Leixia Videos & Discussion

they weren't beatdowns imo, no triple perfects :p. in the first match, I think you were just moving around too much and didn't respect my frames enough. in the second round I was getting you ch on a lot of things. in the third round I think that was mostly even but at the end, you did something punishable and that was the only way I was gonna win. if you kept picking at me, I would've had to hit you at least twice to win.

in the second match, you were definitely the better poker in those rounds. but leixia's pokes aren't the most damaging things, and the attacks I would land would put us back to even. I also just got a few lucky guesses like the end of the third round.

also, I think I use CE a lot more than you. imo, you should use it when you can, especially when you have 2 stocked. get the damage anyway you can!

anyway, fun matches ^^
@TiZ You're good at using 22B, I need to get that back into my game cos I hardly use it these days.

@Zero It's hard to judge of a few games as you know, so I can only go on what I saw in the videos. I think you suffer the same as a lot of players who are experts with their character but haven't had the success. The difference between you and MTF imo, other than better whiff punishing, is "game strategy" or something like that. In actual nonbullshit terms, he made better choices in terms of risk/reward in certain situations e.g. near the walls, and with low health / big health deficit.

MTF's mixups with movement and rushdown were really on point in the first match of the 'beatdowns'.

@all I use AA a lot more but maybe that's just me
in the second round I was getting you ch on a lot of things.
Yup. Not really anything I can do about that except statue block. Which normally gets me run over in matches vs any player.

in the third round I think that was mostly even but at the end, you did something punishable and that was the only way I was gonna win.

Yeah, 6KK. I just thought you'd have stopped blocking at that point, since that's when I would've stopped. But you didn't.

I also just got a few lucky guesses like the end of the third round.
also, I think I use CE a lot more than you. imo, you should use it when you can, especially when you have 2 stocked. get the damage anyway you can!

anyway, fun matches ^^

I wouldn't say you use CE more than me, but just you were given more opportunities to do so. It felt like whenever I had the meter and was waiting for something to CE punish, nothing was there. So I couldn't wait forever for those things and tried to press offense instead. And yeah I guess anyone can get lucky guesses here and there, but I just wish it was on my end more often, lol.
In actual nonbullshit terms, he made better choices in terms of risk/reward in certain situations e.g. near the walls, and with low health / big health deficit.

Yup exactly. So this is the dilemma. I dunno what I'm supposed to do to change any of this. Or for that matter if I even can. I can work on punishes to death, but it feels like even if I were to do that, I'd be doing something else wrong. It's frustrating looking at this and imagining there's no where else for me to improve, and that I've hit my limit in skill.

Doesn't matter how much anti-character or strats I have, if I'm doing more incorrect guessing or making just enough wrong decisions to lose. So I end up just watching as MT does all the things I wish I could.
I wouldn't say you use CE more than me, but just you were given more opportunities to do so. It felt like whenever I had the meter and was waiting for something to CE punish, nothing was there. So I couldn't wait forever for those things and tried to press offense instead. And yeah I guess anyone can get lucky guesses here and there, but I just wish it was on my end more often, lol.
I think he just meant to maximise damage after launchers. You did a lot of 6A+B or 3B+K when you had a CE or even 2 stocked.

Btw I also think the FC3B 6A+B combo just isn't worth it. Leixia makes up for low damage with close range pressure and gauge damage. FC3B throws both away.
I think he just meant to maximise damage after launchers. You did a lot of 6A+B or 3B+K when you had a CE or even 2 stocked.

Btw I also think the FC3B 6A+B combo just isn't worth it. Leixia makes up for low damage with close range pressure and gauge damage. FC3B throws both away.

To be honest, I'm starting to agree with this. 6A+B pushes them far away, and not in ideal wakeup position. In my case, I mainly fall back on it by default as a throw punish to get the most meterless damage. But you're right, it's better to just 3B+K or 1B for the mixup options, assuming no CE is available of course.
at the end of rounds, does 6a+b suffer from the guts system of this game? anyway, I like 6a+b just for the fact it's her most damaging combo without meter. sometimes you just want easy damage instead of trying to mix them up.

Yup. Not really anything I can do about that except statue block. Which normally gets me run over in matches vs any player.

Standing there and blocking isn't always the worst decision. I do it a lot if you notice, I'll just sit there and wait for my turn :p.

Yeah, 6KK. I just thought you'd have stopped blocking at that point, since that's when I would've stopped. But you didn't.

Ahhh, that match too, but imo that was ok since I couldn't make up the difference with just the CE punish, there was still a lead by you I think. so it's ok to do punishable things there. But what I was talking about was the first match where I ended it with a CE punish of your 66aa.

I wouldn't say you use CE more than me, but just you were given more opportunities to do so. It felt like whenever I had the meter and was waiting for something to CE punish, nothing was there. So I couldn't wait forever for those things and tried to press offense instead. And yeah I guess anyone can get lucky guesses here and there, but I just wish it was on my end more often, lol.

What Age said, I just meant do it to get damage and start turning the momentum in your favor.

I replied to your stuff in the quotes zero since I don't know/don't wanna take the time to do it individually :p.

And thanks for the critique Age :), I never mind hearing thoughts on my play; always welcomed ^^.
I replied to your stuff in the quotes zero since I don't know/don't wanna take the time to do it individually :p.

That's fine. As for the question about 6A+B, no it beats the guts system.

As for everything else, I'll learn from these sets and try to improve my game. I think the biggest issue for me is, my nature is to try and counter my opponent's strategy vs just going in and making them adjust to mine. I feel like whenever I get too aggressive too soon, I make more mistakes than when I pressure just enough to get them to reveal their gameplan.

I just want to be a great player too bad sometimes, lol.
You seem to have trouble closing out matches, Zero. What you could possibly try is, instead of changing your mindset completely as rounds carry on, try thinking more about how the situation changes will change your opponent's mindset and adapting your own playstyle to fit what will effectively keep you out of danger while also letting you continue to play the way you want to play.

Another question: how to you see your 'playstyle'? If you could give it certain qualities, what would you say the best ones of your game are? What would you say the worst ones are? The more descriptive, the better, even a more abstruse sort of description could help.

I ask this for a bunch of reasons (some I've forgotten already even). But I remember back in SC4 really thinking about the way I play because of the Sophie/Setsuka match. I tended to project my own mindset onto other players a lot (I liked/like to press a lot of buttons). I would always fear, because of the way I used my frames, Sophie's a+b, which would cause me to alter my game in unnecessary ways. I believe it's to the point now where, though I still like playing the same way, the way I play has morphed into a much more 'evolved' form of that play.

Hmm, I'd say my strongest traits right now would be
- memory, (as in able to remember my opponent's responses or preferences in certain situations)
- strong position control (especially near walls/edges),
- reaction time (not just for lows, but more like JG/Evasion type)
- anti-character knowledge (finding tools that do well vs certain chars' setups or ones that disrupt the chars' core gameplan)
- offensive reads (as in, once I get some momentum, my reads are better in preventing escape from my pressure)
- guard pressure (working the guard break gauge)

Worst right now would be
- clutch defensive reads under pressure (this is hit or miss. Either I get some clutch comebacks, or I blow the round)
- whiff punishment on strings/half strings (Still somewhat of a habit from step G. Unless I had something like greek stab, I sometimes don't confirm the whiff quick enough for anything stronger than a BB/Throw punish)
- oftentimes too cautious vs unknown players (this speaks for itself really. But yeah, it's too much credit being given too soon. I've been getting better with this, but I'd still say it needs developing)
Sorry if I come back to a point, as I said you zero I'm not good to understand english.

I think MTFighter is rigth when he say you don't use enought metter.
When Leixia have a metter she is as strong than 70% of the cast, she can do an CH AA with 59 damage or 64 if it touch turned oponent... sur the best AA of the game, She have a wiff punish 3B / TC or mix up to 77 damage its really strong! 4K to 65 damage with CE!

A great mind game post GI! you can mind with keep the frame on spécifique sétups or GI to a mix up with 4K on the wall, 3B or 44(A) ( maybe you can GI the 3B in responce and JG 44(A) but I never see that for the moment ).

+ MTfigther do that really good ( I have to train my poor exe to do it correctly ) but i12 punish to 8X damage for me its one of the best Leixia's force!!

I think using metter with her its one of the more important point!

Other think, when an oponent mix you with 2K/2A/backdash I not really sure that reponce is the best way to do, maybe sometime because if you never do it, the oponent may rush on you to spam 2K ( 2K dash 2K ect...) I think your best option is backdash and wiff punish FCA, but I know its difficult because you want to keep your priority and wiff punish 2A in reaction is not the easier think in the game! to 2K at close range you can interrupt all except FCA with 66K and it's antibackdash.

I see and other option select ( when you are attacking with 2K ) you can backdash and step the antibackdash, it work on some char like apat if you do 2K, 4 8 at a good timming, you backdash 2A and step 2363B! if you want to wiff punish 2A you have to cancel your step with 3B.
If you do 4 2 after 2K, you can but you can't cancel step with 3B, just with 33B so its less interessing if you have metter.
Thanks. I will have to look into the Backdash~sidestep cancel thing after 2K. I know a lot of people mention the meter thing. While I agree i could stand to spend it more when I have 2 bars, I mainly use the meter in comeback situations or to close rounds.

To me, the worst feeling in the world is spending meter early on in a round only to need a CE later for the win and not have it.
Personally, I use metter when I have some, if I have a lot like 1.5 I do all my possible to use this, Leixia have good recover for her metter.
I keep metter only when I know it will be really difficult to win the round if its not the final round but i use it very often in disavantage when I do CH on 66BB.
Try to Keep too if I have good life advantage and not really lot of metter but I dont keep against apat, cervy, or algol.
Your videos deserve more views. Great matches!
And a special remark for using Seymour's Battle Theme. OMG, this music brings back memories...
Matches from ECT5, Leixia as always. Did really well outside of getting trashed in the two streamed top 8 matches.

Pool C W1 vs. OmegaXCN (Natsu)

Pool C WF vs. Jimbonator (Ezio)
(camera is really shaky at some points, but the best parts of the fight are in tact)

Top 8 Losers vs. BoomSouljah (Yoshimitsu)

Somebody has the rest of top 8 archived somewhere.
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