Kogarasumaru October 2009 Monthly (UFC 104)


Just like last month, we will once again be doing a "No-Pros" tournament before the main event. Since Serge2HOT4U won last month; he will be barred from entering this month... he will be able to enter the No-Pros event in November.

The following players may not compete in the No-Pros event:
  • Dreamkiller
  • KDZaster
  • MTFighter
  • Ramon
  • Rekki
  • Serge2HOT4U
  • Something-Unique
  • Woahhzz
And here is the schedule for all my tournaments for the year...
  • October 24 UFC 104
  • November 21 UFC 106
  • December 6 (NEC)
  • January 2 UFC 108

Last month we got the same number of attendees as the previous month; and that was with a half a dozen people who randomly couldn't make it; not because they didn't want to come, but because they genuinely had other plans. So thats a win in my book; this month's rules will stay the same as last month.
  • Thread starter
  • Admin
  • #2

Event has passed...

  • 3:00 PM - Soulcalibur 4 "No-Pros"
  • 6:00 PM - Soulcalibur 4 "Singles"
  • Tournaments will be run on the PlayStation3 Console
  • Double Elimination Tournament (DONT LEAVE EARLY)
  • Sets consist of 2/3 Matches in the preliminary rounds
  • Sets consist of 3/5 Matches in bracket-finals sets
  • Sets consist of 4/7 Matches in grand-finals sets
  • Top players from previous tournaments will be seeded
  • Bracket will be randomized based on player regions
  • Winner Character Lock (cannot switch characters)
  • Double Blind Character Selection available by request
  • Button Sequence Macroing is banned (Binding still legal)
  • All infinite damage combos are banned! No exceptions
  • Pausing may result in forfeiture of that specific round
  • Soft Reset will result in forfeiture of that specific match
  • Matches consist of 3/5 Rounds in all sets
  • Rounds consist of 60 second time limit in all sets
  • Random Stage Selection for first match of set
  • Loser's Choice for new RANDOM stage by request
  • All stages are currently legal for tournament play
  • All matches played at 100% health and soul gauge
  • BANNED: Algol, Hilde and All Bonus Characters
    • I will not be supplying Wireless PS3 Controllers
    • I will not be supplying PS3 USB Sync Cables
    • I will not be supplying PSX -> PS3 converters
  • Squatting during casual play is strictly prohibited
  • You must take a shower before the tournament
  • No smoking is permitted inside of the mall area
  • No food and drink will be permitted into the lounge
  • Be clean and courteous, and clean up after yourself
  • Please don't walk in front of TVs durings matches
  • Absolutely don't vandalize the supplied equipment
  • We reserve the right to search anyone suspicious

If you are bringing your own stick, make sure to bring an appropriate converter; I will not be responsible for converter and controller issues. The tournament will be run on as many TVs as I deem necessary depending on the turnout; all other TVs will be used for casuals and money matches. We have one 48" RCA Proscan SDTV and two 50" Sony WEGA SXRD HDTVs. Any match recorded in the main room will be recorded and put on the web for download.

  • $5 Soulcalibur 4 "No-Pros"
  • $15 Soulcalibur 4 Singles
If you sign up for the No-Pros event; you MUST sign up for the Singles event. Please don't be late. If you are going to be late, call us before hand so we can hold the start till you arrive. If you have been to one of our tournaments before, you should have recieved someone's phone number in which you can contact. If you haven't, please send either Kid D Zaster, Bibulus, ShadowFox or Serge a PM.
GameX is a month away and there's still no official information on the actual tournament. Plus the website for the tournament still has a coming soon message on it. And I don't have three days to spend playing fighting games. I wouldn't mess with it unless you are coming primarily for the convention itself.

Unless I am dead broke, I'll see y'all in October.
Yo, I'd like to make a 1st round challenge request for Serge in the next singles tournament, =)
some of history's greatest warriors fought without pants on. William Wallace, Leonidas, and Shaka Zulu never wore pants and they were feared warriors
Hilde being banned is now officially counter productive to the eastcoast..... seeing as though France's world tournament and NEC are both allowing hilde. How are we supposed to prepare for the only two tournaments that matter in the next 6 months.....
some of history's greatest warriors fought without pants on. William Wallace, Leonidas, and Shaka Zulu never wore pants and they were feared warriors

If Serge wins, gets up on the chair and starts yelling FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMM! someone please tape it, lol.

But yeah you really can't no homo this thing, in a modern context. People back then did some pretty gay shit, when they weren't kicking ass.
hilde being banned is now officially counter productive to the eastcoast..... Seeing as though france's world tournament and nec are both allowing hilde. How are we supposed to prepare for the only two tournaments that matter in the next 6 months.....

you come to ny and play!
Thats how you scrub!
Hilde being banned is now officially counter productive to the eastcoast..... seeing as though France's world tournament and NEC are both allowing hilde. How are we supposed to prepare for the only two tournaments that matter in the next 6 months.....

Wouldn't unbanning bonus characters be counter productive under that same logic? We'll either have to double prepare for Shura and Charizard or it will mess with how we deal with Amy and Cervantes.

You can take me off the list for supporting the Hilde & Algol ban permanently. My final 100% opinion on the issue is that it is stupid and even though its early it made no difference at the last tournament and in fact there were less people than there were at the previous tournament. Also HackerMike looks like he needs his Hilde back and that would provide one more tougher competitor to Koga's as he is handicapped now. I'm pretty sure this post means nothing to u but i'm posting it as I don't support the Hilde/Algol ban for future reference.


That logic fails as they were banned from the jump almost everywhere if not everywhere.
S-U... there was ONE less person... and we were missing about 8 regulars who couldn't show up (one of them was Rigel), not because of their Algol/Hilde opinions, but because the fiscal year started and they just couldn't make it. We had a lot of people show up at this September monthly that didn't show up at the August monthly. I take that as a success in the long run.
Fair enough and yeah I imagine its not because of the Hilde/Algol ban more people didn't show up. But on the other hand I don't think more people will show up because of it as that's what I always thought but I believe it even more now. Regardless I just wanted to put it out there that i'm no longer supporting it that's all.
S-U... I've also said MANY times that banning Hilde/Algol isn't about getting MORE people to show up. Banning Hilde/Algol is about preventing more people from NOT showing up. Everytime someone gets beat by Hilde in a tournament, thats just another ounce of frustation and an increase in chances they will leave the Soulcalibur community for other fare, such as Tekken or Street Fighter. So its not about getting more players to tournamnets, its about preventing tournament attendance as it is, from dropping anymore than it has to. Just look at the NorCal community; its dead because of a SINGLE person who uses Hilde.
I understand! Its funny that u mention the Norcal community though as I was just asking someone in javachat about that the other day what a coincidence. That shit is dead and I never understood why so if that's the reason damn but i'm not sure if that is the real reason 100% as I remember it used to be huge. At the end of the day I see where u are coming from but since I see slightly differently on the matter i'm just putting it out there that I don't support the method but if it works for u more power to u.