[Northern California] Norcal Crab Shack

[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Genver: doesn't look like I can make Saturday; turns out the baptism recession I'm going to is smack dab in that evening. :(
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

I'd like to make a stick exchange w/ you tomorrow. if you can't slide thru my place early, can I swing by yours?
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

You're not going at all to Evo? That's confirmed?
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

50/50 right now, buncha school shit I have to pay for... I'll just hit you up in the morning to see what you're doing.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

If you don't mind mailing the stick back, you can keep it for Evo. =) Or maybe if somebody else in norcal is up for it, you can hand them the stick and somebody from our group and pick it up in a tourny or gathering or something.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Genver already has it. I'll probably have to buy a stick for Evo. Mailing it to you is too risky knowing our "very secure and careful" postal system.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

sora, try and hit me up asap about your plans so that jeff and steph can play w/ us before you leave.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

@ Sora: I dunno about Tuesday yet; But will defintely let you know.

Thanks to Shenrei for hosting yesterday! Even though it was a small turn out, it was fun to hang out with everyone, including Ash. I want to come see Ash again! :<

Hopefully we can get something going on this upcoming weekend too. :)
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Yeah, thanks Tim for hosting. Too bad you missed out on Pho and yogurt though.

Lol@Steph using my smilies now! Contagious? ;()

[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Make that monday being my best day. Tuesday I'd have to pick up the rents; granted they're coming late at night but it might cut into the gathering's time.

Invite martin too please.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Monday it is, then. I get out of school at 1, is it cool to show up there, or do you just want to meet me at my place?
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

I'll go to your place; I left my PS3 at Vegas lol.

Also, my place is currently a pigsty because we're clearing out the house.
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Why did I have to be busy on Saturday? WHY!!!!!! I wanted to fight you Aku!!! You to Steph!!! Want to fight all of you!!!!
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

I'll go to your place; I left my PS3 at Vegas lol.

you misunderstood me a bit there, sir.

what I really meant was, I'ma meet you at your place, and we can go to my place together :)
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

OH. Okay. Lol.

You lazy to take the bus aren't you? XD
[Northern California] Genver RUNS these street

Thanks to a lack of free housing and me being broke I will not be able to attend nats...see you at evo.