Kayane's Video Interview with Tago-san!

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As you know by now, Kayane had some hands-on time with Soul Calibur V at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany. In addition to the chance to be the first person outside of Namco to ever play the game, she also managed to snag an interview with the producer of the Soul Calibur series: Hisaharu Tago!
In the interview, Kayane and Tago talk a bit more specifically on Namco's future interest with the tournament community, including patching, arcade editions and how they will try to listen to the players. Tago also specifically calls out Hilde's "Doom Combo" as a point of shame for them in Soul Calibur IV. Kayane asks a lot of specific questions about returning characters: Tira, Maxi and Voldo.

Also... if you look carefully at the video, you can see 32 slots for characters!
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
Great questions Kayane! It's nice to see that the developers are aware of specific character problems from SCIV and it gives me hope that they'll try and buff the lower tiers.
32 slots will include some non-character slots like possibly random and CAS, and the guest character.

So actual roster will likely be a little lower (guessing 29)

I am glad to see that Namco does get it in terms of fixing things. This gives me faith that even if mechanics aren't entirely what I like, they'll still come up with a game worthy of competition.
I did an analysation of Voldo from this video here

On a side note, it doesn't look like we'll be getting our Versus screen taunts. Instead we get... Cards. :D
I'm amazed how polished the game looks for being 7 Months away. Also its interesting that they'll be able to go back and tweak characters based on our inputs. And with the Speed of the game, it looks and feels like SC3 IMO.

Also seems Stun system is revamped, certain moves have new properties, new combos, as well JG doesn't look to crazy due to the sheer speed of the game.

Looking good!!
Nice, thanks for all the work you've put in Kayane, very much appreciated d^_^b

Also, Hilde looks so boss.
Man siegfried's stances look very cool.
And Zwei shirtless is kinda hot.
Maxi looks like a freaking Soul Gauge raper. Still has the waatty!
Are all of Natsu's bombs unblockable?

4:36 when JG punishment fails.
From 6:44 what is Break attack, and where is the guard impact?
Okay Break attack means guard crush move.
8:29 guard bust.
Ukemi in the game as well.
kinnda disapointed at the loss of critical finish & Im praying for gaurd impact everything els looks good HOPEFULLY THEY WONT AIM FOR THE CASUAL GAMER AKA MASHER 2 much that aproach never work when converting a game thats know for depth ex. Fight Night Champion
hilde looks flashy as fark and zwei is looking awsome as usual new thing that were shown with him are
-he can create block strings with EIN and can a 3 hit combo before haveing to launch the opponent
-what looked like his 1a is disgustingly slow
-he has a low combo starter that takes meter(the stomp), also looked like if the opponent stays down after a combo it'll pop them of the ground so you may still combo(tech trap mixups!)
-Ein can do GB attacks
-Zwei GB doesn't knock down

god i want zwei inside me no homo
Nice work with the Q's Kay and thanks for the info Tago-san.

The game looks extremely great even though it's an underdeveloped version.

The new character and stage select along with the gameplay speed are getting me excited!

I'm shocked that Hilde will have useful moves this time. I'm glad they're detuning her down.
Great interview Kayane. It's good to hear that they're concentratin' on makin' this game good with a long competitive lifespan. Hopefully this wish'll actually come true.

I hope they revamp Tira. It would be cool if they made a deeper differentiation in her personalities fightin' styles, and make them both equally viable to use instead of her GS bein' way better than her JS. Maybe they could make her JS more like her SCIII iteration, and fully revamp her GS moveset? I think her life drainin' gameplay could stay...but it should be coupled with life regeneratin' moves a la Yoshi.

I hope "Kenny[:sc2maxi1:]" plays more like his SCII iteration. That was his prime to me. He had good moves and way more fluid stance mobility than he has now.
SCV looks amazing NOW, so I can't even imagine how well it'll play when it's totally finished. Z.W.E.I looks extremely interesting, and I'm probably going to end up picking him up.

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