Hilde Ban Discussion

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Also, I changed the name back to what it was before (Sorry, Runis), because that was what this thread, for the most part, was about.

Make a "How to Deal With Hilde" thread if you feel you need help against her.
Re-Opened, since this is a valid discussion forum regarding bans for Hilde.
Please keep it ban related, hilde related, or response as to why you think any reason given is or is not appropriate to get the ban.
Discuss all you want--nothing of Hilde's is going to get banned.

Discussion was good before it started to get out of hand, so I left the thread open.

All re-opening this thread will do is invite more complaints and possible flaming. But do as you wish--I wash my hands of this thread.

Now...I think Hilde deserves some sort of probation on ridiculously small full RO stages. Seriously, it's no fun for me playing her if it's not a 3-walled stage. That way, if a player is not thinking, they'll eat the combo and that's that. So my solution, for now, would be to limit her to 3-walled or 2-walled stages (dunno if there are any of those). Pirate ship I think is fine, glacier level I also think is fine. Unfortunately, I doubt the community will be up for this, and so it's just going to have to be full Hilde allowed.

Long term fixes for Hilde to balance her, have the C2 BB only launch on normal/counter hit, and not as part of a combo. Do any of you other Hilde players agree with me? What are your thoughts for this? It breaks the doom combo AND her C3A C2 BB C2 AA combo, but keeps her signature C2 BB, C2 AA combo intact.
Should Hilde Full Ring RO Combos = Banned?

It is. She has them from several areas on the average stage, including center stage. It's 1 mistake = death. That's a 1-hit KO. Yes she hits me a few more times in a juggle, but that's just semantics. The point is losing a full bar from 1 mistake nowhere near a ring edge is completely imbalanced.

I'm not talking about 31 second charges or whatever. This is simple stuff like landing a C3B or FC C3B. You don't need 31 seconds to get a 1-hit KO with her from midscreen.

Again, it is a one hit KO. And of course it was your/my fault for letting it hit us. It's called a mistake. The point is that the punishment for said mistake is way imbalanced. 100% from most anywhere on the screen is too much, sorry.

Shut the fuck up you smug noob. I believe in playing smart, and I bet I play a hell of a lot smarter than you do. Even smart people get hit with i20 safe launcher from huge range, did you know that? It's imbalanced to lose from being hit once by it.

Ok, you're stupid. Discussing a full stage RO which isn't banned yet is not worthy to you, but banning the character entirely is "something we could actually discuss"? Stop calling for threads to be closed, just stop reading it if you're done with it. The rest of us are discussing in here.

***Now for some video proof of what I'm saying***

Watch the third match starting at 4:24. Now watch carefully, I'll explain what happens. All 3 rounds I lose are to absurd ringouts from across the stage. My two wins are from KO. Here's a breakdown of the rounds I lost:

Round 1: I'm only hit twice in this round, both at the center of the stage. The first one is just a chip low and doesn't matter. The second one kills me and wouldve been a 1-hit KO anyways with or without being hit by a low before it.

Round 2: Here's the solid proof for you people saying she doesn't have a 1-hit KO. I am only hit once in this round, after a blocked 1[K]. I lose a round for doing 1K at the center of the stage.

Round 3: Last and final round, not as bad as the other ones, but again I'm juggled to the ringout from way too far resulting in a higher damage open-field combo than most any character in the game.

Actually, let's just make it simple. Just say "fair" if you think the punishment for blocking lizardman's 1[K] at the center of the stage should be a 100% combo. This will help me clearly identify the retards.

Good Post
Good Example
Good Video

I think that Hilde have to be (VERY VERY) nerfed on open stage and boosted on closed stage.
C3A has much better proprety and near no weak point !!!

i20 Mid Anti-Step TC Auto-GI high/mid no-kick BLockstun, starter Combo for Ring Out C2B

But the major problem of Hilde is just the absurd Ring Out combo, they can keep C3A, or C2B or C3B like it is, just break the combo part of C2AA

Well the point is that I did, indeed, pick up Hilde about one week before this tournament happened. I got a few pointers here, a few pointers there, played a bit with the locals once or twice and then I went 'into the field' if you will at this tourney.

If they patch this game in the near future and Hilde goes under the microscope I would hope they could figure out a way to tone down her ROs and leave the rest of her game in tact.
Should Hilde Full Ring RO Combos = Banned?

True, but it's the truth. People DO deal with worse in other games.

CNP: Looking forward to the outcome lololol
Yes. lolz aplenty. I got her deathcombo down pat, plus a few other combos, in a about an hour. I really didn't think they were going to be that easy. But I realize that's only half of it. Now I've still got a couple weeks to work on her non-charge moves and defense-while-charging. Wish me luck. :)
So hilde has a dangerous combo? so what? what ever happened to that little "Don't Get Hit" rule? lol

dangerous combos that can make or break a round are not unheard of. they are by no means grounds for a ban. For example:

Super smash bros melee, in high level play, jigglypuff has an absurd combo against fox and falco called "Up-throw to rest" which will almost garuntee a kill every time (almost). i've been to a tournament for that game and i main jigglypuff, do you realize how hard it is to grab a fox or falco now that combo is out in the open?

give it time... i garuntee soon the death combo wont be the end all be all. most likely it will become not only predictable, but obvious. 1 combo doesnt break a character.
If you could control your char while you're being hit you'd have a point... but you can't... so you don't.

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lmao well said, i'm glad to see you like instigating.
like i said, if your too lazy to get out of the way of the combos, be my guest to die. kthxbai
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