I don't personally understand why heated debates flare up from the gender stuff except if people actually make sexist comments (which did seem to occur eventually although I mostly tuned out of that conversation).
Personally I don't like the idea of changing the genders of existing characters because they're already established, unless you're aiming for some kind of transgender plot which seems unlikely for the time period, although Maxi could apparently be gay so who knows, lol. Having struggled with gender identity issues my whole life, I wouldn't mind seeing this topic explored if done right, but I don't think Soulcalibur is the right fit for it. I guess if this Maxi thing turns out to be true, I'll judge after I've seen how they handle it.
As for the actual male to female ratio, I see both sides of most of the arguments on here but don't really have much of an opinion myself. I'd happily just see the roster be 50/50 and be done with it, or 65/35 at most (in favor of either side), as long as there's a nice blend of both and as long as neither side are stereotyped too much, though I do think Soul Calibur tends to oversexualize it's women a little which can get a little eye-rolly (call me frigid but I'm not really interested in seeing boobs and butts jiggling everywhere) but I'm not against it per-say either, it's just kinda there.