Random Post Thread

My friend Gabe just bought to my attention one important thing, when you have lots of money and lots of time on your hands, you are highly liable to do stupid shit. Case in point: This genius Gabe decided that it would be a great idea to purchase $900 worth of beef jerky sticks and syrup to make an "edible fortress of doom" he spent 8 hours making this fortress and I'm" deciding whether to knock it down or not.
Sorry, I already knocked that fucker down without even thinking of taking a pic of it. My boy is pretty pissed about it and won't talk to me oh well he's rich, he'll live.
My friend Gabe just bought to my attention one important thing, when you have lots of money and lots of time on your hands, you are highly liable to do stupid shit. Case in point: This genius Gabe decided that it would be a great idea to purchase $900 worth of beef jerky sticks and syrup to make an "edible fortress of doom" he spent 8 hours making this fortress and I'm" deciding whether to knock it down or not.

Beef jerky and syrup? Maaaan I would have loved to see him at the checkout counter.

(ah ah ah ah ah)
We didn't change chat servers... use your normal IRC username and password.

If you are getting the following error:
[22:09:03] Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read www.lightirc.com/faq.html#security. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.vbirc.com (port 843).
Refresh the chat page and try again. This is a temporary issue that I'm trying to get fixed.
Try now... the problem is we are using irc.vbirc.com to connect... which is an IRC network, its a network of several IRC servers... SOME of the servers have the flash policy daemon, but not all. If you randomly get connected to one of the servers that doesn't have the policy daemon, it fails to connect. I have fixed this for now by forcing directly to irc.wetalksoccer.com, instead of using the irc.vbirc.com network route trace.
Ty both. Allyourbase, my hair is falling out. Apparently the good lord decided my sexiness needed some kind of limit installed.