool. Hell, I was 8 years old. And it instinctively worked -for the first play through.

Then I realized I sucked, and that I had to reorganize myself. I started looking up stuff in the internet that could help me get better, and I came across Partisan's "Punishing with Cassandra" series on youtube. I found it pretty nice, so I started looking at his matches, and found his defense-based style of playing very convenient, so I just imitated him. Then I moved on to Sophitia just to try her out -since she looked similar to Cass-, and the rest of the story goes on by itself.
I mainly base my character selection on aesthetics and secondarily on ease of use. Characters that do high damage also appeal to me.

So far in SCV, none of the characters appeal to me aesthetically, so I have no idea what I am going to do unless there's an evil version of Sophitia that's in the game with a TAS B that does like 60% damage. If not, I will just choose Patroklos and Pyrrha since I have been playing Sophitia since Soul Blade.
Im from the era of Soulcalibur II and that's was when i was 13 years olds (my teen was starting) so i was looking the most hot girl and easy to use and that was Sophitia i was atracted by the entire game and later i wait until the 3rd game of the serie and suprise in SC3 i hasn't ps2 and that was cruel for me :( and SCIV was my cause to have all the characters as my mains :) but my first main was Sophitia
I choose characters mostly based on personality, physical design, and movelist.
So if I like the personality, design, and how the moves look I'll try them out. I then keep the ones that feel natural. The characters that I've played pretty consistently are Raph, Tira, Maxi, Taki, and Cassandra. That being said my characters seem to always end up being technical, low tier, or awkward to control from most peoples perspectives.
Interesting topic.

Well for me, (and most people when you really think about it, be honest) first appearances are everything!

And in my case, SC2 being my first, my uncle bought for me because he apparently saw Link and was very happy, i just followed him. but after actually playing the game and getting into it, Yun-Seong and Nightmare/Siegfried really interested me, followed by Cervantes.

I like a character who's powerful in general with little to no overly complicated moves, strong throws, covers all ranges, is a male (Pretty boy to Handsome in design) and has a stylish fighting style thats unique and is overall balanced.

I have more to say but gotta get some homework done. :D To be continiued...
I like characters who

1: Have good movement
I hate playing tank characters. I need to be able to move around at a decent pace.

2: Have Long range with decent close range options
This I didn't know about myself till I really sat down and analyzed what characters I have picked over the years. I like having the option to keep people out with pokes and whiff punish well while still being able to fight up close. If I were to have become competitive in SC3 I would have probably gone with Astaroth if I could deal with the fact he was sorta tanky.

3: Have high damage
I don't mind having less life than someone if it means I can dish out good damage. Winning with small hits over a long period of time just doesn't really mesh with what I want in a fighting game.

4: Have some mechanic that sets them apart from the rest of the cast.
While I find fighting games at their base level fun, I feel better when I have an extra "thing" I have to keep track of. Whether it be a new mode that uses up a resource, attacks that require charge time or the ability to "feint" cancel it all falls under the same category in my mind.

Guilty Gear: A.B.A (Main) | Order Sol (Secondary) | Eddie (Before slash)
ST/HD Remix: Fei Long
SFA2: Sakura
CVS2: Hibiki, Sakura, Rock
Garou: Rock
MVC3: Zero, Jill, Phoenix | UMVC3 ???, Zero, Phoenix Wright
SF4: C.Viper
SSB: Fox | SSBM: Marth / Fox | Brawl: Metaknight / Zero Suit Samus
SC1-3: Nightmare
SC4: Hilde (Almost certain main in Sc5 too)

A lot of those characters share similarities in that they have some kind of special thing about them that makes them "unfair" at the cost of something else. Style normally has a lot to do with my picks as well but sometimes gameplay completely trumps that (Sakura and Fei Long). I usually choose a character when a game first comes out and I end up being right on the money with my picks. So when people try to pull the tier whore card (which really doesn't matter anyway) I can easily point out that I chose a character before the game was even out.
I'm more of mid range character with fast/medium speed because I like overall balance. I consider maining Viola because of her unique moveset. I like how her orb can be used passively or actively and using these two actions in certain ways can allow me to put pressure on my opponent. Then I just wait and if certain requirements meet, I'll be awarded and I can give punishment.

As a X fan, I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to Leixia as well. Mix in nimble and feint attacks, and stir in some strong attacks for pressuring the opponent and/or maximizing damage.