Natsu Combo Discussion

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huge combo found !!
3B , A:6 236236A+B+K, 4 (PO) , 66 (DC) ,8B+G(air throw) for 158 dmg O_O )
instead of CE u can just 1A /44kk /4A+B

EDIT: the above combo , needs to corner hit the last hit of the super or else they can escape it.

another move u can do after 3B is 2bA (sorry not sure how u write this i come from BB)
22A sounds pretty crap then. i verified that you can only get a free A:6 after CH 22A.

ghost333: do keep in mind that 6A+B will never work in a CH 4B combo, as the stun from CH 4B and CH 6A+B are the same. but even then a simple wall combo of CH 4B 3B (it must wall splat or the follow-up is guardable) A6 3KKK 44K FC 1A+B 4A+B does 138 dmg.

also, i really like ASZ's combo because an A+B ender gives much better wakeup than air throw.
Another thing is that any time you get the wallkick from 44KKK in combos, you can get FC A+B, 44KK (again).

I haven't tested the numbers but 44KK should do the most damage, so I use that as much as I can. You can only get FC A+B stun once though.

i.e., CH iWS K, 6A+B4 PO, PO A:6, 3KKK, (FC A+B), 44KKK (wall needed), (FC A+B), 44KK.

all credits go to AI of very hard:

4A+Ba , A+B , FC 2A+B , 44Kkk (wall needed) 236236A+B+K

4A+Ba seems to have a lot of potential... u can even connect a 2A+B(though it will not relaunch ,just floor slide)
A+B tends to shift natsu to her right such that the wallkick isn't always possible, so i would actually recommend doing 4A+B 88 (step upwards) A+B to realign her.
A friend of mine just uploaded this 127 damage meterless combo from a mid for Natsu.
Is this a true combo? I think the stun from 6 A+B is shakable but I don't play Natsu.
A friend of mine just uploaded this 127 damage meterless combo from a mid for Natsu.
Is this a true combo? I think the stun from 6 A+B is shakable but I don't play Natsu.
I don't think SCV has shakeable stuns? It is all guaranteed though.
yes but it has been posted already :/ , and u can add a FC 2A+B and use the 44kkk ender for extra damage , there are a lot of variations for it.but i prefer the 4+a+b ~PO ender for oki.
There are shakeable stuns, I shook some from a Voldo player yesterday, and I think they're fewer inputs to shake than in SCIV. I'm not sure if 6A+B is shakeable though, but I think you have enough advantage on hit that PO A:6 will connect anyway.
I'm back for one more combo goodie. This one can kinda wow your friends, but should not be practical seeing as there's so many variables that can go wrong with it *cough* 3B connecting *cough*, but it is sexy looking if you get it off. I might post a video on it for giggles, but anyways here it goes (requires a wall to do it)

Hover B, (HA,HAAAAA!) WR K, 3B (It's HELL trying to get this to connect, I think it's random imo) *first wall bounce*, A:6 *Second Wall Bounce*, 3KKK, 44KK, FC 1/2 A+B, 1A/4 A+B PO/2 A+B. So for you text book folks

PO 8B, WR K, 3B *wall bounce*, A:6 *second wall bounce*, 3KKK, 44KK, FC 1 A+B, 1A = most damage
PO 8B, WR K, 3B *wall bounce*, A:6 *second wall bounce*, 3KKK, 44KK, FC 1 A+B, 4 A+B PO = Possession Shenanigans
PO 8B, WR K, 3B *wall bounce*, A:6 *second wall bounce*, 3KKK, 44KK, FC 1 A+B, 2 A+B/4 = Tech Trap/Reset

With the 1A it does most damage of course, and if you do the whole thing, it does 153 and requires no meter. I want to give it a name since it does so much damage, has silly variables, and not really practical to do. Somethin like "Birdie Bitches!" or somethin like that.
Updated the combo list:
Natural Combos:

AA -18 DMG
A:6 -42 DMG
A6 -34 DMG
6AK -36 DMG

BB -22 DMG
BB4a+bA -30 DMG
BK -30 DMG
2BA -24 DMG
WS B4a+bA -24 DMG

KK -20 DMG
k2 -36 DMG
6KA -K,h -28 DMG
3KK -m,m -22 DMG
9KA -m,m,m -61 DMG

6A+B -m,m -22 DMG
4A+BA -L,h -21 DMG

11_77A -l,h -26 DMG
44A -m,m -44 DMG

33_66_99B BE -m,h -58 DMG
22_88B -m,m -32 DMG

66K -sm,sm -40 DMG
33_99K -m,h -24 DMG
22_88K -h,h -36 DMG
44KK -M,M -45 DMG

PO A:6 -h,h -28 DMG

HOV A -l,l -35 DMG

WR A -m,m -34 DMG
WR BBB -M,h,m -81 DMG
WR K -M,M -36 DMG

DB B -m,m -32 DMG
DB K -h,h -36 DMG

Natural Counter Combos:

CH AAB -h,h,m,m,m -49 DMG
CH 6AB -h,m,m -45 DMG
CH WS AAA -m,h,m -61 DMG

CH BBK -m,m,h -50 DMG
CH WS B4A+B -M,L -42 DMG

CH KKK -h,h,h -34 DMG
CH 3KKK -m,m -30 DMG First Hit must whiff.
CH 2KK -L,m -34 DMG
CH 4KK -h,L -38 DMG
CH FC 3KK -l,m -28 DMG

CH 33_66_99AB -h,m -64 DMG
CH 22_88KA -h,h,m -69 DMG

CH DB KA -h,h,m -69 DMG

Please keep in mind that some Combos with high attacks in them won't work if the opponent is hit while in FC state.

Advanced Combos:

3B, A:6 -53 DMG

6A+B4, PO A:6 -50 DMG

22_88B, 66B -62 DMG
22_88B, 66BBE, 1A -76 DMG
22_88B, 66BBE, 4A+B, -71 DMG

4B, FC A+B, 1A -44 DMG
4B, FC A+B, 4A+B -34 DMG

4A+B, CE4, POR, 8B+G

HOV B, WS K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, FC 2A+B, 44KK -112 DMG
HOV A (one hit) 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, FC 2A+B, 44KK -91 DMG

Advanced Counter Hit Combos:

CH 22_88A, AAB -61 DMG
CH 22_88A, A:6 -60 DMG
CH 22_88A, KKK -54 DMG

CH 4B, 3KKK, 1A -77 DMG
CH 4B, 3KKK, 4A+B -65-67 DMG
CH 4B, 3KKK, FC 2A+B, 1A -70-87 DMG Delay 1A a bit to allow opponent to squirm for 87 DMG
CH 4B, 3KKK, FC 2A+B, 44KK -74-85 DMG
CH 4B, 3KKK, FC 2A+B, 4A+B -65-75 DMG
CH 4B, 3KKK, CE -96 DMG
CH 4B, 6A+B -34 DMG

CH 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 1A -102 DMG
CH 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 4A+B -88 DMG
CH 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 44KK -99 DMG
CH 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, CE -121 DMG

CH WS K, 6A+B, 4A+B -50 DMG
CH WS K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 1A -111 DMG
CH WS K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 4A+B -97 DMG
CH WS K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 44KK 109 DMG
CH WS K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, CE -130 DMG

CH 22_88K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, K2 -124 DMG
CH 22_88K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 1A -133 DMG
CH 22_88K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 4A+B -116 DMG
CH 22_88K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, 44KK -130 DMG
CH 22_88K, 6A+B4, PO A:6, 3KKK, CE -152 DMG

DMG Numbers are fuzzy because of Clean Hit, Teching and some other factors we can't control, i think all are without Clean Hit though.

A combo not tested yet, too hard for me at the moment, i.e. 5:21 A.M.:
4A+B, CE4, PORC (PO 664) A+B, FC A+B, 44KK. 132 dmg.

Wall Combos, not tested yet or sorted lol.
A:6 WS! 6A+B4 A:6 3KKK FC A+B 44K

3B (wall splat) A:6 (A6 will NOT work in this case, the H must whiff) 3KKK, 44KK (wall bounce) FC1 A+B, 1A. Gives about 130 damage or so, so total it's

(near wall) A6 A6 6A+B PO A:6 3KKK 44K FC1A+B 4A+B - 157 dmg

RO: CH 4B , 3B A:6
WALL: CH 4B , 3B, wall combo

3B , A:6 236236A+B+K, 4 (PO) , 66 (DC) ,8B+G(air throw) for 158 dmg O_O )
instead of CE u can just 1A /44kk /4A+B

EDIT: the above combo , needs to corner hit the last hit of the super or else they can escape it

CH 4B 3B (it must wall splat or the follow-up is guardable) A6 3KKK 44K FC 1A+B 4A+B does 138 dmg.

i.e., CH iWS K, 6A+B4 PO, PO A:6, 3KKK, (FC A+B), 44KKK (wall needed), (FC A+B), 44KK.

4A+Ba , A+B , FC 2A+B , 44Kkk (wall needed) 236236A+B+K

Scrapped Non-Combos, Tech Traps that will go into the tech trap listings or combos i maybe just don't understand, if that's the case enlighten me ^ ^because i'm not perfect:
3B, A6 doesn't work
3B, A:6, 4A+B can be teched: Back and Right.
3B, A:6, 1A can be teched: All
88B, A+B is inconsistent, A+B can whiff
CH 22A, 6A+B doesn't combo, 6A+B is too slow.
6A+B, FC A+B, probably a typo.
BK PO B+K is techable: All.
66BBE, FC 2A+B is inconsistent, often techable: Back or Left.
PO 8A (one hit) WS K probably a Typo.
BT A+B, 66BBE, FC 2A+B, Inconsistent and often techable.
''There's no escape from the Dragon''... actually there is. Sorry.
WS B4a+bA, AA is air controllable.
66B4, WS B. 66B4 goes into PO no?
Po 8B, WR K, 6 A+B, Po A:6, FC 1 A+B, 2 A+B = Tech Trap Tech Trap
Po 8B, WR K, 6 A+B, Po A:6, FC 1 A+B, 2 A+B4 = Reset Reset? 2 A+B4? You mean 2A+B6?
A+B,2A+b, 4A+B/1A/44kk and
A+B4,2A+B,4A+B~PO inconsistent, sometimes techable but not bad
CH 22_A , back throw(strict timing) throws can be crouched.
jump A,2A+B no way lol
4A+B, RCC, A+B, FC 2A+B, 44K inconsistent, sometimes techable.

Edit: More will follow like HOV B Combos like Tha Shogun Posted and Bomb stuff.
i suggest u put A.combos without the ender:
22_88B, 66B(BE) , FC 2A+B, Combo Ender.
Combo enders :
-CE - best dmg requires 1 bar.
-4A+B6 - less dmg,wake up game.
-1A - best dmg withour bar.
-44kkk (wall needed )FC 2A+B , Combo Ender again. - Wall variation.
3B A6_A:6 4A+B

CH 22A 6A+B PO A:6 3KKK 4A+B

you can replace 4A+B with 1A if you're near enough. 1A is more damaging but 4A+B into PO gives you mixup options.
CH 22A 6A+B PO A:6 3KKK 4A+B IS NOT COMBO, the most u can land after CH 22A is an A,A
CH 22A 6A+B PO A:6 3KKK 4A+B IS NOT COMBO, the most u can land after CH 22A is an A,A

agreed, that was an old post. the only thing guaranteed after CH 22A is AAB. btw 8K CE, which i posted previously, is also not a combo.

edit: ghost333 is right; you can land A:6 and KKK/KK2K after CH 22A as well. not sure why you'd want to do 2bA, but it works too.
After CH 22A u can also do A:6 /KKK/KK2K and 2bA

Edit: TaXi- From what i have observe after CH 22_A the oponnent is put into a stun/spin animation, moves conected during this time are consider CH themselves thats why u can do AAB and such chains. KK2K puts you in crouch position with frame advantage since it is a CH KK2K.
same with 2aB which if i am not mistaken gives u a even bigger frame advantage (since it is consider CH ) for either a free mixup or a frame trap :P (correct me if i am wrong )
I'm not sure if this was posted because Natsu's combos are all long as hell but

2A+B, B+K, B+G is 52dmg


2A+B PO 8B+G is 67dmg

15 points more dmg is lovely and oddly easier for me to pull off.
Updated the combo list:

Advanced Combos:

Advanced Counter Hit Combos:

CH 22_88A, AAB -61 DMG
CH 22_88A, A:6 -60 DMG
CH 22_88A, KKK -54 DMG

CH 22_88A, A:6 -60 DMG and CH 22_88A, KKK -54 DMG ARE NOT COMBO, what is your way of testing ?,
The only thing u can get from CH 22_88A is an A,A,B
By the way, the other dayI was testing some stuff and I found a Really cool Tech Trap,

8A, into 2 A+B,
then you can follow up with. CE, POR (PO,66),Air Grab, for a 149 Dmg combo!
or if u dont have you can just POR and Grab for 69 Dmg, still pretty decent Damage.
At first glance the 8A, may not seem very usable in a battle, but testing it, I found its actually totally spammable,
8A is short range, but if u use 9A instead, the range its pretty awesome, also its a safe move, and You can easily use it when u know ur opponent is gonna crouch or against low strings.
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