Save Soul Calibur

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I wouldn't mind if the next SC had a great fighting engine and good single player modes, but in the end I couldn't care less about single player modes. Those aren't what keep a FG alive. All single player modes on FGs are just normal battles with added gimmicks.
Actually, I've got this AMAZING idea for a single player mode... It's kinda like a mix of ToLS and SC1's mission mode, except that, unlike that former, it doesn't suck.

I'll write it later though, it's looong.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. Namco can't afford to take the Sega route, SC and VF are very different in terms of demographics.
More like PS can't afford to take the Sega Route. Namco can, in the form of "Tekken", which is their actual fighting game cash cow.
Project Soul just need to stay their own course and allow Tekken to "sell out". Look at what Namco is doing with it right now, they're pushing for the mainstream route, collaborating with Capcom's Street Fighter, resulting in Street Fighter x Tekken, which many didn't care so much for, and next year with Tekken x Street Fighter. Not to mention that they got Snoop Dogg hyping up Tekken Tag Tournament 2, you can't get much mainstream than that.
Project Soul just need to stay their own course and allow Tekken to "sell out". Look at what Namco is doing with it right now, they're pushing for the mainstream route, collaborating with Capcom's Street Fighter, resulting in Street Fighter x Tekken, which many didn't care so much for, and next year with Tekken x Street Fighter. Not to mention that they got Snoop Dogg hyping up Tekken Tag Tournament 2, you can't get much mainstream than that.
Since when has Tekken not "sold out"? Tekken has always been mainstream ever since its debut.

I wouldn't necessarily say that many don't care for "SFxT", but I can't judge because I've never played it. However to say they've "sold out" because of collaborating with SF is not true. If this was the case, Namco as a whole sold out, Marvel sold out, and SNK sold out too.

But might I add that Soul Calibur had Star Wars characters and Ezio? In this case, Soul Calibur "sold out" too.

Unless something drastic happens, Tekken isn't going anywhere. Namco just needs to be a little more caring to Project Soul.
I honestly don't see why the series would need saving at this point. So what if they fucked up regarding single-player content? The competitive aspect of this game is stronger than ever. Hell, look where we are right now - EVO, baby. The only real problem I have with the gameplay is Guard Impact costing meter.
I might be the minority here, but I have no problem with GIs costing meter. However, they should have done three things with it:
-Have it done with 4G instead of 4A+B+K
-Make it consume 25% of the meter instead of 50%
-Don't let the meter go to waste with unsuccessful GIs
I've loved the series since Soul Calibur 2, and I love every game in the series (except SC Legends & SCV). But I do think Soul Calibur 5 is very lacking and Namco didn't put all their effort into the game, because all it has going for it is it's online. I think that Namco needs to give equal attention to the Tekken series & the Soul series other than just giving Tekken all the attention.
What Project Soul needs to do if they want to make a statement in the gaming world is to find where they went wrong, give all characters more moves (some of the characters need more moves), if they put a new character(s) into the roster give that character(s) a unique weapon ( better than ZWEI and Viola's), improve the Story Mode (obviously -_-), keep Quick Play, if you guys are gonna add a new mode(s) please dont make it like Legendary Souls im begging you please dont!!! Probably add Weapon Master and Chronicles of the Sword. Critical Edge is fine where its at just edit them up or change everyones (or certain people) to something better. If Project Soul can at least do a good amount of these suggestions we all will be looking at one hell of a fighting game. Soul Calibur is the underdog in the fighting category of the gaming world. Now its time show everyone we deserve the throne.
I've loved the series since Soul Calibur 2, and I love every game in the series (except SC Legends & SCV). But I do think Soul Calibur 5 is very lacking and Namco didn't put all their effort into the game, because all it has going for it is it's online. I think that Namco needs to give equal attention to the Tekken series & the Soul series other than just giving Tekken all the attention.
I honestly wish this game didn't fail to meet their expectations as much as it. Though knowing that SC V wasn't even commissioned immediately after SC IV's release the bare minimum shouldn't have been such a big surprise but it was because it was a last minute surprise. If I'd known a head of tine I would never have bought it at full price. In The game was only in development for about a year, not 2 or even 2 and a half years. For whatever reason Namco conditioned Project Soul even seeing that the fans wanted this game because they love the series, this wasnt even about making money. Did Namco not think Soul calibur was profitable or something? It was either going to be incomplete on singleplayer modes or multiplayer modes, and, as a fighting game, the multiplayer modes were regarded as more important. As long as Namco gives ample time and money to Tekken to where they can make great games, they will continue to make great games. Namco is the benefactor here. If they want SoulCalibur to be great again, they can make it happen. They just obviously don't want to.
I personally feel insulted that Namco thought that this game was ready to release. Yes, the engine is beautiful and really tight, but literally everything else frankly makes me feel like I'm being shit on. The single player story was an atrocity that will not soon be forgotten. Patroklos and Pyrrha are literally steaming piles of waste, stinking up everything else about the new character design in the game. Natsu. Leixia. Xiba. Why Namco? Were Cassandra, Sophitia, Taki, Xianghua, and Kilik not good enough? Did they not appeal to the right crowd? The script alone sounds like it was written by a freshman in high school.

I really like Zwei and Viola though, so I don't completely hate the game. Just mostly abhor it.

In the next SC, if they ever do it, I thought the weapon master mode was a really cool idea. Having to clear stages and constantly buy/upgrade weapons was pretty innovative for a fighting game. Now if they could mix in a different game mode, kind of like what Mortal Kombat did with a overworld map that you can run around in, I would like to see a Dynasty Warriors-esque battle mode where in between story fights, you're tearing through thousands of soldiers and when it gets to facing another main character, it zooms in on the action and switches to 3d fighting game....I think this should be integrated some how, and if you steal my idea, at least let me know so I can appoint the right lawyers.
Do you really play a fighter for a good story, or are you just trolling? This game is fucking beautiful.
No, everyone knows that we only play fighting games for a huge wall of text at the beginning followed by a series of poorly explained, unconnected battles and then a disappointing cutscene and/or wall of text. What the hell do PS think they're doing, giving us this shitty, coherent story with it's stupid ass fluidity?

if you steal my idea, at least let me know so I can appoint the right lawyers.
If you're trolling, that's pretty funny. If you're not, oh dear.
Everyone shits on the mew game it's just the way it is. It's usually from people who can't adapt or get over the nostalgia of the older games.

So much truth in this post. I suggest haters read this as many times as they need and realize how pathetic they are.
If you don't like SCV already then GTFO.
So is your post. Patroklos can't literally be a "streaming pile of waste".

I don't understand why people are still so pissed about the story. Do you really play a fighter for a good story, or are you just trolling? This game is fucking beautiful.

Yes, Patroklos was LITERALLY shat out by one of the interns at Soul Project, along with Pyrrha, but I guess it's been a while so they're no longer steaming. Thanks for the correction.

And this is why I'm trading this game in tomorrow. Not only was the game disrespectful to the fans, the community and fanbase has grown in to something unsightly. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. This game is garbage through and through, that is my verdict.
No, everyone knows that we only play fighting games for a huge wall of text at the beginning followed by a series of poorly explained, unconnected battles and then a disappointing cutscene and/or wall of text. What the hell do PS think they're doing, giving us this shitty, coherent story with it's stupid ass fluidity?

If you're trolling, that's pretty funny. If you're not, oh dear.

You are an idiot and a vagrant.
Seriously, I only hear people talk about Soul Calibur 2. I have been DIEHARD FANBOY #1 since SC1 motherfuckers. You don't understand how much it hurts to see my favorite franchise make such a huge mistake. You will never understand. You don't have the balls to understand.
Seriously, I only hear people talk about Soul Calibur 2. I have been DIEHARD FANBOY #1 since SC1 motherfuckers. You don't understand how much it hurts to see my favorite franchise make such a huge mistake. You will never understand. You don't have the balls to understand.
What about SCV was a mistake? At least explain why you're whining about the game instead of randomly complaining. Also get over the nostalgia. Most people like SCII the most just because their favorite character is in (AKA moveset skin), some gimmicky 1P mode, or Link (the guest character who will never return). All stupid reasons to be honest. Also, there is no need to insult other members.

Edit: Merge your posts man. Quad-post fury. Lol.
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