New years Resolution!


Team Ceddy Bear! ♥
Well it's that month again,where 2010 is just around the corner...
And I'd like to know what you guys got planned for your New years resolution!
I'll start :)

1.)Go back to school and actually finish this time,lol. [College that is!]

2.)Try out a new hair do! I've been meaning to cut it short...but at the same time,I want to grow it out... Still deciding of which one I'll pick!

3.)Be a better person then what I am today! Gotta admit to myself...I am pretty great.

4.)Save money for a batmobile! [car]

Now your turn! ^___^

This Years Resolutions:

1.) Return to school for another degree (fall semester)
2.) Re-up my gym membership and go at least 1 hour everyday
3.) Start tanning again (Irish + South Dakota winter = pasty white)
4.) Build a living vivarium for my gecko (winter project)
5.) Buy a brand new car

Um... be a better person and all that too, although I think I've got it covered.
1) Apply -- and get into -- business school or find better work.
2) Swim more.
3) Eat less.
4) Swear more.
5) Stop spending money on shit I don't really need.
1. Have an affair with tag
2. Get tag into some freaky BDSM hang me from the wall upside down shit(if shes not already into it)
3. Continue affair with tag
4. Break off affair with tag
5. change mind and have angry makeup sex...with tag
6. repeat steps 1-5

on a serious note

1. continue to go to the gym (gotta keep that body right)
2. eat healthier
4. pay off a few bills
5. expand my wifes online business(yay more money)
6. exploit the government to get free money(by free i mean no taxes)
And in this order...
1. Get a car.
2. Get a better job.
3. Pay Off the Rest of my Debts.
4. Begin the movement of Competitive L4D2 on Xbox360.(cause gamebattles is absolute trash.)
5. Survive 2010 to see 2011.

Thats what I wanna get done in 2010.
And in this order...
1. Get a car.
2. Get a better job.
3. Pay Off the Rest of my Debts.
4. Begin the movement of Competitive L4D2 on Xbox360.(cause gamebattles is absolute trash.)
5. Survive 2010 to see 2011.

Thats what I wanna get done in 2010.

shouldnt 1 and 2 be swapped??
Stop drinkin so much Soda..I have a nasty habit by doing that.....

I decided to drink nothing but water this past juice, milk, flavored water...nothing...only plan, boring water for a whole year.

It was foolish and stupid...drink lots of soda, it tastes good!
Fuck that.
I'd say keep soda to a minimum, whenever u can.
I heart drinking water, since its great for the body and soda jus plain isnt. Hell even diet soda is bad for you, which sucks =/

I'm tired of trying to make resolutions ill never keep and shit. So i'll jus rock and see where shit goes. ^_^
Audition for.....

Drums. He got an audition with some company that makes drum sticks I think? He would put on clinics, play with various bands and rep their brand and get paid to play drums. So he don't wanna work, he just wanna bang on the drum all day. And get paid.
hmmm cant think of anything too deep since I haven't found out if I got into the coarse I want next year or not so il keep it vague.

1. Whatever happens career or school wise im going to give it my all and not be lazy like I usually am.
2. Create a new Melbourne Catchphrase.
3. Take up Voldo.
4. Drink less diet drinks (im on my 3rd Sprite zero today :|).
5. Get fitter and stronger :).
6. Stay honest and open and continue to be forward with the ones I love.
first off Soul Calibur resolutions!

1. get IMCF perfected
2. learn every character moderately

life ones
1. get my grades up and stay up
2. understand C++ properly (im struggling right it)
3. get a job
4. graduate :D