"My SoulCalibur VI Creations Gallery (since 2018)"

Wow, I concurr with everyone that Sets is great!

In particular the colour scheme and pattern selection really vibe with me. But beyond that even the item components are all on point.

Usually when I look at a costume I think "Oh I love that, but I would have tweaked this!" But I can't say that about this one, I would take it as is.
I LOVE your new setsuka costume Kostas... Seriously you made amazing costumes for her!!! Bravo!!! :5::5::5:

Thank you very much sweet Anna!

Wow, I concurr with everyone that Sets is great!

In particular the colour scheme and pattern selection really vibe with me. But beyond that even the item components are all on point.

Usually when I look at a costume I think "Oh I love that, but I would have tweaked this!" But I can't say that about this one, I would take it as is.

Thank you so much my friend @HappyColour for your good comments!
Hello my friends and talented CaS artists. I want to announce to you something! Because I will be really busy with my job this month and the next months, I'm taking a break from SoulCalibur and to create some new creations, my most recent creation is the extra costume for Setsuka! Maybe I'll be back when the fourth DLC character for SoulCalibur VI will be released!


I think that I will create 2p/3p and 4p costumes for the fourth DLC character and maybe, some new original characters and maybe some minor characters from SoulCalibur universe! Until then my friends keep healthy, be save and enjoy every moment in your life and in your daily routine with your families and friends!
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Hello my friends how are you? It's been almost 2.5 months that I had posted something new in my creations! I was really busy these months with my personal life and with my job and I had no time for gaming and for SoulCalibur VI! I really missed you guys!
But Hwang my another beloved character is here! He has returned after 15+ years of his absence! I really wanted Hwang in the game and now he is here! So, I returned too with new creations! I created 2p, 3p and 4p costumes for Hwang, Seong-Mina has an extra costume which is actually her SCIV 1p costume! I gave to my Yun-Seong CaS character, Hwang's style at last and I also created too new original characters Takao and Cornelia! I hope you like and enjoy my new creations, have fun!

Hwang 2p (A remake version of his SoulBlade/Souledge 1p costume)
hwang 2p.jpg

Hwang 3p (A remake version of his SoulCalibur I 1p costume)
hwang 3p.jpg

Hwang 4p (A remake version of his SoulBlade/Souledge 2p costume)
hwang 4p.jpg

Hwang SoulCalibur VI 1p costume (No hat and mask)

Seong-Mina Extra Costume (Her SoulCalibur IV 1p costume)
seong-mina extra costume SCIV.jpg

Yun-Seong (Updated style)



Takao Heishiro

Character Info and Story:

Name: Takao Heishiro (He insists that Heishiro is his surname)
Age: 21
Birthplace: Bizen, Japan
Birthdate: 6 December
Weapon Name: Wooden Swords

Takao was borned in Bizen in Japan. He doesn't remember anything about this early life. The only that he remembers is that he had seven brothers and his parents. An old woman who she raised him told him about it, but all of his family were taken by sickness, but only one of his brothers survived, his name: Heishiro Mitsurugi! Takao trained so hard on martial arts, he studied in a small dojo in Bizen the art of the katana sword, in a very young age he became a master! He took place in many local tournaments and he gained many battles, but something was missing in his life, he missed his family and he didn't accept their loss, but he knew from his nanny that Mitsurugi one of his brothers, still alive. One day he informed about the great fame his lost brother Heishiro Mitsurugi, he informed that Mitsurugi is the toughest samurai fighter that he challenges everyone in fight and that he always is the winner! He also informed that Mitsurugi was looking for a powerfull sword with the name "Souledge"! Takao desided to start a journey to find his brother again, he also took the name Heishiro as a clue in order to find quickly Mitsurugi, he claimed that he is his eighth younger brother and he was really sure that he would find him.


Character Info and Story:

Name: Cornelia
Age: 33
Birthplace: Present day, Germany
Birthdate: 16 November
Weapon Name: Ambassador

Cornelia was one of the million victims of Nightmare! The "Azure Knight" with the evil sword "SoulEdge" burned her house and her husband! Cornelia survived, but she lost her unborned child! When she was woke up, she found out that she was in a monastery outside of Bayern. Cornelia didn't has anything in her life, she lost everything and she decided to become a nun. She entered in the monastery as a nun and she offered herself to the blessing of God. She also trained as a warrior in order to take her revenge for the great calamity that Nightmare caused to her. One day she found out about the spirit sword "SoulCalibur" that it has the power to destroy the evil sword "SoulEdge" and Cornelia suspected with this sword will also destroy Nightmare! A mysterious man who he was dressed in white with a scythe informed her that Nightmare and his malfested team were in Ostrheinsburg castle! She thought that this was her chance, she left the monastery without the notion of the other nunes and she started her journey under the blessing of God in order to find SoulCalibur and destroy Nightmare and his minions!
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Hello my friends how are you? It's been almost 2.5 months that I had posted something new in my creations! I was really busy these months with my personal life and with my job and I had no time for gaming and for SoulCalibur VI! I really missed you guys!
But Hwang my another beloved character is here! He has returned after 15+ years of his absence! I really wanted Hwang in the game and now he is here! So, I returned too with new creations! I created 2p, 3p and 4p costumes for Hwang, Seong-Mina has an extra costume which is actually her SCIV 1p costume! I gave to my Yun-Seong CaS character, Hwang's style at last and I also created too new original characters Takao and Cornelia! I hope you like and enjoy my new creations, have fun!

Hwang 2p (A remake version of his SoulBlade/Souledge 1p costume)
View attachment 85854

Hwang 3p (A remake version of his SoulCalibur I 1p costume)
View attachment 85804

Hwang 4p (A remake version of his SoulBlade/Souledge 2p costume)
View attachment 85805

Hwang SoulCalibur VI 1p costume (No hat and mask)

View attachment 85807

Seong-Mina Extra Costume (Her SoulCalibur IV 1p costume)
View attachment 85806

Yun-Seong (Updated style)
View attachment 85809


Takao Heishiro
View attachment 85808

Character Info and Story:

Name: Takao Heishiro (He insists that Heishiro is his surname)
Age: 21
Birthplace: Bizen, Japan
Birthdate: 6 December
Weapon Name: Wooden Swords

Takao was borned in Bizen in Japan. He doesn't remember anything about this early life. The only that he remembers is that he had seven brothers and his parents. An old woman who she raised him told him about it, but all of his family were taken by sickness, but only one of his brothers survived, his name: Heishiro Mitsurugi! Takao trained so hard on martial arts, he studied in a small dojo in Bizen the art of the katana sword, in a very young age he became a master! He took place in many local tournaments and he gained many battles, but something was missing in his life, he missed his family and he didn't accept their loss, but he knew from his nanny that Mitsurugi one of his brothers, still lives. One day he informed about the great fame his lost brother Heishiro Mitsurugi, he informed that Mitsurugi is the toughest samurai fighter that he challenges everyone in fight and that he always is the winner! He also informed that Mitsurugi was looking for a powerfull sword with the name "Souledge"! Takao desided to start a journey to find his brother again, he also took the name Heishiro in order to find quickly Mitsurugi, he claimed that he is his eighth younger brother and he was really sure that he would find him.

View attachment 85810

Character Info and Story:

Name: Cornelia
Age: 35
Birthplace: Present day, Germany
Birthdate: 16 November
Weapon Name: Ambassador

Cornelia was one of the million victims of Nightmare! The "Azure Knight" with the evil sword "SoulEdge" burned her house and her husband! Cornelia survived, but she lost her unborned child! When she was woke up, she found out that she was in a monastery outside of Bayern. Cornelia didn't has anything in her life, she lost everything and she decided to become a nun. She entered in the monastery as a nun and she offered herself to the blessing of God. She also trained as a warrior in order to take her revenge for the great calamity that Nightmare caused to her. One day she found out about the spirit sword "SoulCalibur" that it has the power to destroy the evil sword "SoulEdge" and Cornelia suspected with this sword will also destroy Nightmare! One day she informed from a mysterious man who he was dressed in white with the a scythe that Nightmare and his malfested team are located in Ostreinsburg! She thought that this was her chance, she left the monastery without the notion of the other nunes and she started her journey under the blessing of God in order to find SoulCalibur and destroy Nightmare and his minions!

YEEEES....!!!! one of my most favorite cas artist have returned.....!!!
well done kostas.... your new OGs are really cool...!!! & so cool outfits for hwang....!!!! :D :D :D
YEEEES....!!!! one of my most favorite cas artist have returned.....!!!
well done kostas.... your new OGs are really cool...!!! & so cool outfits for hwang....!!!! :D :D :D

Thank you so much my friend @sotpal_95! I have returned with more inspiration as I said above! I'm happy that you like my new creations! Stay tuned for some more!
It is good seeing more creations from you. Your Hwang Costumes look good and as usual I really like your original characters especially Cornelia.
It is good seeing more creations from you. Your Hwang Costumes look good and as usual I really like your original characters especially Cornelia.

Thank you so much for your good words my friend! I really appreciate your support! I did some new creations as well! They are some minor characters from SoulCalibur universe, later today I will post some teasers of them. Stay tuned!
Okay my friends, here we go! I really want to know your speculations about which minor SoulCalibur characters I have created. This pack of the minor SoulCalibur characters will be posted tomorrow or sometime in the next week. Here you can find their teasers! Tell me, who do you think they are? Have fun and enjoy!

sln - Αντίγραφο.jpg ala - Αντίγραφο.jpg age - Αντίγραφο.jpg a Αντίγραφο.jpg wg copy.jpg wsh - Αντίγραφο.jpg
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Hello my friends, today is the day to show you my minor characters pack from SoulCalibur universe! @SpellcraftQuill speculated right and found exactly the characters that I have created for this pack! It is really exciting! Okay then, here they are! I present to you: Iska Acht, Won Gabok, Won Soo-hyun, Solnhofen, Azola and Auguste! For Acht and Soo-hyun I created them with my own imagination of how they will be like in their outfits, based on their story portraits. For Gabok I tried to created him just like we saw him in Seong Mina's special Story Chronicle. Solnhofen, Azola and Auguste have new designs based on their SoulCalibur IV appearances! I hope you like them, Enjoy and have fun!

NOTE: These are my last creations for this time! I want to create a new thread with all of my creations there, you know, a complete thread! I will also keep this thread and maybe I will be back if it will happen a Season 3 with more and new equipment items and costumes! Until then thank you all for the good comments and your support

Iska Acht

Won Gabok
37.won gabok.jpg

Won Soo-hyun
38.won soo-hyun.jpg



Nice, I really like Won Gabok and Won Soo-hyun. Won Gabok is my favorite minor character from Hwang's story. I loved his over the top personality and his portrait art made me wish he was his own character with a unique moveset.
Um, in your thumbnails, there were some really obvious "abbreviations."

But I'm honestly going to be a simp and say that Soo and Azola are my favorites. The former has a gorgeous design and makes me kind of want to do a Mi-Na dressed like that but with the same hat and mask as Hwang. Azola uses that skimpy chainmail bikini really well. Great job making her look like an anti-Sophitia!
Nice, I really like Won Gabok and Won Soo-hyun. Won Gabok is my favorite minor character from Hwang's story. I loved his over the top personality and his portrait art made me wish he was his own character with a unique moveset.

Yes my friend! Won Gabok would be an amazing newcomer character with his own moveset!
Um, in your thumbnails, there were some really obvious "abbreviations."

But I'm honestly going to be a simp and say that Soo and Azola are my favorites. The former has a gorgeous design and makes me kind of want to do a Mi-Na dressed like that but with the same hat and mask as Hwang. Azola uses that skimpy chainmail bikini really well. Great job making her look like an anti-Sophitia!

LOL! I didn't tease them well! But, to be honest I wanted to give more obvious hints in order to find quicly who they are! I'm so glad that you like them and thank you very much for your support and for your good comments! (BTW I missed your creations).
Solnhofen works well, get rid of the classic chainmail is an improvement and a less abstract mask is welcome, Hwang pants fit too
Well done!
I knew those characters looked familiar lol your versions of them look way better imo. also, out of all the hwang edits i've seen, you got the best ones imo.
you really captured the essence of hwang👍
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