Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your life


[13] Hero
What were they?

My most hilarious moment was me playing ranked,with my buddies watching, i pick Taki, my opponent picks Kilik.
"Oh a Kilik." i say, "Maybe it's an A+B Kilik, i'll knock him down, let's see what he does..."
Round 1 FIGHT!
Taki: 66A, knock down
Kilik: grounded A+B (Heaven Monument)
Taki: A+K, B+G(Stalker Drop)
My buddies and me: Collective Headpalm

My most awesome moment was beating a well known really bad ass player
(after getting my ass handed to me for like 20 Matches)
When my mix-ups worked as well as my JFs and tech-traps.
I finished him with Taki's :3::3::A:::B:::B:::B:, :6::A::+::B:, :2::A::+::B:, :4::1::2::3::6::B: RO
Thanks to Halister for that Fire Bomb-Fog Blanket-UB stuff...

Now post yours! I don't care if they are from on- or offline since this is rather general stuff.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your


It's gotta be against most A+B Kiliks first of all.

Me: -knocks down-
Him: -Heaven Monument-
Me: - :(6)::B:
Him: -Heaven Monument-
Me: - :(6)::B:
Him: -Heaven Monument-
Me: - :(6)::B:

Ad nauseum til I won the match. =3

There was a telespam Cervy I fought once. We were paralell to the edge of the ring and he ported, so I side stepped and hit :1::B: ... caught him just as he landed with overtoss and slung him outta the ring.

Mirror Match against a Sieg, 10 times in a row getting sword clashes, we were practically identical in our opening moveset.

Apprentice who jumped right out of the ring on me.

Yoda who jumped right out of the ring on me.

Taki who miss-timed Stalker Drop at the edge of the ring and ROd

Killing a telespam Cervy by Parrying him into the Gong on X's level. (I lawled so hard)


All of these experiences are with Apprentice, whom my roommate plays. Sadly he's just about the best person I've faced that I know offline.

Parrying Force Lightning (apparently you can do this, confused the Hell out of my roommate)

GIing Saber throw (apparently it effects him even though the saber isn't in his hand)

Yanking jumping apprentice out of the air with Zas' scythe.

Butt-bumping Apprentice out of ring as soon as he lands from a jump.

Wall combo off the gong in X's level =D was funneh.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Prolly when I found out I could RO myself with Yoshimitsu's [A+B], K. Quite funny to hear him go "Thou cannot hit m- AAAUUGH!"

Also one time I fought a Vader camping by the edge waiting to A+G me when I had more health. As I waited for time to run out he used a variety of taunts and random jump/guarding movements which I imitated until I won by TO.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Easily the 66A+K as Yoshi versus Talim when Yoshi had low HP and Talim a little under medium HP, wich made the match into a draw. Quite epic.

I was the Talim player... ;(

Also on the (I think it's Zasalamel's stage) stage with the roundabout puppets, I manage to strike one into it and after that ring myself out with Talim. I WANTED THAT WALL COMBO!!!!
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your


A friend of mine tries to get cute and uses Shura's (yeah, Shura) Dark Geo De Ray, and I'm playing as Kilik. The problem is, I started Asura Dance just a little after he started DGDR, so there's no way I can stop and step it, so I'm thinking "Oh well, since I can't escape it, I may as well finish it just to see if I can execute it". By the time Kilik gets out the third hit of Asura Dance, DGDR flies right at me and bounces off Kilik's back, sending Shura SOARING across the screen to ring out.

So funny, so funny. =D
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Once i used yoshi and was pogo jumping on my opponent near a wall. I don't know what he did but as i hit him with the pogo jump he flew way up high like Taki bomb x2 out of the top of the screen it looked really hilarious.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

I was Voldo, he was Cervy. I was like 4 hits from K.O and my back was at the edge of the ring. I think he felt brave so he did his 4A+B and I used Voldo's Super Freak to dodge (A+K) It looked so Lol when he flew through me and Rung-Out himself.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

My opponents a random Cerv spammer, i'm Vader.

Opponent: 4A+B "SINK INTO, DARKNESS!!!!"
Me: A+B "PERISH!!!!"

Fireball cracks him in the face, i hear KO, i say FOOL!!!!
Needless to say, i got hatemail saying Vader was broken XD
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Thesmophoros' garden. He is low on health with Yoshi i was Lizzy. He starts wanking back his health and i wait until it's full again. He get's up, i run at him, he blocks and i throw with A+G side-RO.

I lost the match because i laughed so hard...
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Playing againts a yoshi, im cerv

He does his high helecopter and is trying to hit his UB on me we are both somewhat low on life I just keep backstepping until i remember I can just shoot his ass down. Boom he falls and and i kick him outta the ring XD.

Also one of my favorite things is playing ranked against high lv people and GI with vader every move they do followed with a quick fool. bull rush bam Force impact fool cervy teleport bam Force impact fool I think i got 6 force impacts off in one match was worth using all my force to use.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

I was playing Setsuka against my friend's Yoshi on Thesmophoros' Garden one day, and half-way through the match he wallsplats me over the water at the back edge of the stage. Instead of sliding into the water, her foot cought the edge of the stage and she went into a grounded position, with most of her body out above the water - she did the death cry as if I'd been rung out too, and I couldn't move/make her get up. My friend had to come over and kick my floating body, which made me stand up back on the stage with full control restored. It was very wtf.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

I had that too a few times.
Once it was when i had so few health that the "release" attack go me killed. In the last round. >:[
Would be nasty if your opponent gets stuck and you wait for the time out if your health was more lol. >:]
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

WTF hilarious especially the thing where he ducks AFTER the high attack whiffs lol.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

My asta vs random cervy.

Both around 15-20% health, pre-historic marsh stage. I just shook his scissor stuns and managed to create some distance, ended up with my back towards the edge of the water with my left side towards the wall. Being the n00b that he is, he starts up normal GDR from all the way across the screen, presumably because he thinks it'll give him enough space to just tap me off the edge without flying off himself.

I see the startup, predict the GDR, and factoring in the lag, input asta's A+G air throw before he flies. As predicted, he flies at me and his GDR just about loses momentum right in front of me, then asta picks him out of the air and throws him backwards into the water.

I could not stop laughing, gave up my turn to the next guy in line even though I won. It was a risky as hell move at that moment, but well worth it.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

My friend is Maxi, I'm Nightmare. I always do 3aa3, so it does the low and goes into Grim Stride. Expecting this, he jumps over the second hit, the supposed mid. Instead, I do 3aa, which makes the second hit a mid. As he's doing a jump attack, it hits, and throws him off. With him going wtf beside me, I use 22b6 and b+k, which swings him into the air behind me and then grabs him out and throws him right out of the ring as I near it.

Not that awesome compared to you guys, but it's my best.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

Me vs KurisuKappsu.

He was rock, I was cervantes on the pre-historic marsh level. We were both trying out new characters to add to our rosters, I had recently taken an interest in Cervantes because of changs fd. He did rock's lunging clothes line-like move and jumped at me, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, I started mashing to try and knock him out of the air or something and I managed to pull off Cervantes' 2,b attack, caught rock by his stomach as he landed, shot him twice in the stomach, and tossed him out of the ring for a backwards ring-out. Hilarious shit, we both immediately started laughing.
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

sum crazy shizzle happens when you get two Algols using slow bubbles teleporting a lot and always doing q flip xD
Most awesome/WTF/hilarious SC moments in your

I was rock vs yoshi on that icy stage, DR4WZ was my opponent if anyone's played him before. I got him with the 3A+G leg throw which sent him in the corner on the opposite side of the frozen mammoth i think it is, where the edge of the ring meets the wall. He got stuck in between there and neither of us could do anything, i couldnt hit him, he was frozen, until time ran out. I lost :[.