"My SoulCalibur VI Creations Gallery (since 2018)"

Solnhofen works well, get rid of the classic chainmail is an improvement and a less abstract mask is welcome, Hwang pants fit too
Well done!
Thank you so much my friend Gatsu! Yes, I wanted to give him a new look but to be based on his classic SCIV appearance!
Hello my friends! I will show you Hwang's new extra costume, which is actually a recolor/recreation of his 1p costume, without his inner clothing. It is based on his 1p SoulCalibur III costume. Enjoy!

Hwang extra costume (based on his SoulCalibur III appearance)
hwang extra costume.jpg
UPDATE 12/12/2021

Hello my friends, I really missed you, I want to show you some of my new creations! The first is Ivy's new extra costume and she is hot than ever and the other two are my entries for the "December Design Challenge" of @SCCREATIONNEWS in Twitter. I chose two of the unused SCIII consept arts! The one is Setsuka as an elegant warrior geisha and the other is Mitsurugi as a ronin!
Here's the link:
I tried to create them closer to their original designs and I gave some new elements, but I'm not proud for Mitsurugi's gauntlets, I think that I could create him better, LOL! BTW I want to return with some brand new creations, some new original characters and some minor characters from SoulCalibur universe! We will see. Let us our souls still burn and the legend will never die!

Ivy Extra Costume
Ivy Extra Costume.jpg

Setsuka the elegant warrior geisha (SCIII consept art) FGGxy9TXsAQfd6T.jpg

Mitsurugi ronin (SCIII consept art) FGGx4kCXMAAZ8OV.jpg
Happy New Year my friends! I'm here, I'm back again with some new original characters. All this time that I have stopped to create and share new stuff, I wanted to create something new. so I have returned with four new characters, Rosario, Xaabsade, Empress He and Jericho! Here they are with their info and their stories, enjoy!


Character Info and Story:

Name: Rosario
Age: 34
Birthplace: Valencia, Spain
Birthdate: 23 April
Weapon Name: Quo Vadis

Rosario the great female pirate from Valencia, she and her husband Adrian the chief pirate of their pirate ship, were living a calm life crossing the seven seas. One rainfull day the sea was in turmoil, an unknown pirate ship encountered their ship, some zombie pirates shown up and attacked their crew, Rosario fought well in order to guard her crew and her husband, but she failed, in front of her eyes her husband Adrian died, the great pirate Cervantes killed him and killed their whole crew and burned their ship, Rosario couldn't believe in her ears, she heard long ago that Cervantes was dead. She survived, but she was spent many days in the ocean swimming and trying to find land, when she found an unknown land, Rosario mourned her husband and her crew and she sworn revenge. Many days later she informed that Cervantes attacked more people and he was seeking power! "This bastard destroyed my life and he will pay and he will return back to hell" said Rosario and she begun to looking for him in order to avenge Adrian and her crew.


Character Info and Story:

Name: Xaabsade
Age: 68
Birthplace: Unknown, there are rumors that he was born somewhere in North Africa
Birthdate: 6 January
Weapon Name: Terror Moon

Xaabsade the head of the tribe "The Guardians of the Spirit Sword" Xaabsade expelled a young member of the tribe when he managed to use the Spirit Sword as his own, the "young" member of the tribe was Zasalamel!
Xaabsade commanded the tribe members to hunt Zasalamel after his expel and kill him, but they couldn't find him. Many years later he informed that Zasalamel became a great sorcerer and he mastered the art of the reincarnation and he was looking for the Spirit and Cursed swords in order to seek the Eternal Rest. Xaabsade couldn't believe that this impolser had that power! He entrusted the Spirit Sword SoulCalibur to Siegfried a young knight and covered his armor with ice. the great war between the Soul Swords was the key for him to find Zasalamel and killed him and take from him the art of reincarnation in order to live forever.

Empress He
empress he.jpg

Character Info and Story:

Name: Empress He
Age: 38
Birthplace: Han Dynasty, present day China
Birthdate: Unknown
Weapon Name: Kaleidoscope

Empress He, the second wife of Han Emperor Ling as well as the younger half-sister of He Jin and He Miao. After her husband's death, she was able to briefly control the imperial court as empress dowager and support her brothers.
The Evil Seed covered the world and the evil miasma arrived in China, the great tyrrann Dong Zhuo was about to depose Empress He with his malfested power thanks to the cursed sword SoulEdge. The Empress tried to find information about this sword, she was in a big dilemma, to find and wield this sword giving her power to face Dong Zhuo? Or to find this sword and to destroyed it in order to weaken him completely and to return to the calm days of her empire?

NOTE: "Empress He is a real Chinese history face to my all respect to Chinese History her story is just an imagination that I have been inspired by Koei Wiki from Dynasty Warriors"


Character Info and Story:

Name: Jericho
Age: 23
Birthplace: An ancient dynasty whose name has been lost to history, but in 16th century there are still some remnants of it.
Birthdate: 16 February
Weapon Name: Wild Hunt Sword and Moonblade

Jericho is the only recent descendant from Hero King's tribe (Algol). His grandfather used to tell him stories about the glorious Hero King Algol, but he told him and the most dramatic side of Algol's story, about that his own son Arcturus was jealous about his father Algol and stole his sword SoulEdge from him, about how Algol created the Spirit Sword SoulCalibur, everything.
Jericho knew many hidden truths, but he wanted to find out more by himself, a man with dark skin covered in white told him about the Tower of Remebrance and that Algol is frozen there and trought the millenias he still lives.
"You want to know the only truth, you want to ressurect and free your ancestor? So, mortal, you need to seek the power of the Soul Swords SoulEdge and SoulCalibur!" what this mysterious man wanted to achive? Jericho informed about the wielders of these swords, the Azure Knight Nightmare and a young knight covered in ice Siegfried!
He begun to pursue them with the only goal to arrive to the Tower of Remebrance and have the power to free his ancestor Algol.
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Happy New Year my friends! I'm here, I'm back again with some new original characters. All this time that I have stopped to create and share new stuff, I wanted to create something new. so I have returned with four new characters, Rosario, Xaabsade, Empress He and Jericho! Here they are with their info and their stories, enjoy!

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Character Info and Story:

Name: Rosario
Age: 34
Birthplace: Valencia, Spain
Birthdate: 23 April
Weapon Name: Quo Vadis

Rosario the great female pirate from Valencia, she and her husband Adrian the chief pirate of their pirate ship, were living a calm life crossing the seven seas. One rainfull day the sea was in turmoil, an unknown pirate ship encountered their ship, some zombie pirates shown up and attacked their crew, Rosario fought well in order to guard her crew and her husband, but she failed, in front of her eyes her husband Adrian died, the great pirate Cervantes killed him and killed their whole crew and burned their ship, Rosario couldn't believe in her ears, she heard long ago that Cervantes was dead. She survived, but she was spent many days in the ocean swimming and trying to find land, when she found an unknown land, Rosario mourned her husband and her crew and she sworn revenge. Many days later she informed that Cervantes attacked more people and he was seeking power! "This bastard destroyed my life and he will pay and he will return back to hell" said Rosario and she begun to looking for him in order to avenge Adrian and her crew.

View attachment 91413

Character Info and Story:

Name: Xaabsade
Age: 68
Birthplace: Unknown, there are rumors that he was born somewhere in North Africa
Birthdate: 6 January
Weapon Name: Terror Moon

Xaabsade the head of the tribe "The Guardians of the Spirit Sword" Xaabsade expelled a young member of the tribe when he managed to use the Spirit Sword as his own, the "young" member of the tribe was Zasalamel!
Xaabsade commanded the tribe members to hunt Zasalamel after his expel and kill him, but they couldn't find him. Many years later he informed that Zasalamel became a great sorcerer and he mastered the art of the reincarnation and he was looking for the Spirit and Cursed swords in order to seek the Eternal Rest. Xaabsade couldn't believe that this impolser had that power! He entrusted the Spirit Sword SoulCalibur to Siegfried a young knight and covered his armor with ice. the great war between the Soul Swords was the key for him to find Zasalamel and killed him and take from him the art of reincarnation in order to live forever.

Empress He
View attachment 91414
Character Info and Story:

Name: Empress He
Age: 38
Birthplace: Han Dynasty, present day China
Birthdate: Unknown
Weapon Name: Kaleidoscope

Empress He, the second wife of Han Emperor Ling as well as the younger half-sister of He Jin and He Miao. After her husband's death, she was able to briefly control the imperial court as empress dowager and support her brothers.
The Evil Seed covered the world and the evil miasma arrived in China, the great tyrrann Dong Zhuo was about to depose Empress He with his malfested power thanks to the cursed sword SoulEdge. The Empress tried to find information about this sword, she was in a big dilemma, to find and wield this sword giving her power to face Dong Zhuo? Or to find this sword and to destroyed it in order to weaken him completely and to return to the calm days of her empire?

NOTE: "Empress He is a real Chinese history face to my all respect to Chinese History her story is just an imagination that I have been inspired by Koei Wiki from Dynasty Warriors"

View attachment 91411

Character Info and Story:

Name: Jericho
Age: 23
Birthplace: An ancient dynasty whose name has been lost to history, but in 16th century there are still some remnants of it.
Birthdate: 16 February
Weapon Name: Wild Hunt Sword and Moonblade

Jericho is the only recent descendant from Hero King's tribe (Algol). His grandfather used to tell him stories about the glorious Hero King Algol, but he told him and the most dramatic side of Algol's story, about that his own son Arcturus was jealous about his father Algol and stole his sword SoulEdge from him, about how Algol created the Spirit Sword SoulCalibur, everything.
Jericho knew many hidden truths, but he wanted to find out more by himself, a man with dark skin covered in white told him about the Tower of Remebrance and that Algol is frozen there and trought the millenias he still lives.
"You want to know the only truth, you want to ressurect and free your ancestor? So, mortal, you need to seek the power of the Soul Swords SoulEdge and SoulCalibur!" what this mysterious man wanted to achive? Jericho informed about the wielders of these swords, the Azure Knight Nightmare and a young knight covered in ice Siegfried!
He begun to pursue them with the only goal to arrive to the Tower of Remebrance and have the power to free his ancestor Algol.

I love the way that you combine your original characters with the regular soul calibur characters!!
one more time you did an excellent work my bro Kostas!!!! I'm so excited that you've come back
I love the way that you combine your original characters with the regular soul calibur characters!!
one more time you did an excellent work my bro Kostas!!!! I'm so excited that you've come back

Thank you so much, my friend Chris! I have returned and I have to show you some new creations!
I'm here again my friends, it is awesome that after the end of Season 2, me and many players of SoulCalibur community still create! I got my inspiration back and I've created some minor characters from SoulCalibur universe!
Bangoo (His creation based on his SoulBlade appearance, but he looks more as adult)
Xianglian (I try to create her just like we saw her in SoulCalibur VI story artworks)
Chie (Taki's best friend and Li-Longs wife, her design based on her kimono from SoulBlade artbook)
Graf Dumas (His design based on his SoulCalibur V artbook and SCV story artworks)
Paracelsus (An alchemist who has appeared in SoulCalibur Legends story dialogues, I tried to created him close to his portrait)

I hope to like and enjoy my new creations, have fun!




Graf Dumas
45.graf dumas.jpg

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Hello my friends, today is the day to show you my minor characters pack from SoulCalibur universe! @SpellcraftQuill speculated right and found exactly the characters that I have created for this pack! It is really exciting! Okay then, here they are! I present to you: Iska Acht, Won Gabok, Won Soo-hyun, Solnhofen, Azola and Auguste! For Acht and Soo-hyun I created them with my own imagination of how they will be like in their outfits, based on their story portraits. For Gabok I tried to created him just like we saw him in Seong Mina's special Story Chronicle. Solnhofen, Azola and Auguste have new designs based on their SoulCalibur IV appearances! I hope you like them, Enjoy and have fun!

NOTE: These are my last creations for this time! I want to create a new thread with all of my creations there, you know, a complete thread! I will also keep this thread and maybe I will be back if it will happen a Season 3 with more and new equipment items and costumes! Until then thank you all for the good comments and your support

Iska Acht
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Won Gabok
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Won Soo-hyun
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How do I create Iska Acht?
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