Intimidation Tactics/Mind Games..

Trash talk online = everyone immediately knows that you suck.

This is how I feel right here. I'm cool with trash talk during a game like Madden, but trash talk while playing an online fighting game is just fail, especially when most people don't care. And quickly texting trash talk before a match starts is weak and does nothing to the opponent.

I used to send trash talk when I first got the game, but I stopped doing that since it is a waste of time and given the state of online play in SC4. And being a dick online does me no good because I want to keep people playing me and keep playing SC4 and then hopefully direct them to come here because SC4 is really a great fighter that more people need to be playing.

You can trash talk after a match, but I think it is more appropriate to save it for offline or to setup a series of online matches, not after getting one win or a couple of wins online because big woop.
Never understood the point of trashtalking. My roommate's in my apartment last year used my 360 to play Halo 3, and all they did was scream at the TV against the other players. When I asked them about it, they said it makes the game more enjoyable, but couldn't really provide solid reasons why.

Maybe when you're doing well and want to hype yourself up, but if that happens I turn off my mic. Trash talk from overzealous players turns me off from playing them in general.
Never understood the point of trashtalking. My roommate's in my apartment last year used my 360 to play Halo 3, and all they did was scream at the TV against the other players. When I asked them about it, they said it makes the game more enjoyable, but couldn't really provide solid reasons why.

Maybe when you're doing well and want to hype yourself up, but if that happens I turn off my mic. Trash talk from overzealous players turns me off from playing them in general.

Yeah, I agree completely. I especially hate it when you're playing someone who just downgrades your character when it's obvious that they just don't do well against said character. And when your the victor, they blame everything on improbable circumstances. To be completely honest, this wouldn't be the case offline. People are too afraid of physical retaliation, not to say I would be the one to provide any. Trash talk is almost a staple trait of online play and the internet in general, which is sad. Call 'em what you want, keyboard warriors etc....I can't stand any of it.
when some1 is trying to trash talk me in a ranked match... I dont say anything... the entire fight... I dont know if that pisses them off but usually by the third round their not talking anymore... and after ive destroyed them... I quietly and calmly say "whos the bitch now?" and go on to the next room >.>
Normally i dont play with a mic on because i have no reason to talk to anyone(unless there a friend or conversations are good) but far as trash talking goes...Xianghua is all that is needed. Ass smackin, face slappin, and stomach pokin all day. The one thing i will do to people is send them my daily "Step yo game up" message. ^_^
trash talking doesnt really work really... i mean to me, if someone is trash talking to me and they are losing then they look like a fool... but if they do it while they are winning then its annoying as you get the feeling that you can;t do anything about it.

so to conclude... it only effects me if they are winning and in that situation... they probs would be winning even if they didn't trash talk.. if that makes sense.

trash talking amongst friends though is hilarious :D
Lol! Lovin this thread, i have my own saying if i play a cocky guy who gives a load of jip via message prematch... and then proceeds to get pounded by me.

Maybe we should start a beef thread...and photos should be included of insults and wins etc... be well funny!