Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks?

Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

I don't think I'm ugly. Looks like I'll have to post my pic sometime soon here then.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

alright, i'll just post pictures of asian chicks
That's as far as it goes. Almost as bad as a gay-ghetto-jail-dude-in-a-bikini. >.<
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

I think its because nerdy white guys think that white girls aren't nerdy enough to fit their taste.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

HOLY SHIT I missed that trap picture whitey posted, please tell me that's a photoshop job hahahaha.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

i dont know but theyd be heavily out numbered by the white nerdy guys, so they try to keep their asian hotness quiet.
the 8way dating service is a long way off i think.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

Asian chicks are very, very hot. They have all of the features that most white guys love - rounded face, thin figure, black hair, tan skin,,,, what more could you want.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

The thing is most White guys don't like Asian chicks. Most White guys want a White girl. Eww.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

White girls and Azn girls are my top favs. (although if a girl's hot, then I don't care what race she is).
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

this thread fucking wins my stomach hurts from the laughter
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

I can't tell if this is the best thread or the worst thread I've ever seen...

BTW, what are you opinions of their teeth?

Fang - I have no problem with a fang. It generally doesn't detract from a girl's cuteness at all.
Crooked - Depending on how bad it is, it can be a turn off, but some girls are still cute and have learned the best way of living their daily life without opening their mouth as much as possible.
Green/brown stuff on them - HELL NO. That's where I start to wonder at what point they looked in the mirror, decided that they needed a crap ton of make-up, but then looked at their teeth and went "nah, those are ok".

Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

This thread is full of win Nana. :-)

Personally I like a little fangage/snaggletooth action, but if their grill is jacked up, like they haven't seen a dentist in never, then do not want.
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

It's funny cause there's LOTS of dentists here. In my small town, there's probably more dentists than any other single business. Yet so many people look like they've never been to one...
Is it true? Nerdy white guys love Asian chicks

I thought the same thing when I was in Japan and could never figure that out. Are they allergic to dentists or something? Do Japanese dentists suck? Can they not afford it? What's the deal?

I also don't get the chicks who are in adult vids who will go and get a super awesome set of fake boobs but do nothing about their grill and leave it all fucked up. Makes no sense.