[Northern California] Norcal Crab Shack

wtf losers selects stage? Man its going to be like playing tennis against Alex if I go. Whoever gets the best starting stage probably will win unless one of us manages to break the serve.
boooooo i hope i don't get bracketed w/ you hilde-using bastards lol...that's even if they let non-students play haha
Why is Yoda banned?

And who's up for Dave's Stupid Rule? You can't select a stage that's already been played.
=P Let casuals have their rules. Remember, this tourny is right next to gears of war 2 and smash.
I'm having a gathering Saturday yes but it will end earlier than usual because I plan to go watch the UFC fight at a sports bar with MF Voldo that day. So try to get to my house early if you wanna get in a lot of games....hell, drop by at 10 in the morning I don't care....just be prepared for it to end early, say around like 7pm or so. Whoever is down can even join us at the sports bar, should be a lot of fun. UFC + alcohol + women = Supreme victory!!!

Ahrezmendi: Hey do you know you live just one BART station away from Nall-Ohki? He lives about 3 blocks away from the El Cerrito Plaza BART station.....you guys should session sometime. Oh and you're welcome to come to my place on Saturday, but this gathering will end earlier than usual like I said above. Usually we stay and play at my place until late night like 3am. Maybe next time we can do that all night Calibur stuff.
Yeah, I just got his PM, I'm sure he and I will be hooking up for some practice sometime.

Good to know the times, I'll try to drop by sometime tomorrow (got some errands and a dance lesson with my wife). I'll PM you for details, in case I can make it.
Hey, any chance I can get a ride for tomorrow at Krayzie's from someone? Gas money will be pitched!

Any time is good.
Best tourny ever.
Rules: Best to 3 matches until finals, which is best of 5.
Each match being 1 round. Loser gets to pick stage.

1. Alex J.
2. Cedric
3. Nyawu
4. Genver
5. Greg, Oathkeeper and everybody else
last: Jeff (XD lost by not being there. "Knocked out" by "Rachel"!)

But other than that, fun times hanging out with everybody. Next friday is on again.

Billy says he's gonna come so more Amy/Hilde practice for everybody. And we have some potential recruits from the casual's tourny.
Those tournament rules made me sad, but good shit on Alex beating me. Wish we could have played longer, those matches were fun.
It was good meeting a bunch of you at Krayzie's yesterday, some fun matches.

Hope you feel better soon Krayzie. Next time let us know that you're sick, I'm sure we could've found another place to play so you could sleep, and so we all aren't exposed to the bug.

Any of you who have a 360, add me to your friends list, and let's see if our online matches are lag-free. I could definitely use the practice (assuming it's near local speed) before the next gathering.

For tuesday, anybody planning to show up at SFSU for a few games 2~6ish?

edit: ok, so sora, genver,oath isn't gonna make it on tues. You guys better come on friday!