If you could have 1 SCIV move in rl......


[08] Mercenary
What would it be?


Man its a hard choice, but here are my options.

Voldo: A+G - lol

Cervy: 4B+K

Taki: Wind Roll BKB or BBB

Cervy: iGDR

Yoshi 8A+KB+K

Apprentice 2A+B

Yeh it would have to be apprentice 2A+B. Pure awesomeness

Oh and what the hell: Voldo 4A+K as well =D.

yoshi's and raph's life draining grabs.

Would be useful when injured or sick.
Ivy: iCS

(was that really a surprise?)

Yoshi: 6A+K4 (Bitch smack to life theft!)

Tira: Gloomy CH 66K (face grind!)
Hilde's CF.
Come time for the Olympics, I can just CF the javelin throw. Automatic world champion.
Cervy's 4B+K, Forgotten the input but sophies unblockable matrix move where she stays in the air, Yoshi's deathcopter.