PSN/XBL Ragequitters

Natsu lLover XOX (Rank A1) quit on me twice yesterday night. His win ratio was around 90 for casual and ranked games which perplexes me because...he kinda sucks.

Nastu Lover XOX is the president and CEO of Forever Alone Inc. He's a terrible player with a terrible attitude. He quits ANY time he is about to lose. His stats are 100% grade A bullshit.

He's also the one in the GC that plays out his erotic fantasies with Natsu using emote text.

*softly carresses Natsu Lover XOX with a battle axe*
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The last I remember from Natsu Lover XOX, he quit when started to DGF K into DNK into ragequit.

I kid you not he said something like I don't like Door-knocking Yoshis and crap like that and refuses to play me.

That's okay, I can give Natsu tons of pleasure than he ever can. >3
This may sound surprising, but Natsu Lover XOX has never quit on me once, mainly cause I'm one of his friends and he's a pretty easy person to get along with. =D

I'm not going to deny he's probably quit tons of times to keep his extremely high W/L ratio, but he at least isn't mean to other people, or condescending. And yes... I've witnessed many times people discussing how they want Ivy to fondle them, or various vile ways of defiling Natsu... -__-;;;

Annie sends me much weirder stuff.... Lmfao..


^ Oh... uhh... t-that's... that's cool... O__0?
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This just in, I fought Natsu Love XOX. Beat soundly 2 rounds, but he teabagged and then proceeded to leave in the beginning of the 3rd round. No words were exchanged. All I know was I didn't even use any DNK combos. I guess that's that. Oh well, that was the only interesting thing I did in GC besides fight a few peeps for good fun. Now to leave this Natsu thing alone or I'll beat on a dead making him a zombie horse...
This may sound surprising, but Natsu Lover XOX has never quit on me once, mainly cause I'm one of his friends and he's a pretty easy person to get along with. =D

I'm not going to deny he's probably quit tons of times to keep his extremely high W/L ratio, but he at least isn't mean to other people, or condescending. And yes... I've witnessed many times people discussing how they want Ivy to fondle them, or various vile ways of defiling Natsu... -__-;;;

Annie sends me much weirder stuff.... Lmfao..


^ Oh... uhh... t-that's... that's cool... O__0?
What the hell did you do to get a message like that?
This may sound surprising, but Natsu Lover XOX has never quit on me once, mainly cause I'm one of his friends and he's a pretty easy person to get along with. =D

I'm not going to deny he's probably quit tons of times to keep his extremely high W/L ratio, but he at least isn't mean to other people, or condescending. And yes... I've witnessed many times people discussing how they want Ivy to fondle them, or various vile ways of defiling Natsu... -__-;;;

Annie sends me much weirder stuff.... Lmfao..

^ Oh... uhh... t-that's... that's cool... O__0?

Well, it's nice to know the nutjobs of Soul Calibur are at least friends with each other.
Avoid ragequit messages wat
I'm pretty sure at least 80% of the posters here enjoy their hatemail

People getting mad and cussing at you over a video game? =3 Does that ever get old? It's sorta like a trophy as long as you don't troll. But as far as "online drama" goes, statistically people on Youtube and the internet in general pay more attention to content regarding people freaking out or getting mad over videos games.. xD

Well, it's nice to know the nutjobs of Soul Calibur are at least friends with each other.

Oh look, it's Nurok Kurai, still back to quell his 2 year old vendetta when my Alisa made him rage quit and send hate mail in Tekken 6. Dude, let go of your immature vendettas.
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Lmao I didn't do anything! xD To be honest I think that was a "Message to All Friends" because Annie always sends me sexual lesbian messages, literally my inbox gets the most random and weird messages ever, lol!


Lol Nick is still playing this game? That dude is a sad excuse of a player. tbh part of me thinks he does it on purpose.
Lol Nick is still playing this game? That dude is a sad excuse of a player. tbh part of me thinks he does it on purpose.

I've gotten like 5 pics of him rage quitting, and 9 pics of hate mail from the guy... xD And I can honestly say, he never beat me once back in SC4, or in SC5, and now he refuses to play me again... =P I love playing the guy though because of how mad he gets over nothing!


I should show you the message about his father being a werewolf too.... >__<;;;;
Is that seriously from 2011? Who would keep a picture of that since August of 2011?

I have a whole 3 folders filled with Xbox Hate mail and screen shots of people rage quitting on me in games since the time of SC4 and Tekken 6. I have about enough screen shots, that if I showed each rage quitter screen shot for 5 seconds in a video, the video would be at least 4 and a half minutes long.. =D

Abracadabra III quit on me :( Stomped this person a few times, but he did manage to sneak a win on me. He wouldn't play me again after though :( My life will never be complete

Edit: Turns out, he's one of the few, the not so proud, throw haters.
Don't forget lows either. He rages on me whenever we play. That prep stance swag.